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Created July 16, 2019 22:54
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Some horribly unoptimized quadrature rules, integrating the "black swan" function from Eric Lippert's "Fixing Random" series.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Quadratures
interface Integrator
double Integrate(Func<double, double> f, double a, double b);
public static class Functions
public static double WeirdFunction(double x)
return Math.Atan(1000 * (x - 0.45)) * 20 - 31.2;
static readonly double INVERSE_ROOT_PI = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI);
public static double NormalDistributionDensity(double x, double mu, double sigma)
return Math.Exp(-(x - mu) * (x - mu) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) * INVERSE_ROOT_PI / sigma;
struct PointWeight
public double Point { get; }
public double Weight { get; }
public PointWeight(double point, double weight)
Point = point;
Weight = weight;
class GaussianQuadratureIntegrator : Integrator
static readonly PointWeight[] TwoPointsRuleData =
new PointWeight(-Math.Sqrt(1.0 / 3.0), 1.0),
new PointWeight( Math.Sqrt(1.0 / 3.0), 1.0),
static readonly PointWeight[] ThreePointsRuleData =
new PointWeight(-Math.Sqrt(3.0 / 5.0), 5.0 / 9.0),
new PointWeight( 0.0, 8.0 / 9.0),
new PointWeight( Math.Sqrt(3.0 / 5.0), 5.0 / 9.0),
static readonly PointWeight[] FivePointsRuleData =
new PointWeight(-0.9061798459386640, 0.2369268850561891),
new PointWeight(-0.5384693101056831, 0.4786286704993665),
new PointWeight( 0.0, 0.5688888888888889),
new PointWeight( 0.5384693101056831, 0.4786286704993665),
new PointWeight( 0.9061798459386640, 0.2369268850561891),
static readonly PointWeight[] SevenPointsRuleData =
new PointWeight(-0.9491079123427585, 0.1294849661688697),
new PointWeight(-0.7415311855993944, 0.2797053914892767),
new PointWeight(-0.4058451513773972, 0.3818300505051189),
new PointWeight( 0.0, 0.4179591836734694),
new PointWeight( 0.4058451513773972, 0.3818300505051189),
new PointWeight( 0.7415311855993944, 0.2797053914892767),
new PointWeight( 0.9491079123427595, 0.1294849661688697),
public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection<int> ValidPointCounts = new List<int> { 2, 3, 5, 7 }.AsReadOnly();
PointWeight[] RuleData { get; }
public GaussianQuadratureIntegrator(int pointsCount)
switch (pointsCount)
case 2: RuleData = TwoPointsRuleData; break;
case 3: RuleData = ThreePointsRuleData; break;
case 5: RuleData = FivePointsRuleData; break;
case 7: RuleData = SevenPointsRuleData; break;
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(pointsCount));
public double Integrate(Func<double, double> f, double a, double b)
double center = (a + b) / 2;
double halfLength = (b - a) / 2;
var result = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < RuleData.Length; i++)
result += RuleData[i].Weight * f(center + halfLength * RuleData[i].Point);
result *= halfLength;
return result;
class DumbRiemannSummator : Integrator
int NumberOfSegments { get; }
public DumbRiemannSummator(int numberOfSegments)
NumberOfSegments = numberOfSegments;
public double Integrate(Func<double, double> f, double a, double b)
var result = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfSegments; i++)
result += f(a + i * (b - a) / NumberOfSegments);
result /= NumberOfSegments;
return result;
class AdaptiveIntegrator : Integrator
Integrator PreciseIntegrator { get; }
Integrator CrudeIntegrator { get; }
double MaxError { get; }
int MaxSubsegments { get; }
public int SubsegmentCount { get; private set; }
public double ErrorEstimate { get; private set; }
public AdaptiveIntegrator(Integrator preciseIntegrator, Integrator crudeIntegrator, double maxError, int maxSubsegments)
PreciseIntegrator = preciseIntegrator;
CrudeIntegrator = crudeIntegrator;
MaxError = maxError;
MaxSubsegments = maxSubsegments;
SubsegmentCount = 0;
