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Created April 22, 2017 20:12
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sample shortcode update
function jtrt_shortcode_table( $atts ){
global $wpdb;
$jtrt_settings = shortcode_atts( array(
'id' => '',
'filterrows' => '',
'filtercols' => ''
), $atts );
$table_post_meta = get_post_meta( $jtrt_settings['id'], 'jtrt_data_settings', false ); // get the table meta options
$table_data_json = json_decode($table_post_meta[0]['tabledata'],true); // JSON decode the meta options, too many steps for php 5.3, y'all better appreciate the extra step i'm taking here.
$table_data = $table_data_json[0]; // Get the table data, the first value is an array full of the table data. Used to generate the table.
$table_cell_data = $table_data_json[1]; // Get the table cell options, these are the borders and alignment settings, we will input this into the textarea so our javascript on the frontent can do its thang
echo 'Unfortunately we could not locate the table you\'re looking for.';
$showTableTitle = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtShowTableTitle']) ? "true" : "false");
$showTableTitlePos = explode(",",$table_post_meta[0]['jtShowTableTitlePos']);
$myTableTitle = get_the_title($jtrt_settings['id']);
$myTableResponsiveStyle = $table_post_meta[0]['jtTableResponsiveStyle'];
$myTableStackPrefWidth = $table_post_meta[0]['jtStackPrefWidth'];
$myTableHoverRows = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableRowHighlight']) ? "highlightRows" : "");
$myTableHoverRowsCol = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableRowHighlight']) ? "data-jtrt-rowhighligh-color='".$table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableRowHighlightcol']."'" : "");
$myTableHoverCols = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableColHighlight']) ? "highlightCols" : "");
$myTableHoverColsCol = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableColHighlight']) ? "data-jtrt-colhighligh-color='".$table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableColHighlightcol']."'" : "");
$myjtbpfootab = array();
if($myTableResponsiveStyle == "footable"){
$myjtbpfootab['xlarge'] = $table_post_meta[0]['jtFootableBPxlarge'];
$myjtbpfootab['large'] = $table_post_meta[0]['jtFootableBPlarge'];
$myjtbpfootab['medium'] = $table_post_meta[0]['jtFootableBPmedium'];
$myjtbpfootab['small'] = $table_post_meta[0]['jtFootableBPsmall'];
$myjtbpfootab['xsmall'] = $table_post_meta[0]['jtFootableBPxsmall'];
$myjttableFiltering = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableFilters']) ? "true" : "false");
$myjttableSorting = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnableSorting']) ? "true" : "false");
$myjttablePaging = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnablePaging']) ? "true" : "false");
$myjttablePagingCnt = (isset($table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnablePagingCnt']) ? $table_post_meta[0]['jtTableEnablePagingCnt'] : "10");
$html = "<div class='jtrt_table_MotherShipContainer'>";
if($showTableTitle == "true" && $showTableTitlePos[0] == "top"){
$html .= "<div id='jtHeaderHolder-".$jtrt_settings['id']."'><h3 style='margin-top:24px;margin-bottom:14px;text-align:".$showTableTitlePos[1].";'>".$myTableTitle."</h3>";
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "<div class='jtTableContainer jtrespo-".$myTableResponsiveStyle." ".$myTableHoverRows." ".$myTableHoverCols."' ".($myTableResponsiveStyle == 'stack' ? "data-jtrt-stack-width='".$myTableStackPrefWidth."'" : "")." ".$myTableHoverRowsCol." ".$myTableHoverColsCol.">";
// We can only return once, so let's build our html!
$html .= "<div class='jtsettingcontainer' style='display:none;position:absolute;left:-9999px;'><textarea data-jtrt-table-id='".$jtrt_settings['id']."' id='jtrt_table_settings_".$jtrt_settings['id']."' cols='30' rows='10'>".json_encode($table_data_json)."</textarea><textarea data-jtrt-table-id='".$jtrt_settings['id']."' id='jtrt_table_bps_".$jtrt_settings['id']."' cols='30' rows='10'>".json_encode($myjtbpfootab)."</textarea></div><table id='jtrt_table_".$jtrt_settings['id']."' data-sorting='".$myjttableSorting."' data-paging='".$myjttablePaging."' data-paging-size='".$myjttablePagingCnt."' data-filtering='".$myjttableFiltering."' data-jtrt-table-id='".$jtrt_settings['id']."' class='jtrt-table' >";
if($jtrt_settings['filterrows'] != ""){
$filteredRows = explode(",",$jtrt_settings['filterrows']);
$filteredRows = array();
if($jtrt_settings['filtercols'] != ""){
$filteredCols = explode(",",$jtrt_settings['filtercols']);
$filteredCols = array();
// For each loop to loop through the table data, the first loop is the rows.
