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Last active April 10, 2020 10:51
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Calculate how to display a hand of cards for 80 column console
#include <stdio.h>
void main() {
int x,y,z,spaceleft,spaceright,width;
for (x=0;x<80;x++) {
printf(" ");
printf("|left card right\n");
for (x=1;x<=13;x++) {
width = 67 / x;
if (width>13) {
width = 13;
spaceleft = (67 - width * (x-1)) / 2;
spaceright = spaceleft + (67 - width * (x-1)) % 2;
for (y=0;y<spaceleft;y++) {
printf(" ");
for (y=1;y<x;y++) {
for (z=0;z<width;z++) {
if (z==0) printf("[");
else if (z==12) printf("]");
else printf(" ");
printf("| |");
for (y=0;y<spaceright;y++) printf(" ");
printf("|%.4d %.4d %.4d\n",spaceleft, width, spaceright);
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