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Created May 14, 2024 05:06
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My implementation of a simple singly linked list class in JavaScript.
* Class representing a single node in a linked list.
* Each node holds data and a reference to the next node in the list.
class Node {
* Create a node.
* @param {*} data - The data to store in the node. This can be of any type.
constructor(data) { = data; = null;
* Class representing a singly linked list with methods to manipulate and query the list.
class CycloneLinkedList {
* Create a CycloneLinkedList.
* @param {string} name - The name of the linked list.
* @throws {Error} Will throw an error if the name is not provided.
constructor(name) {
if (!name) throw new Error('Linked list must have a name.'); = name
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
this.size = 0;
* Prepend a node to the beginning of the list.
* @param {*} data - The data of the new node to prepend.
prependNode(data) {
const newHeadNode = new Node(data);
if (!this.head) { // ? If the list is empty.
this.tail = newHeadNode;
} else {
// ? Append rest of list to new head. = this.head
// ? prependNode.
this.head = newHeadNode;
* Append a node to the end of the list.
* @param {*} data - The data of the new node to append.
appendNode(data) {
const newNode = new Node(data);
if (!this.head) {
this.head = newNode;
this.tail = newNode;
} else { = newNode;
this.tail = newNode;
│ // 💭 ⬆️ `appendNode`: │
│ // * Time Complexity: O(1) │
│ // * We directly access the tail reference in th elinked list. │
│ // * We simply set the `next` pointer of the current tial to the new node │
│ // * and update the tail reference to this new node. │
│ // * Space Complexity: O(1) │
│ // * The method only needs to create a single new node regardless of the list size. │
│ // * No additional space is used during the operation. │
│ │
│ // 💭 `appendNodeWithoutTailReference` (ommented out below): |
│ // * Time Complexity: O(n) │
│ // * We have to start at the `head` and traverse all nodes to find the `tail`. │
│ // * The time it takes to append a new node thus depends linearly on the number of │
│ // * nodes in the list, where "n" is the total number of nodes. │
│ // * Space Complexity: O(1) │
│ // * Similarly to `appendNode`, we are still only creating a single node. │
// ? `appendNodeWithoutTailReference`
// appendNodeWithouTailReference(data) {
// const newNode = new Node(data);
// if (!this.head) {
// // ? If the list is empty, the new node becomes both head & tail.
// this.head = newNode;
// this.tail = newNode;
// } else {
// // ? Start form the head and find the last node.
// // ? After the loop, `current` is the last node of the list.
// let current = this.head;
// while ( !== null) {
// current =; // ? Move to the next node.
// }
// // ? appendNode.
// = newNode;
// // ? Make the new node the tail of the list.
// this.tail = newNode;
// }
// this.size++;
// }
* Insert a node at the specified index in the list.
* @param {*} data - The data of the node to insert.
* @param {number} indexOfInsertion - The index at which to insert the node.
* @throws {Error} Will throw an error if data or index of insertion is undefined.
insertNodeAt(data, indexOfInsertion) {
// ? Ensure neither data nor index of insertion is undefined as both are required.
if (data === undefined || indexOfInsertion === undefined) {
throw new Error('You must pass in both a "data" and "indexOfInsertion" argument.');
// ? Check if the list is empty or if the insertion is at the head.
if (!this.head || indexOfInsertion === 0) {
// ? If there is no head AND the index of insertion isn't 0, the node can't be inserted.
if (!this.head && indexOfInsertion !== 0) {
console.warn(`Cannot insert at index ${indexOfInsertion}; List: ${} is empty.`);
// ? Insert at the head if the list is empty or insertion index is 0.
let current = this.head;
let previous = null;
let currentIndex = 0;
// ? Traverse the list until the end of list or until the index of insertion is reached.
while (current !== null && currentIndex < indexOfInsertion) {
previous = current;
current =;
// ? Insert the new node if the specified index is reached or if it's the end of the list.
if (currentIndex === indexOfInsertion) {
const newNode = new Node(data);
// ? Sets the next value of the new node to be the rest of the list = current;
// ? If we are replacing the head, there won't be a previous value, so we check for it here.
if (previous) = newNode;
// ? Update the tail if the new node is inserted at or becomes the end of the list.
if (! this.tail = newNode;
} else {
console.warn(`Index ${indexOfInsertion} out of bounds for list: ${}`);
* Remove the node at the specified index from the list.
* @param {number} indexOfRemoval - The index of the node to remove.
* @throws {Error} Will throw an error if indexOfRemoval is undefined or not a non-negative number.
removeNodeAt(indexOfRemoval) {
if (indexOfRemoval === undefined) throw new Error('You must pass in an "indexOfRemoval" argument.');
if (typeof indexOfRemoval !== 'number' || indexOfRemoval < 0) throw new Error('The indexOfRemoval argument must be a non-negative number.');
if (!this.head) {
console.warn(`The following list is empty: ${}`);
let current = this.head;
let currentIndex = 0;
let previous = null;
while (current !== null && currentIndex < indexOfRemoval) {
previous = current;
current =;
// ? We have reached the end of the list.
