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Created January 13, 2013 03:21
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  • Save JohnEarnest/4522067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JohnEarnest/4522067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A compact, simple implementation of a garbage-collected cons-pair heap utilizing Cheney's algorithm.
\ Garbage.fs
\ A compact, simple implementation of a garbage-collected
\ cons-pair heap utilizing Cheney's algorithm.
\ Pointers to pairs are identified by a pattern in the
\ high-order bits of a value, chosen not to collide
\ with the constants "true" or "false".
$60000000 $40000000
cell 8 = [if] 32 lshift swap 32 lshift swap [then]
constant pair-flag constant pair-mask
pair-mask invert constant pair-bits
: pair? pair-mask and pair-flag = ; ( n -- flag )
: pair> pair-bits and ; ( pair -- addr )
: >pair pair-flag or ; ( addr -- pair )
: first pair> @ ; ( pair -- first )
: rest pair> cell + @ ; ( pair -- rest )
: first! pair> ! ; ( value pair -- )
: rest! pair> cell + ! ; ( value pair -- )
: split dup first swap rest ; ( pair -- first rest )
: -split dup rest swap first ; ( pair -- rest first )
4096 cells constant heap-size
create heap1 heap-size allot
create heap2 heap-size allot
variable head heap1 head !
variable from heap1 from !
variable to heap2 to !
: init-pair ( first rest -- pair )
head @ dup >r
2! 2 cells head +!
r> >pair
: gc-copy ( pair -- )
pair> dup from @ head @ within if
dup dup 2@ init-pair swap !
then drop
: follow ( addr -- )
dup @ pair? if
dup @ gc-copy
dup @ pair> @ over !
then drop
: gc-scan do i follow cell +loop ; ( max min -- )
: gc ( -- )
to @ head !
sp0 @ sp@ gc-scan
rp0 @ rp@ gc-scan
to @ begin
dup head @ < while
dup follow cell +
repeat drop
from @ to @ from ! to !
: enough? head @ from @ heap-size + <= ; ( -- flag )
: pair ( first rest -- pair )
enough? if init-pair exit then gc
enough? if init-pair exit then
abort" Heap exhausted!"
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