ErrorEstimate = double.NaN;
struct EstimationResult {
public double Result { get; }
public double Error { get; }
public EstimationResult(double result, double error)
Result = result;
Error = error;
struct Subsegment
public double Left { get; }
public double Right { get; }
public Subsegment(double left, double right)
Left = left;
Right = right;
EstimationResult EstimateIntegral(Func<double, double> f, Subsegment s)
var result = PreciseIntegrator.Integrate(f, s.Left, s.Right);
var crudeResult = CrudeIntegrator.Integrate(f, s.Left, s.Right);
var error = Math.Abs(result - crudeResult);
return new EstimationResult(result, error);
static int FindIndexOfMaxError(List<EstimationResult> estimations)
var maxError = double.NegativeInfinity;
var result = -1;
for (var index = 0; index < estimations.Count; index++)
if (maxError < estimations[index].Error)
result = index;
maxError = estimations[index].Error;
return result;
public double Integrate(Func<double, double> f, double a, double b)
var subsegment = new Subsegment(a, b);
var estimation = EstimateIntegral(f, subsegment);
SubsegmentCount = 1;
ErrorEstimate = estimation.Error;
var subsegments = new List<Subsegment> { subsegment };
var estimations = new List<EstimationResult> { estimation };
if (estimation.Error < MaxError)
return estimation.Result;
// Loop invariant: there are exactly SubsegmentCount subsegments and estimations.
// Loop exit condition: there are exactly MaxSubsegments subsegments and estimations.
while (SubsegmentCount < MaxSubsegments)
var maxErrorIndex = FindIndexOfMaxError(estimations);
var dividedSubsegment = subsegments[maxErrorIndex];
var subsegmentCenter = (dividedSubsegment.Left + dividedSubsegment.Right) / 2;
var leftSubsegment = new Subsegment(dividedSubsegment.Left, subsegmentCenter);
var rightSubsegment = new Subsegment(subsegmentCenter, dividedSubsegment.Right);
var leftEstimation = EstimateIntegral(f, leftSubsegment);
var rightEstimation = EstimateIntegral(f, rightSubsegment);
subsegments[maxErrorIndex] = leftSubsegment;
estimations[maxErrorIndex] = leftEstimation;
var totalError = estimations.Sum(x => x.Error);
ErrorEstimate = totalError;
if (totalError < MaxError)
var totalResult = estimations.Sum(x => x.Result);
return totalResult;
throw new Exception("Exceeded subsegments limit");
class InvocationCounter<TArg, TResult>
private Func<TArg, TResult> Func { get; }
public int Counter { get; private set; }
public InvocationCounter(Func<TArg, TResult> func)
Func = func;
Counter = 0;
public TResult Invoke(TArg arg)
return Func(arg);
class Program
static double F(double x)
return Functions.NormalDistributionDensity(x, 0.75, 0.09) * Functions.WeirdFunction(x);
static void TryIntegrator(string name, Integrator integrator)
const double a = 0.0;
const double b = 1.0;
var invoker = new InvocationCounter<double, double>(F);
var result = integrator.Integrate(invoker.Invoke, a, b);
Console.Write("Method '{0}': result = {1}, after {2} evaluations of F", name, result, invoker.Counter);
var adaptiveIntegrator = integrator as AdaptiveIntegrator;
if (adaptiveIntegrator != null)
Console.Write(", with {0} subsegments, error estimation is {1}",
adaptiveIntegrator.SubsegmentCount, adaptiveIntegrator.ErrorEstimate);
static void Main(string[] args)
const int RIEMANN_SEGMENTS_COUNT = 1000;
const double MAX_ERROR = 1e-5;
const int MAX_SUBSEGMENTS = 50;
TryIntegrator($"Dumb Riemann summator ({RIEMANN_SEGMENTS_COUNT})", new DumbRiemannSummator(RIEMANN_SEGMENTS_COUNT));
foreach (var pointCount in GaussianQuadratureIntegrator.ValidPointCounts)
TryIntegrator($"{pointCount}-point Gaussian quadrature", new GaussianQuadratureIntegrator(pointCount));
TryIntegrator($"Adaptive Gaussian quadrature with 5- and 7-points rules",
new AdaptiveIntegrator(
new GaussianQuadratureIntegrator(7),
new GaussianQuadratureIntegrator(5),
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