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Created June 28, 2023 13:29
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Quick sample of using OCM Content SDK to load in images
	import { createDeliveryClient } from '@oracle/content-management-sdk';
	//setup ocm server options
	const serverconfig = {
	  contentServer: SERVER_URL,
	  contentVersion: API_VERSION,
	  channelToken: CHANNEL_TOKEN,
	//initiate OCM Client SDK
	const clientInstance = createDeliveryClient(serverconfig);
	 * displayOCMImages
	 * loop through all img elements that have data-ocm attribute and replace transparent 1px b64 gif src with image url from OCM
	function displayOCMImages() {
	  const img_els = document.querySelector('img[data-ocm]');
	  img_els.forEach((el) => {
		//get id from att val
		const id = el.getAttribute('data-ocm');
		//generate asset url
		const imgURL = clientInstance.getRenditionURL({
		  id: id,
		  type: 'Thumbnail',
		  format: 'jpg'

		el.src = imgURL;
<img data-ocm="CONT12345678" src="" alt="" />
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