foreach($table_data as $indx => $row){
if($indx == 0){
$html .= "<thead><tr>";
foreach($row as $cellindx => $cell){
// For each col item, insert the table data tag and put the data inside it.
$html .= "<th>" .preg_replace("/[\n\r]/","<br>",$cell). "</th>";
$html .= "</tr></thead><tbody>";
// For each row, add the table row tag
$html .= "<tr>";
// Start another loop just for good measure. just kidding, we need this loop for the columns within the rows.
foreach($row as $cellindx => $cell){
// For each col item, insert the table data tag and put the data inside it.
if($myTableResponsiveStyle == "stack"){
$html .= "<td><span class='stackedheadtitlejt' style='font-weight:bold;'>". $table_data[0][$cellindx] .":</span><br>" .preg_replace("/[\n\r]/","<br>",$cell). "</td>";
$html .= "<td>" .do_shortcode(preg_replace("/[\n\r]/","<br>",$cell)). "</td>";
// close our tr so the HTML inspectors happy. Just kidding this is important.
$html .= "</tr>";
$html .= "</tbody>";
// Finalize our HTML
$html .= "</table>";
$html .= "</div>";
if($showTableTitle == "true" && $showTableTitlePos[0] == "bottom"){
$html .= "<div id='jtFooterHolder-".$jtrt_settings['id']."'>";
$html .= "<h3 style='margin-top:0;margin-bottom:14px;text-align:".$showTableTitlePos[1].";'>".$myTableTitle."</h3>";
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "</div>";
if($myTableResponsiveStyle == "footable"){
wp_enqueue_script( 'jtbackendfrontendfoo-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '../../public/js/vendor/footable.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), '4.0', false );
wp_enqueue_style( 'jtbackendfrontendss-jskka12', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '../../public/css/font-awesome.min.css', '4.0', 'all' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'jtbackendfrontendss-jskk', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '../../public/css/footable.standalone.min.css', '4.0', 'all' );
}elseif($myTableResponsiveStyle == "scroll" || $myTableResponsiveStyle == "stack"){
if($myjttableFiltering == "true" || $myjttablePaging == "true" || $myjttableSorting == "true"){
wp_enqueue_style( 'jtbackendfrontendss-jskka', '', '4.0', 'all' );
wp_register_script( 'jtbackendfrontend-js-dtb', '', array( 'jquery' ), '4.0', false );
$translation_array = array(
'next_string' => __( 'Next', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'prev_string' => __( 'Prev', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'search_string' => __( 'Search', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'emptyTable' => __( 'No data available in table', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'info' => __( 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'infoEmpty' => __( 'Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'infoFiltered' => __( '(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'lengthMenu' => __( 'Show _MENU_ entries', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'zeroRecords' => __( 'No matching records found', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'last' => __( 'Last', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
'first' => __( 'First', 'jtrt-responsive-tables' ),
wp_localize_script( 'jtbackendfrontend-js-dtb', 'translation_for_frontend', $translation_array );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jtbackendfrontend-js-dtb' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'jtbackendfrontend-css', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '../../public/css/jtrt-responsive-tables-public.css', '4.0', 'all' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jtbackendfrontend-js', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '../../public/js/jtrt-responsive-tables-public.js', array( 'jquery' ), '4.0', false );
// Blast off! We've done our part here in the server, Javascript will handle the rest.
return $html;
// Add our nifty little shortcode for use.
add_shortcode( 'jtrt_tables', 'jtrt_shortcode_table' );
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I installed jrtr responsive tables in Word press 4.7.5.
None of the topics work. I can't import a csv file, or image, nothing.
What am I doing wrong.

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When I use the short code I get an error that short could not be found

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