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Last active January 7, 2016 16:10
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DeleteRequestHandlerFK.cs, handling foreign key exception messages individually for different tables
// *** All credits for the base idea to JajQ / Volkan Ceylan ***
using Serenity.Data;
using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using <your solution name>; // Enter the namespace of your solution here
namespace Serenity.Services
public class DeleteRequestHandlerFK<TRow> : DeleteRequestHandler<TRow>
where TRow: Row, IIdRow, new()
protected override void ExecuteDelete()
catch (Exception e)
string OutputMessage = string.Empty;
ForeignKeyExceptionInfo fk;
if (SqlExceptionHelper.IsForeignKeyException(e, out fk))
switch ((Row.Table.ToLower() + "--" + fk.TableName.ToLower()))
case "[dbo].[supplier]--delivery": // *** Replace "[dbo].[supplier]" with the table associated with the entity where the exception is thrown and replace "delivery" with the foreign table ***
OutputMessage = "Sorry, but you cannot delete a supplier when this supplier is still used within a delivery. No delete has occured"; // *** Replace with your individual error mesage ***
OutputMessage = String.Format("Sorry, but you cannot delete this. Table '{0}' has related records!", fk.TableName);
throw new ValidationError(OutputMessage);
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then, within your xyzRepository.cs files, replace the line:
private class MyDeleteHandler : DeleteRequestHandler { }


private class MyDeleteHandler : DeleteRequestHandlerFK { }

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