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Last active March 23, 2018 20:13
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Name Filter Explanation
"namepattern" "f[\W_][a@4]+[\W_]*g 'CASELESS'"
// fag
"namepattern" "n[\s\W_]*[i!1]+[\s\W_]*g+[\s\W_]*[\s\We3_]*r 'CASELESS'"
// nigger
"namepattern" "(f|p[\s\W_]*h+)[\s\W_]*[a@43*^]+[\s\W_]*[gq]+(\b|[\s\W_]*[0o]+[\s\W_]*[+t]+|s) 'CASELESS'"
// fag, phag, faggot, phaggot, phagget, etc
"namepattern" "g[\s\W_]*[a@4\*\^]+[\s\W_]*y 'CASELESS"
// gay
"namepattern" "(?<!crin|bo|boo|do|du|jo|pid|gin)g\s*[3e]+\s*y(?!ou|e) 'CASELESS'"
// gey - exemptions added to prevent false triggers
"namepattern" "\bg[\s]*h*[\s]*[4@ae3]+[\s]*y 'CASELESS'"
// ghey, ghay
"namepattern" "[\_\-|\s]*[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+[,.\|]+(?>de|com|co|org|trade|me|ru|gg|tf|net)[\/]* 'CASELESS'"
// websites
"namepattern" "[\_\-|\s]*[\+t]r[@4a]+d([3e]+|[!1i]+n)(?!\sprobation|\sbanned) 'CASELESS'"
// This is an ECJ specific filter for 'trade/trading' with an exemption
// from another plugin that adds [Trade Probation] or [Trade Banned] to name
"namepattern" "[\W\s_]*[\(\[ʕ༼]+(?:[\W\s_]+)[\)\]ʔ༽]+(?!D)[\W\s_]*"
// lenny-esque faces
"namepattern" "[^[:ascii:]]"
// any non standard ascii character (symbols and shit)
"namepattern" "\;"
// remove semi-colon so that it does not break any plugins that parse names.
"namepattern" "l[\s\W_]*m[\s\W_]*[@4a]+[\s\W_]*[0o]+[\s\W_]*b[\s\W_]*[0o]+[\s\W_]*x 'CASELESS'"
// lmaobox
"namepattern" "[\-={\[]+o\.*W\.*n[}=\-\]]+ 'CASELESS'"
// -=[o.W.n]=- clan tag, since it's obnoxious
"replace" "remove"
// using "remove" as an argument for "replace" will remove the word from name,
// otherwise, it will replace the word with whatever is used for this method.
"namepattern" "n[\s\W_]*[i!1]+[\s\W_]*g[\s\W_]*g[\s\W_]*[a@4]+ 'CASELESS'"
// nigga - replaced by the word 'friend'
"replace" "friend"
"chatpattern" "n[\s\W_]*[i!1]+[\s\W_]*g+[\s\W_]*[\s\Wea3_]*r(?!ia) 'CASELESS'"
// nigger, niggar, nigr, nig3r, etc. - added an exemption for words such as 'nigeria'
"chatpattern" "(f|p[\s\W_]*h+)[\s\W_]*[a@43*^]+[\s\W_]*[gq]+(\b|[\s\W_]*[ie30o]+[\s\W_]*[+t]+|s) 'CASELESS'"
// faggot, phaggot, phagget, etc
"chatpattern" "phgt 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "cummie 'CASELESS'"
// i only added this because some guy had a stupid bind using this word in it.
"chatpattern" "fgt 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "c[\s\W_]*u[\s\W_]*c[\s\W_]*k'CASELESS'"
// cuck
"block" "1"
"warn" "You've triggered a chat filter for slurs."
"chatpattern" "t[\s\W_]*r+[\s\W_]*[a@4\*\^]+[\sa4\W_]*d+[\s\W_]*[e3]+ 'CASELESS'"
// trade
"chatpattern" "t[\s\W_]*r[\s\W_]*[a@4\*\^]+[\s\W_]*d[1i!]+[\s\W_]*n[\s\W_]*g 'CASELESS'"
// trading
"chatpattern" "b[\s\W_]*[u]+[\s\W_]*y 'CASELESS'"
// buy
"chatpattern" "[\$s]+[\s\W_]*[@a4]+[\s\W_]*[1l]+[\s\W_]*[e3]+\b 'CASELESS'"
// sale
"chatpattern" "s[\s\W_]*[e3]+[\s\W_]*l[\s\Wl_]*[i!1][\s\W_]*n[\s\W_]*g 'CASELESS'"
// selling
"chatpattern" "s[\s\W_]*[e3]+[\s\W_]*l[\s\W_]*l 'CASELESS'"
// sell
"immunity" "b"
// this makes anyone with the flag 'b' exempt from these filters
"block" "1"
"warn" "You've triggered a trade chat filter."
"chatpattern" "n[\s\W_]*[i!1]+[\s\W_]*g[\s\W_]*g[\s\W_]*[a@4]+ 'CASELESS'"
// nigga
"replace" "friend"
"chatpattern" "\bg[\s\W]*[4@a\*\^]+[\s\W]*[3e]+\b 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "(?<!in)g[\s\W_]*[a@4\*\^]+[\s\W_]*y 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "\bg[\s]*h+[\s]*[4@ae3]+[\s]*y 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "(?<!crin|bo|boo|do|du|jo|pid|gin)g[\s\W_]*[3e]+[\s\W_]*y(?!ou|e) 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" "\bg[\s\W_]*a[\s\W_]*e[\s\W_]*y\b 'CASELESS'"
// each of these targets the word 'gay'. filtered not because it's offensive,
// but because it's a stupid word people use to describe shit that they don't like
"block" "1"
"warn" "You've triggered a chat filter for the word 'gay'. There are better words to use."
"namepattern" "[\?]{3,}"
"chatpattern" "[\?]{3,}"
// these filter excessive question marks, requires three or more,
// replaces it with a single question mark
// (example: "how do you do this??????????????")
"replace" "?"
"namepattern" "[1!\?]{3,}"
"chatpattern" "[1!\?]{3,}"
"chatpattern" "!"
// these filter a combination of excessive question marks, exclamation marks, and 1's -
// requires three or more, replaces it with a single question mark (example: "WTF!!11??")
// also replaces the non standard exclamation mark symbol with standard
"replace" "!"
"chatpattern" "ʖ 'CASELESS'"
"chatpattern" " ͝ 'CASELESS'"
// lenny faces because spammy
"block" "1"
"warn" "You've triggered a chat filter for lenny faces."
"chatpattern" "[^[:ascii:]]"
"chatpattern" "[\W\s_]*[\(\[ʕ༼]+(?:[\W\s_]+)[\)\]ʔ༽]+(?!D)[\W\s_]*"
// lenny-esque faces and non-standard characters outside of 0-127 ascii values
"immunity" "b"
"block" "1"
"warn" "You've triggered a chat filter for unicode characters."
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