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Created March 16, 2022 01:25
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Batch Generator
import pickle
import random
import time
import itertools
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
def nearest_sampler(src_nodes, num_samples, G):
src_nodes:{list} a list of original(target) nodes
num_samples:{int} sampling number
G:{networkx.classes.graph.Graph} graph
sample_list:{list} a list of sampled nodes
neighbors = []
for node in src_nodes:
# sampling with replacement
neighbors.append(np.random.choice(list(G.neighbors(node)), num_samples, replace=True))
return list(np.asarray(neighbors).flatten().astype(str))
def multihop_nearest_sampler(src_nodes, num_samples, G):
src_nodes:{list} a list of original(target) nodes; src - > 0-hop nodes
num_samples:{list} a list of sampling numbers; the number of depth(k-hops) = len(num_samples)
G:{networkx.classes.graph.Graph} graph
sampling_results:{list} a list of multihop sampling results
# B^K set
sampling_results = [src_nodes]
# for k = K...1 do
# B^(k-1) = B^(k)
for k, hopk_num in enumerate(num_samples):
hopk_result = nearest_sampler(sampling_results[k], hopk_num, G)
return sampling_results
def nearest_sampler_without_replacement(src_nodes, G):
neighbors = [list(G.neighbors(node)) for node in src_nodes]
return neighbors
def init_dataset(G):
# prepare data for loading mini-batches
node_ids = list(G.nodes)
node_attributes = [np.squeeze(G.nodes[idx]['attribute']) for idx in node_ids]
len_attribute = len(node_attributes[0])
# create indexing table
keys_tensor = tf.constant(node_ids, dtype=tf.string)
values_tensor = tf.constant(node_attributes, dtype=tf.float32)
lookup_table = tf.lookup.experimental.DenseHashTable(
default_value=[-1] * len_attribute,
lookup_table.insert(keys_tensor, values_tensor)
return lookup_table
class TripChainGenerator:
def __init__(self,
assert batch_size >= 1
print("Initialize batch generator")
print("----Dataset Information----")
print("Classes:", dataset['others']['classes'])
print("Number of classes:", len(dataset['others']['classes']))
print(dataset['others']['area'], 'of', dataset['others']['survey'])
print("-----Graph Information-----")
print("Number of nodes:", len(dataset['graph']['nodes']))
print("Number of edges:", len(dataset['graph']['edges']))
print("Average degrees:", len(dataset['graph']['edges']) / len(dataset['graph']['nodes']))
print("-----Chain Information-----")
print("Number of chains:", len(dataset['chains']))
print("Create graph")
st = time.time()
self.G = nx.Graph()
ed = time.time()
print("Finished in %fs" % (ed - st))
self.indices = np.arange(len(dataset['chains']))
self.chains = dataset['chains']
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.node_lookup_table = init_dataset(self.G)
def _pack_outputs(self, batch_idx):
chain_ids = []
labels = []
region_ids = []
max_len = 0
trip_feat_dims = self.chains[0]['trips'].shape[-1]
region_feat_dims = self.chains[0]['regions']['attributes'].shape[-1]
for idx in batch_idx:
max_len = max(max_len, len(self.chains[idx]['regions']['region_ids']))
# tag indicies
tag_indicies = np.zeros((len(batch_idx), max_len - 1), dtype='int32')
sequence_lengths = np.zeros((len(batch_idx),), dtype='int32')
for i in range(len(batch_idx)):
sequence_lengths[i] = len(labels[i])
tag_indicies[i, :sequence_lengths[i]] = labels[i]
chain_ids = tuple(chain_ids)
dropped_region_ids = list(set(list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(region_ids))))
# graph sampling
neighbor_nodes = [list(self.G.neighbors(node)) for node in dropped_region_ids]
