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Last active June 14, 2024 19:25
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  • Save JohnPetros/1f63f8cf07c719c5d2c5e011e2eac770 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Emoji commits table
| Commit type | Prefix | Emoji |
| Accessibility | a11y | β™Ώ `:wheelchair:` |
| Add or update an easter egg| easter egg | πŸ₯š `:egg:` |
| Authentication | auth | πŸ”’ `:lock:` |
| Bug fix | fix | πŸ› `:bug:` |
| Code from external libs | providers | βž• `:plus:` |
| Classes for backend utils | utils | 🧰 `:tool_box:` |
| Factory pattern | factories | 🏭 `:factory:` |
| Builder pattern | builders | πŸ—οΈ `:tower_crane:` |
| Configuration files | config | βš™οΈ `:wrench:` |
| Continous Delivery | cd | 🚚 `:truck:` |
| Continous Integration | ci | πŸš‹ `:tram_car:` |
| Critical change | break change | 🚨 `:rotating_light:` |
| Critical hotfix | hotfix | πŸš‘ `:ambulance:` |
| Database module | database | πŸ’Ύ `:file_cabinet:` |
| API module | api | πŸ“‘ `:dish_antenna:` |
| Documentation | docs | πŸ“š `:books:` |
| Docker | docker | 🐳 `:whale:` |
| Entity class | entities | πŸ‘€ `:bust_in_silhouette:` |
| Factory class/function | factories | 🏭 `:factory:` |
| Functions to modulize code | helpers | πŸ”§ `:wrench:` |
| Images (PNG, JPG, SCV, GIF)| images | 🎴 `:flower_playing_cards:` |
| Initial commit | init | πŸŽ‰ `:tada:` |
| Lottie files | animation | 🎞️ `:film_frames:` |
| Manage cache | cache | 🍱 `::bento::` |
| Managing data presenters | views/controllers | πŸ–₯️ `:desktop:` |
| Managing dependencies | deps | πŸ“¦ `:package:` |
| Managing storaged data | repositories | πŸ—„οΈ `:file_cabinet:` |
| Merging branches | merge | πŸ”€ `:twisted_rightwards_arrows:` |
| New feature | feat | ✨ `:sparkles:` |
| Performance | perf | ⚑️ `:zap:` |
| Refactoring | refactor | ♻️ `:recycle:` |
| Renaming/moving folder/file| files | πŸ—ƒοΈ `:file_box:` |
| Reverting changes | revert | βͺ `:rewind:` |
| SEO | seo | πŸ”Ž`:magnifying_glass_right:` |
| Scripts (JS, SQL, SH etc) | scripts | πŸ’‘ `:lamp:` |
| Styles | stlye | πŸ’„ `:lipstick:` |
| Templates or Components | templates | 🧱 `:bricks:` |
| Tests | test | πŸ§ͺ `:test_tube:` |
| Typing | type | 🏷️ `:tag:` |
| Create Interface | interfaces | πŸ“‘ `:bookmarks_tab:` |
| Validation forms/schemas | validation | πŸ“’ `:ledger_book:` |
| Version tag | version | πŸ”– `:bookmark:` |
| Work in progress | in progress | 🚧 `:construction:` |
| Mock things | mocks | 🀑 `::clown_face::` |
| Text file storage | text | 🧾 `:pencil:` |
| Code review | review | πŸ‘Œ `:ok_hand:` |
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