if (current === null) {
console.warn(`Index ${indexOfRemoval} out of bounds for list: ${}`);
│ // ? Lets say the `currentIndex = 0` and `indexOfRemoval = 1` │
│ │
│ // ? The loop runs one time: │
│ // ? 1. previous the node before the one we wish to remove. │
│ │
│ // ? 2. `current` becomes the node we are removing. │
│ // ? Therefore if `!`, we are removing the `tail` node and we need to set it to `previous`. │
│ │
│ // ? 3. currentIndex++ becomes the index of the node wwe wish to remove (currently held by `current`). │
│ │
│ // ? We set the `previous` nodes `next` value to be the `current` nodes `next` value; hence, effectively │
│ // ? removing the node at the specified index. │
│ │
│ // ? There will always be a previous because our loop starts from the node at the first index. │
│ // ? either evaluates to the node after the one we have removed or null │
// ? This means `indexOfRemoval` is 0
if (previous === null) {
// ? `current` holds the head value
this.head =;
} else { =;
// ? If the removed node (`current`) was the tail, we set the previous node as the `tail`
if (! {
this.tail = previous;
* Removes the first node in the list that contains the specified data.
* @param {*} data - The data of the node to be removed.
removeNodeByData(data) {
if (!this.head) {
console.warn(`The following list is empty: ${}`);
// ? If the head contains the data for the node we are looking to delete.
if ( === data) {
// ? Set the `head` of the list to the currents `next` value.
this.head =;
// ? If the value of the new `head` points to null, set the new `head` as the lists `tail`.
if (!this.head) {
this.tail = null; // ? Set tail to null if list becomes empty.
} else if (! {
this.tail = this.head; // ? If there is only one node left, it's both `head` and `tail` of the list.
let previous = this.head;
let current =;
// ? If the value of `current` isn't `null` AND the value of `current` doens't contain the data our node to delete holds… run loop.
while (current !== null && !== data) {
// ? Store previous to bridge gap after node deletion.
previous = current;
// ? Check the next node.
current =;
if (!current) {
console.warn(`The node with data: "${data}" does not exist in list named: ${}`);
} else if ( === data) {
// ? Delete the node while bridging the gap between its previous and next nodes. =;
// ? If deleting the last node, update the tail.
if (! this.tail = previous; // ? Set tail to the previous node, which now becomes the last node.
* Get a node at a specific index.
* @param {number} index - The index of the node to retrieve.
* @returns {Node|null} The node at the specified index, or null if the index is out of bounds.
getNodeAtIndex(index) {
if (!this.head) {
console.warn(`The following list is empty: ${}`);
let current = this.head;
for (let i = 0; i < index; i++) {
if (! {
console.warn(`A node at index: ${index} deos not exis in the list named: ${}`);
return null;
current =;
return current;
* Returns the index of the first node containing the specified data, or null if the node does not exist.
* @param {*} data - The data to search for in the list.
* @returns {number|null} The index of the node, or null if not found.
getNodeIndex(data) {
// * Returns the index of the node containing the data or null otherwise;
if (!this.head) {
console.warn('The list is empty.');
return false;
let current = this.head;
let index = 0;
while (current !== null) {
if ( === data) {
return index;
current =;
console.warn(`Node does not exist for data: ${data}`);
return null;
* Returns the current number of nodes in the list.
* @returns {number} The size of the list.
getSize() {
return this.size;
* Returns the head node of the list.
* @returns {Node|null} The head node of the list.
getHead() {
return this.head;
* Returns the tail node of the list.
* @returns {Node|null} The tail node of the list.
getTail() {
return this.tail;
* Check if the list contains a node with the specified data.
* @param {*} data - The data to check within the list.
* @returns {boolean} True if the data is found in the list, otherwise false.
containsNode(data) {
// * Returns true if the passed in data is in the list… returns returns false otherwise.
if (!this.head) {
console.warn('The list is empty.');
return false;
let current = this.head;
while (current !== null) {
if ( === data) return true;
current =;
return false;
* Remove and return the last element from the list.
* @returns {Node|null} The last node of the list, or null if the list is empty.
pop() {
// * Removes and returns the last element from the list.
if (!this.head) {
console.warn('The list is empty.');
return null;
// ? Handle single element list.
if ( === null) {
let removedNode = this.head;
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
// ? Decrease list size reference.
return removedNode;
let current = this.head;
let previous = null;
// ? Traverse the list until reaching the last node.
while ( !== null) {
previous = current;
current =;
// ? Remove the last node = null;
// ? Set the tail of the list to the new last node.
this.tail = previous;
// ? Decrease list size reference.
// ? At the end of our loop, `current` stores the removed node.
return current;
* Convert the list to a string representation.
* @returns {string} A string representation of the list.
toString() {
// * Format: ( value ) -> ( value ) -> ( value ) -> null
if (!this.head) {
console.warn(`The following list is empty: ${}`);
return 'null';
let current = this.head;
// ? If the list only has a `head` node, return list string with null pointer.
if (! return `(${}) -> null`;
let listStringArray = [];
// ? Traverse list until tail node is reached.
while (current !== null) {
// ? Push current (non-null) node string to list.
// ? Only add an arrow if the next node isn't `null`.
if ( listStringArray.push('->');
current =;
// ? Append final `null` value
listStringArray.push('-> null');
// ? Combine all string components from the array separated by space.
return listStringArray.join(' ');
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