graph_contents = []
max_neighbor = 0
num_nodes = []
for src, neighbors in zip(dropped_region_ids, neighbor_nodes):
num_nodes.append(len(neighbors) + 1)
max_neighbor = max(max_neighbor, len(neighbors))
src_node = self.node_lookup_table.lookup(tf.constant(src, dtype=tf.string))
neighbor_nodes = self.node_lookup_table.lookup(tf.constant(neighbors, dtype=tf.string))
graph_contents.append(tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(src_node, 0), neighbor_nodes], 0))
graph_mask = np.zeros((len(num_nodes), max_neighbor + 1), dtype='float32')
for i, length in enumerate(num_nodes):
graph_mask[i, :length] = 1
# padding and concat -> (NUM_SRC, MAX_NODE, DIMS)
for i, tensor in enumerate(graph_contents):
if i == 0:
paddings = tf.constant([
[0, max_neighbor + 1 - tf.shape(tensor).numpy()[0]],
[0, 0]
tensor = tf.pad(tensor, paddings)
graph_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, 0)
paddings = tf.constant([
[0, max_neighbor + 1 - tf.shape(tensor).numpy()[0]],
[0, 0]
tensor = tf.pad(tensor, paddings)
graph_tensor = tf.concat([graph_tensor, tf.expand_dims(tensor, 0)], 0)
trip_tensor = np.zeros((len(batch_idx), max_len - 1, trip_feat_dims), dtype='float32')
region_tensor = np.zeros((len(batch_idx), max_len, region_feat_dims), dtype='float32')
arrive_tensor = np.zeros((len(batch_idx), max_len), dtype='float32')
depart_tensor = np.zeros((len(batch_idx), max_len - 1), dtype='float32')
trip_mask = np.zeros((len(batch_idx), max_len - 1), dtype='float32')
region_mask = np.zeros((len(batch_idx), max_len), dtype='float32')
for i, idx in enumerate(batch_idx):
length = self.chains[idx]['regions']['attributes'].shape[0]
trip_tensor[i, :length - 1, :] = self.chains[idx]['trips']
region_tensor[i, :length, :] = self.chains[idx]['regions']['attributes']
arrive_tensor[i, :length] = self.chains[idx]['arrive']
depart_tensor[i, :length - 1] = self.chains[idx]['depart']
trip_mask[i, :length - 1] = 1
region_mask[i, :length] = 1
# build indexing dict
region_table = {}
for i, region_id in enumerate(dropped_region_ids):
region_table[region_id] = i + 1
region_idx_array = np.zeros(((len(self.idx_batches)), max_len))
for i, region_seq in enumerate(region_ids):
for j, region_id in enumerate(region_seq):
region_idx_array[i, j] = region_table[region_id]
region_idx_array = region_idx_array.astype('int32')
masks = (trip_mask, region_mask, graph_mask)
indicies = (sequence_lengths, tag_indicies, region_idx_array)
outputs = (trip_tensor, region_tensor, graph_tensor)
time_en = (arrive_tensor, depart_tensor)
y = (labels, chain_ids)
return outputs, masks, indicies, time_en, y
def __iter__(self):
if self.shuffle:
self.num_steps = self.indices.shape[0] // self.batch_size
self.split_lst = [self.batch_size] * self.num_steps
if self.indices.shape[0] % self.batch_size != 0:
self.split_lst += [self.indices.shape[0] % self.batch_size]
self.num_steps += 1
self.start_p = 0
self.step = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.step < self.num_steps:
ed_p = self.start_p + self.split_lst[self.step]
self.idx_batches = self.indices[self.start_p: ed_p]
outputs = self._pack_outputs(self.idx_batches)
self.start_p = ed_p
self.step += 1
return outputs
raise StopIteration
if __name__ == '__main__':
# test code
with open('../test_samples/tokyo_23_val.pkl', 'rb') as f:
dataset = pickle.load(f)
generator = TripChainGenerator(dataset, batch_size=256, shuffle=False)
g = iter(generator)
st = time.time()
for batch in g:
ed = time.time()
print(ed - st)
st = time.time()
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