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Created October 16, 2020 11:12
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Regex to parse IIS Logs
pushd C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
[Regex]$regex = '^(?<date>[\d-]+)\s(?<time>[\d\:]+)\s(?<ServerIP>[\d\.]+)\s(?<method>\S+)\s(?<path>\S+)\s(?<querystring>\S+)\s(?<port>\d+)\s(?<username>\S+)\s(?<clientIP>[\d\.]+)\s(?<browser>\S+)\s(?<fulluri>\S+)\s(?<HttpStatus>\d+)\s(?<a>\d+)\s(?<b>\d+)\s(?<c>\d+)$'
cat 'u_ex201015.log' | ?{$_ -like '2020-10-15 07*'} | %{
if ($_ -match $regex) {
} else {
throw "Unexpected line format: '$_'"
} | ft time, ClientIP, username, httpstatus, port, path, querystring -AutoSize
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