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Last active December 9, 2016 21:37
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  • Save Jolly-Pirate/641f1410ff2b3b6eeeb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Jolly-Pirate/641f1410ff2b3b6eeeb3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wpoison PHP implementation, to thwart address harvesting web crawlers that spammers use to collect e-mail addresses from web pages.
# put this in the same folder as the script
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
# edit "wpoison" and "members" to your liking, don't forget to change the wpoison.php filename if you modified it
# make sure the "wpoison" regex matches the "wpoison".php filename.
#RewriteRule wpoison$ /members/wpoison.php
#RewriteRule wpoison/(.*)$ /members/wpoison.php
#suggested example:
RewriteRule email$ /members/email.php
RewriteRule email/(.*)$ /members/email.php
v1.0 2016-01-18
This script is inspired by the perl script Wpoison
I don't run CGI/PERL scripts, so I decided to write a php equivalent
which behaves in the same manner as the original Wpoison.
I added a benchmark for server tweaking. You can keep it or comment it out.
PHP 5+
Dictionary file from (or your own, one word per line)
Put the .htacces and this script in a folder, e.g. /var/www/html/members
Rename the script to email.php for this example.
I use members/email.php to make it look attracting for spammer web crawlers,
but it can be anything you want. Make sure you edit the .htaccess file accordingly.
Unpack the words.gz into the same folder.
Put a link on your main page (or any other page of your website) with a href to: or
both will work, thanks to the .htaccess rules
The <BIG> tag is not supported in HTML5.
It's a small detail though, if it doesn't work for you, remove it or use CSS instead.
$start_time = microtime(true); // Benchmark start
$randomBGCOLOR = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(mt_rand(0, 10000000)));
$randomTEXT = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(mt_rand(0, 10000000)));
$randomLINK = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(mt_rand(0, 10000000)));
$randomVLINK = '#' . strtoupper(dechex(mt_rand(0, 10000000)));
randomwords(3, 7);
// Edit to your liking, check the benchmark to tweak performance according to your server
randomwords(10, 30);
print ("<P>\n");
randomemails(10, 30);
print ("<P>\n");
randomwords(10, 30);
print ("<P>\n");
randomlinks(5, 10);
print ("<P>\n");
randomwords(10, 30);
print ("<P>\n");
// Benchmark end
echo "This page was generated in " . (number_format(microtime(true) - $start_time, 4) * 1000) . "ms.\n";
print ("</BIG>\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n");
// end of the HTML part
// Functions
function randomwords($min, $max) {
$lines = file("words"); // dictionary file
for ($a = 0; $a <= mt_rand($min, $max); $a++) {
$string .= str_replace("\n", '', $lines[mt_rand(1, 235880)]) . " "; // concatenate the words while removing the carriage return from them
echo $string;
function randomlinks($min, $max) {
// script name without the php extension, IF NEEDED
// $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] /folder/script.php using SCRIPT_NAME is better, takes care of any subfolders the script might be in
// $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] // /var/www/html/folder/script.php
$scriptname = substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], 0, strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "."));
$lines = file("words");
for ($b = 0; $b <= mt_rand($min, $max); $b++) {
$string = ""; //clear the string first to avoid incremental appending to it
for ($a = 0; $a <= mt_rand($min, $max); $a++) {
$string .= str_replace("\n", '', $lines[mt_rand(1, 235880)]) . " "; // concatenate the words while removing carriage return from them
$word = str_replace("\n", '', $lines[mt_rand(1, 235880)]);
echo "<A HREF=\"" . $scriptname . "/" . $word . "\">" . $string . "</A><BR>\n"; // without
function randomemails($min, $max) {
// array of possible top-level domains
$tld = ARRAY("com", "biz", "info", "org", "gov", "net",
"uk", "su",
"af", "al", "dz", "as", "ad", "ao", "ai", "aq", "ag", "ar", "am", "aw", "au",
"at", "az", "bs", "bh", "bd", "bb", "by", "be", "bz", "bj", "bm", "bt", "bo",
"ba", "bw", "bv", "br", "io", "bn", "bg", "bf", "bi", "kh", "cm", "ca", "cv",
"ky", "cf", "td", "cl", "cn", "cx", "cc", "co", "km", "cg", "ck", "cr", "ci",
"hr", "cu", "cy", "cz", "dk", "dj", "dm", "do", "tp", "ec", "eg", "sv", "gq",
"er", "ee", "et", "fk", "fo", "fj", "fi", "fr", "fx", "gf", "pf", "tf", "ga",
"gm", "ge", "de", "gh", "gi", "gr", "gl", "gd", "gp", "gu", "gt", "gn", "gw",
"gy", "ht", "hm", "hn", "hk", "hu", "is", "in", "id", "ir", "iq", "ie", "il",
"it", "jm", "jp", "jo", "kz", "ke", "ki", "kp", "kr", "kw", "kg", "la", "lv",
"lb", "ls", "lr", "ly", "li", "lt", "lu", "mo", "mk", "mg", "mw", "my", "mv",
"ml", "mt", "mh", "mq", "mr", "mu", "yt", "mx", "fm", "md", "mc", "mn", "ms",
"ma", "mz", "mm", "na", "nr", "np", "nl", "an", "nc", "nz", "ni", "ne", "ng",
"nu", "nf", "mp", "no", "om", "pk", "pw", "pa", "pg", "py", "pe", "ph", "pn",
"pl", "pt", "pr", "qa", "re", "ro", "ru", "rw", "kn", "lc", "vc", "ws", "sm",
"st", "sa", "sn", "sc", "sl", "sg", "sk", "si", "sb", "so", "za", "gs", "es",
"lk", "sh", "pm", "sd", "sr", "sj", "sz", "se", "ch", "sy", "tw", "tj", "tz",
"th", "tg", "tk", "to", "tt", "tn", "tr", "tm", "tc", "tv", "ug", "ua", "ae",
"gb", "us", "um", "uy", "uz", "vu", "va", "ve", "vn", "vg", "vi", "wf", "eh",
"ye", "yu", "zr", "zm", "zw");
// create a random number of emails
for ($j = 0; $j < mt_rand($min, $max); $j++) {
// min and max random length can be changed of course, as well as the characters list for the shuffle
$a = substr(str_shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), 0, mt_rand(5, 12));
$a .= "@";
$a .= substr(str_shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), 0, mt_rand(5, 12));
$a .= ".";
$a .= $tld[mt_rand(0, (sizeof($tld) - 1))];
echo "<A HREF=\"mailto:" . $a . "\">" . $a . "</A><BR>\n";
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