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Last active April 19, 2023 05:45
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Answer to CuriousCat Question 4/19/2023
You say you've never had a gf but you refer to Anna as an "ex". How does this work?
I'll answer that with a story. Here it goes.
It is the morning after the first time Anna and I had sex. The first thing she asks me in the morning when she wakes up in my college student cooperative house bedroom and looks at me awake, fully naked, is "did we have sex?". I was surprised she didn't remember (she had a traumatic brain injury before so I guess her TBI was the reason). Anyway, we start fooling around in bed, probably going to have sex again, but then the fire alarm rings. There was no fire, my student coop house was just assembling everyone to have a communal breakfast and then have a special chores day. Anyway, we are interrupted, but before we go to breakfast, we are standing up, and she hugs me around the waist and sorta screams "I LOVE YOU!" I lean back, away from her, and go "uhh...". Like okay, thanks mommy (her first name is the same as my mom's name but pronounced slightly differently). I dunno, like I like that she loves me that way, but I kinda exclusively love myself. Like I don't actually give a shit about what other people go through, if I ask it's just to start a conversation.
Anyway, Anna joins me and my housemates for breakfast (I get the impression that it's obvious to them that she spent the night), she talks with some of them like Ben Coupland and Emily Piellusch (Anna ends up becoming Facebook friends with Emily although now Emily's Facebook account is deactivated). I do some cleaning or chores. She leaves, but after she leaves she sends me a text message thanking me for the sex (that she didn't even remember having the night before). I screenshot this text message and send it to my friend Matt Latch, and he's like "bro, wow, you just had sex". This was the first woman I ever had sex with (I really didn't like the thought of telling people that I never had sex with a woman before, so I just agreed to it even though I sorta wanted her to commit to a relationship with me before having sex with me, and she did not do that). It's weird cuz when we first met I was just like "I wanna have sex with a woman for the first time" but then like I spent time with her and heard her singing (she sang along with the Disney movie Pocahontas which we watched in the basement of my coop just before having sex) and then I was like "I wanna wait for commitment before having sex with this woman", but she did not, and ultimately that night she won. Part of her winning involved at least one lie she said to me, and later on I was not happy about the circumstances surrounding the first time we had sex, but that's another story.
Anyway, after the first time we had sex, instead of being like "I want commitment before having sex with her", I went "fuck it, we already had sex, might as well keep doing it", and we started having sex about every other day. Also, at some point I was afraid to not have sex with her because I didn't want her to leave me or break up with me. Because I was having sex with someone regularly, I stopped looking around for other women to have sex with, so I sort of felt like I was in a relationship with her. Thus, she is my "ex". Anyway, as time went on, she spent less time doing things like going on long walks in the park with me (there was this nice park with water that we went to near her place) and instead would just text me late at night to come over. I wanted her to do an actual date with me before sex, like maybe a walk in the park and then sex, or painting lessons and then sex, but she cut down on the quality time, which I wasn't happy with.
Here's an example story. One time she mentioned that she knew how to paint and could give me painting lessons, and I was like "I would love that!", and she was like cool, come over to my place for painting lessons (I think she said this over the phone but I don't remember 100%). Anyway, I came to her front door. The door was unlocked and open. I walked in and was like "Anna, Anna, where are you?". I turned around in her place and she was right behind me, she probably hid behind the door. She wrapped one leg around me, put her arms around me, and was like "to my bedroom!". I carried her up the stairs (she's pretty light) and we had sex. After the sex, I was like "what about the painting lessons?" and she was like "I don't even have paint", and then I felt cheated. Hey, you were using me for sex!
But yeah, that was our relationship. It didn't last very long (after a couple weeks she flew away, came back for a week, and then moved to India for a long time). During one week she was visiting family, and things between us were going rough, and I was expecting her to cheat on me while there (we weren't officially in a relationship but whatever). She leaves a voicemail on my phone that's like her moaning sexually (probably masturbating) while saying something (I don't remember what exactly it was but maybe it was "I need you bad" or something like that). After hearing the voicemail, I was like "yup, she just cheated on me". After she came back to Ann Arbor (where we were at, at the University of Michigan) we got in a fight, and to try to hurt my feelings she yells that she had sex with another guy while visiting her family. My reaction was like "that's what I thought". His name was "Dylan", he was the guy who was in the driver's seat when she got in the car accident that caused her Traumatic Brain Injury. I don't really care, she has sex with pretty much every non-Republican guy who she's in a confined space with for more than a day. I think when I asked her how many guys she had sex with before me, she had to take time to count them all and answered "36" or "26" (I don't remember which of these two it was), which I think is above average for a college girl who doesn't get paid to do it and doesn't even drink a lot. It's not a big deal, but she is very easy (just lets men come onto her).
But yeah, we were in a sexual relationship but definitely not boyfriend and girlfriend. I've never had an official girlfriend. Kristen Faith, who I dated for a total of six months from matching on OkCupid to her going no contact, was a sort of platonic partner (we introduced one another as "this is my partner", but we never had sex). My relationship with Anna Clements was much more sexual than my relationship with Kristen Faith (Kristen literally said that if I didn't have a penis that would be fine with her, and if I got a boner while making out with her in her bed she'd ask me to go masturbate in her bathroom). Kristen described making out with me as "just intimate", like she didn't consciously want to have penis-in-vagina sex with me. I think Kristen eventually ended up coming out as some form of LGBTQ+. But yeah, Anna Clements and Kristen are my two biggest "relationships". Anna was about 11 years ago and Kristen was about 7 years ago. Neither of them was an official bf/gf relationship.
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