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Created July 4, 2016 17:57
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// I'm trying to understand this code...
import shapeless._
import shapeless.PolyDefns._
import nat._
import poly._
import syntax.std.traversable._
import syntax.std.tuple._
import syntax.typeable._
val arg: (Int) => Int = (x: Int) => x*2
val arg2: (PolyDefns.type, (Int) => Int) = shapeless.PolyDefns.->[(Int) => Int](arg)
object double extends shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int, Int](arg)
object frob extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseInt = at[Int](_*2)
implicit def caseString = at[String]("!"+_+"!")
implicit def caseBoolean = at[Boolean](!_)
// desugar with -Xprint:typer...
import shapeless._;
import shapeless.PolyDefns._;
import shapeless.`package`.nat._;
import shapeless.`package`.poly._;
import shapeless.syntax.std.traversable._;
import shapeless.syntax.std.tuple._;
import shapeless.syntax.typeable._;
val arg: Int => Int = ((x: Int) => x.*(2));
val arg2: (shapeless.PolyDefns.type, Int => Int) = scala.this.Predef.ArrowAssoc[shapeless.PolyDefns.type](shapeless.PolyDefns).->[Int => Int](arg);
object double extends shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int,Int] {
def <init>(): double.type = {
object frob extends AnyRef with shapeless.Poly1 {
def <init>(): frob.type = {
implicit def caseInt: my.pkg.Main.frob.Case[Int]{type Result = Int} =[Int].apply[Int](((x$6: Int) => x$6.*(2)));
implicit def caseString: my.pkg.Main.frob.Case[String]{type Result = String} =[String].apply[String](((x$7: String) => "!".+(x$7).+("!")));
implicit def caseBoolean: my.pkg.Main.frob.Case[Boolean]{type Result = Boolean} =[Boolean].apply[Boolean](((x$8: Boolean) => x$8.unary_!))
Here's the thing. I'm syntactically confused. For example, this compiles...
object double extends shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int, Int](arg)
and this compiles...
object double extends shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int, Int](arg) {
but this does not...
object double extends shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int, Int]{arg} // doesn't compile
val thingThatIExtended = shapeless.PolyDefns.->[Int, Int](arg) // doesn't compile
I have never seen an object constructed this way before. What is going on?
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