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Created March 23, 2018 14:25
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Small strengthenings of base R functions to be more pipe compatible.
# Re-expose basic R data manipulation tools in more pipe friendly wrappers.
#' Evaluate an expression with a data frame acting as the inner environment.
#' References can be forced to the environment with a .e$ prefix
#' and forced to the data frame with a .d$ prefix (failure to
#' lookup returns null). Only works on in-memory data.frames.
#' Part piping with base R series: \url{}.
#' @param x data.frame to work with
#' @param expr logical expression to compute per-row
#' @param env environment to work in
#' @return evaluated result
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{with}}, \code{\link[base]{within}}
#' @examples
#' Temp <- 90
#' Ozone_bound <- 100
#' summary(with_eval(airquality,
#' (.d$Temp > .e$Temp) &
#' (! & (Ozone < Ozone_bound)))
#' @export
with_eval <- function(x, expr, env = parent.frame()) {
if(! {
stop("with_eval expected x to be a data.frame")
e <- substitute(expr) # capture expression
eval_env <- new.env(parent = env)
assign(".d", x, eval_env) # data prefix .d$
assign(".e", env, eval_env) # environment prefix .e$
r <- eval(e, envir = x, enclos = eval_env)
#' Pick a subset of rows, evaluating the subset expression
#' as if the columns of x were in the evaluation environment.
#' References can be forced to the environment with a .e$ prefix
#' and forced to the data frame with a .d$ prefix (failure to
#' lookup returns null). Only works on in-memory data.frames.
#' Part piping with base R series: \url{}.
#' See also \url{}.
#' @param x data.frame to work with
#' @param subset logical expression to compute per-row
#' @param env environment to work in
#' @return data.frame that is the specified subset of the rows of x.
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{subset}}
#' @examples
#' Temp <- 90
#' Ozone_bound <- 100
#' subset_rows(airquality,
#' (.d$Temp > .e$Temp) &
#' (! & (Ozone < Ozone_bound))
#' @export
subset_rows <- function(x, subset, env = parent.frame()) {
if(! {
stop("subset_rows expected x to be a data.frame")
if(missing(subset) || (nrow(x)<=0)) {
e <- substitute(subset) # capture expression
eval_env <- new.env(parent = env)
assign(".d", x, eval_env) # data prefix .d$
assign(".e", env, eval_env) # environment prefix .e$
r <- eval(e, envir = x, enclos = eval_env)
if(!is.logical(r)) {
stop("subset_rows predicate must evaluate to logical")
r <- r & !
if(length(r)!=nrow(x)) {
stop("subset_rows predicate must have one entry per row")
x[r, , drop = FALSE]
#' Pick a sequence of columns.
#' Only works on in-memory data.frames.
#' Part piping with base R series: \url{}.
#' @param x data.frame to work with
#' @param columns character, names of columns
#' @return data.frame that is the specified subset of the columns of x.
#' @examples
#' head(sel_columns(mtcars, c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")))
#' @export
sel_columns <- function(x, columns) {
if(! {
stop("sel_columns expected x to be a data.frame")
if(missing(columns)) {
x[ , columns, drop = FALSE]
#' Pick a selection of rows (can be used to order).
#' Only works on in-memory data.frames.
#' Part piping with base R series: \url{}.
#' @param x data.frame to work with
#' @param rows numeric, row indexes.
#' @return data.frame that is the specified row selection.
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(x = c('b', 'a', 'c'))
#' sel_rows(d, d$x)
#' @export
sel_rows <- function(x, rows) {
if(! {
stop("sel_columns expected x to be a data.frame")
if(missing(rows)) {
x[rows, , drop = FALSE]
#' Evaluate an expression with a data frame acting as the inner environment
#' and assigning back to the data.frame. Statements are executed sequentially.
#' References can be forced to the environment with a .e$ prefix
#' and forced to the data frame with a .d$ prefix (failure to
#' lookup returns null). Only works on in-memory data.frames.
#' Part piping with base R series: \url{}.
#' @param transform_columns_data_frame data.frame to work with
#' @param ... named exprssions to add to data frame
#' @param transform_columns_env environment to work in
#' @return data frame with additional or altered columns
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{transform}}, \code{\link[base]{within}}
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(x = c(1,2))
#' transform_columns(d, y = x*x, d = 0, z = x + y, d = 1, q = x + d)
#' @export
transform_columns <- function(transform_columns_data_frame,
transform_columns_env = parent.frame()) {
terms <- substitute(list(...))[-1]
if(! {
stop("transform_columns: transform_columns_data_frame must be a data.frame")
if(length(terms)<=0) {
stop("transform_columns: expected transforms")
for(i in seq_len(length(terms))) {
ni <- names(terms)[[i]]
if(length(ni)<=0) {
stop("transform_columns: empty name")
if( (!is.character(ni)) && (!is.character(ni)) ) {
stop(paste("transform_columns: odd class for name: ", class(ni)))
ni <- as.character(ni)
if(nchar(ni)<=0) {
stop("transform_columns: empty name")
ti <- terms[[i]]
eval_env <- new.env(parent = transform_columns_env)
assign(".d", transform_columns_data_frame, eval_env) # data prefix .d$
assign(".e", transform_columns_env, eval_env) # environment prefix .e$
transform_columns_data_frame[[ni]] <- eval(ti,
envir = transform_columns_data_frame,
enclos = eval_env)
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