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Last active May 15, 2024 03:16
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  • Save JohnKeysCloud/576380f11ca1b994f44bd949d66fbcac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JohnKeysCloud/576380f11ca1b994f44bd949d66fbcac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My implementation of a simple hash map class in JavaScript for string handling.
* Class representing a hash map designed to handle strings.
class HashMap {
constructor(name, capacity, loadFactor) {
this.buckets = new Array(capacity).fill(null).map(() => []);
this.loadFactor = loadFactor
this.mapSize = capacity; = name;
this.numEntries = 0;
│ // * Why not to use `this.buckets = new Array(capacity).fill([])`; │
│ // ? ⬆️ fills the array with references to the same array object. │
│ │
│ // ? This would mean that any modification to one of the array elements will be reflected across │
│ // ? all elements because they all reference the saem object. │
│ │
│ // ? For Example: │
│ │
│ // ? Create an array with 3 elements, each supposedly an independent array │
│ // ? let arrayOfArrays = new Array(3).fill([]); │
│ │
│ // ? Add an item to the first array │
│ // ? arrayOfArrays[0].push("I'm in every array!"); │
│ │
│ // ? console.log(arrayOfArrays); │
│ // ? Output: [ [ "I'm in every array!" ], [ "I'm in every array!" ], [ "I'm in every array!" ] ] │
// > --------------------------------------------------------------
// > Private Methods
* Returns `true` if all buckets are empty, else `false`.
* @private
* @returns {Boolean} The size of the list.
_checkIfAllBucketsEmpty() {
// ? Check if all buckets are empty and return an empty array if true
if (this.buckets.every((bucket) => !bucket.length)) {
console.log(`All buckets are empty in hash map: ${}`);
return true;
return false;
* Ensures that the index is within bounds of the map when mapping keys to buckets.
* @private
* @param {Number} index - The potential index of the bucket being modified.
* @throws {Error} Will throw an error if index is out of bounds.
_checkIndex(index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= this.buckets.length) {
throw new Error('Index out of bounds');
* Generates hash code and returns it.
* @private
* @param {String} key - generates hash code based on key.
* @returns {Number} Hash code for bucket mapping.
_hash(key) {
let hashCode = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
hashCode = (hashCode << 5) - hashCode + key.charCodeAt(i);
│ // ? `hashCode << 5 === hashCode * 2 ** 5`; │
│ // ? Therefore, subtracting `hashCode` means we are essentially multiplying `hashCode` by 31. │
│ // ? Using bitwise operators are more efficient than arithmetic operators. │
return hashCode;
* Maps passed key to corresponding bucket.
* @private
* @param {String} key - generates hash code based on key.
* @returns {Number} Bucket index that corresponds to the key.
_getBucketIndex(key) {
const keyHashCode = this._hash(key);
const goldenRatioConjugate = (Math.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2;
const bucketIndex = Math.floor(this.size * (keyHashCode * goldenRatioConjugate % 1)); // ? multiplicative method
return bucketIndex;
│ // 💭 Another, More Common Solution (…but not limited to): │
│ // 💭 `h(k) % 2^p === h(k) & (2^p - 1)` │
│ // * This shows that modulo operation with powers of two can equivalently be performed by a bitwise AND with │
│ // * `2^p - 1`, which simplifies calculations and improves efficiency in certain environments. │
│ // * const index = keyHashCode % this.size; │
│ // * const indexWhereSizeIs2ToThePowerOfN = keyHashCode & (this.size - 1); │
│ │
│ // ? The `&` bitwise operator compares the binary representations of the operands │
│ // ? and sets each bit to 1 if and only if both corresponding bits are 1. │
│ │
│ // ? If our bucket size is `2^n`, then the number's binary representation is a 1 followed by `n` zeros. │
│ // ? For example, 16 is represented as 10000 in binary. Let's use that… │
│ │
│ // ? Subtracting one from that, we get 15. This subtraction flips the most significant bit (the leftmost 1) │
│ // ? to 0 and all the bits to the right of it to 1, due to a binary borrow that affects all bits │
│ // ? from the most significant bit down to the least significant bit. This results in 1111 (which is 15 in │
│ // ? decimal), effectively the highest possible index within our bucket array. │
│ │
│ // ? Comparing this number to our hash code using the `&` bitwise operator… regardless of the hash number, │
│ // ? only the 4 least significant bits (of the hash code) are used to determine the index of the bucket to │
│ // ? insert our key-value pair. │
* Retrieves all keys or values.
