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  • Save JokerMartini/f8403c58b01c68877d38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JokerMartini/f8403c58b01c68877d38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Maxscript: Selects the faces of an editable poly within a given angle threshold from the Z normal. There is a max height parameter which ignores faces lower than the Max Height value.
--"Angle Threshold spinner" -- angle beetven face normal and Z-axis
--"Max Height" -- select only faces which center position is > Max Height
try(DestroyDialog ::bgaRoll)catch()
rollout bgaRoll "selectObjTops"
local poGFN = polyop.getFaceNormal, poGFC = polyop.getFaceCenter
spinner spn_ang "Angle Threshold:" range:[0,360,5] pos:[5,5]
spinner spn_heig "Max Height: " range:[0,360,0] pos:[4,25]
button btn "Select T O P S!" width:150 pos:[5,45]
fn getDirAngle v1 v2 = (acos(dot (normalize v1) (normalize v2)))
fn getTops obj ang: elev: =
local topFaces = #{}, norm = [0,0,1]
if isKindOf obj Editable_Mesh do (poGFN = getFaceNormal ; poGFC = meshop.getFaceCenter)
for f = 1 to obj.numfaces where getDirAngle norm (poGFN obj f) <= ang do
if abs ((poGFC obj f).z-obj.min.z) >= elev do append topFaces f
) ; obj.selectedfaces = topFaces
on btn pressed do
if selection.count > 0 do
for obj in selection where isKindOf obj Editable_Poly or isKindOf obj Editable_Mesh do
getTops obj ang:(spn_ang.value) elev:(spn_heig.value)
createDialog bgaRoll 160 70 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_sysmenu, #style_toolwindow)
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