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Last active June 30, 2022 22:08
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bash utils for easier use of GCP
alias glist="gcloud compute instances list | grep -v TERMINATED"
alias gssh="gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag=\"-A\""
function gdel {
gcloud compute instances delete $@
function switch_gcp_project {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Expected usage: \$ switch_gcp_project <project name>"
echo ""
echo " Example: switch_gcp_project my-gcp-project"
return 1
if [[ ! -f $GCLOUD_DIR/configurations/config_$1 ]]; then
echo "Configuration '$1' does not exist."
echo "Existing configurations:"
gcloud config configurations list
return 2
gcloud config configurations activate $1
# When you do `cp src dest` and `dest` exists already,
# zsh/prezto's default behavior is to ask you if you really want to override.
# That is why we use `\cp src dest` (
\cp $GCLOUD_DIR/application_default_credentials.json.$1 \
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