* @param {String} entryPart - "keys" or "values".
* @returns {Array} Contains all keys or all values.
_getEntryParts(entryPart) {
if (this._checkIfAllBucketsEmpty()) return [];
if (entryPart !== 'keys' && entryPart !== 'values')
throw new Error(`_getEntryParts only accepts "key" & "value" as arguments. You entered: ${entryPart}`);
const indexOfEntryPart = (entryPart === 'keys') ? 0 : 1;
let data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i++) {
const currentBucket = this.buckets[i];
if (!currentBucket.length) continue;
currentBucket.forEach(entry => {
return data;
* Dynamically grows map based on load factor and capacity.
* @private
_growMap() {
const clearEntriesNum = () => {
this.numEntries = 0;
const oldEntries = this.buckets.entries;
this.mapSize *= 2;
this.buckets = new Array(this.mapSize).fill(null).map(() => []);
oldEntries.forEach(entry => {
const [key, value] = entry;
this.set(key, value);
// > --------------------------------------------------------------
// > Public Methods
* Clears all entries in all buckets, while retaining current map size
* @public
* @returns {any}
clear() {
this.buckets.forEach(bucket => bucket.length = 0);
this.numEntries = 0; // ? Reset the count of entries
console.log(`Hash map: "${}" has been cleared`);
* Retrieves the value associated with the given key in the hash map.
* Returns null if the key does not exist in the hash map.
* @public
* @param {String} key - The key of the entry to retrieve.
* @returns {String|null} The value associated with the key, or null if key not found.
get(key) {
const bucketIndex = this._getBucketIndex(key);
const matchedBucket = this.buckets[bucketIndex];
for (let entry of matchedBucket) {
const entryKey = entry[0];
if (entryKey === key) {
const entryValue = entry[1];
return entryValue;
return null;
* Checks buckets to see if map has an entry for passed `key`.
* @public
* @param {String} key - key of entry
* @returns {Boolean} `true` if map has entry for passed `key`, else, `false`.
has(key) {
const bucketIndex = this._getBucketIndex(key);
const matchedBucket = this.buckets[bucketIndex];
for (let entry of matchedBucket) {
const entryKey = entry[0];
if (entryKey === key) {
return true;
return false;
* Removes entry from map.
* @public
* @param {String} key - key of entry
* @returns {Boolean} `true` if map has entry for passed `key`, else, `false`.
remove(key) {
const bucketIndex = this._getBucketIndex(key);
const matchedBucket = this.buckets[bucketIndex];
for (let i = 0; i < matchedBucket.length; i++) {
const entryKey = matchedBucket[i][0];
if (entryKey === key) {
// ? splice(start, numOfElementsToRemoveFromStart, ...itemsToAdd)
matchedBucket.splice(i, 1);
// ? Decrement number of entries.
return true;
return false;
* Sets value for given key. Overrides value if one exists. Grows map if load factor is reached.
* @public
* @param {String} key - key of entry
* @returns {Boolean} `true` if map has entry for passed `key`, else, `false`.
set(key, value) {
const overrideKeyValue = (currentBucket, newValue) => {
for (let i = 0; i < currentBucket.length; i++) {
if (currentBucket[i][0] === key) {
currentBucket[i][1] = newValue;
return true;
if (this.currentLoadFactor > this.loadFactor) {
const bucketIndex = this._getBucketIndex(key);
const currentBucket = this.buckets[bucketIndex];
// ? Override key value if key exists and return
if (overrideKeyValue(currentBucket, value)) return;
// ? If the key does not exist, add a new key-value pair
const entry = [key, value];
// > --------------------------------------------------------------
// > Getters
get currentLoadFactor() {
return this.numEntries / this.mapSize;
get entries() {
if (this._checkIfAllBucketsEmpty()) return [];
let entries = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i++) {
const currentBucket = this.buckets[i];
if (!currentBucket.length) continue;
currentBucket.forEach(entry => {
return entries;
get keys() {
return this._getEntryParts('keys');
get length() {
return this.numEntries;
get size() {
return this.mapSize;
get values() {
return this._getEntryParts('values');
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