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Exception filling tab LWM.DeepStorage.ITab_DeepStorage_Inventory: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RimWorld.Building_Vent.get_Graphic () [0x00000] in <551170a781914f71badd2d338cb18879>:0
at Verse.Widgets.ThingIcon (UnityEngine.Rect rect, Verse.Thing thing, System.Single alpha) [0x00182] in <551170a781914f71badd2d338cb18879>:0
at LWM.DeepStorage.ITab_DeepStorage_Inventory.DrawThingRow (System.Single& y, System.Single width, Verse.Thing thing) [0x001bd] in <ab13c44132f1454996bcdaad0c58e6df>:0
at LWM.DeepStorage.ITab_DeepStorage_Inventory.FillTab () [0x001f2] in <ab13c44132f1454996bcdaad0c58e6df>:0
at Verse.InspectTabBase+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<DoTabGUI>b__0 () [0x00039] in <551170a781914f71badd2d338cb18879>:0
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.Log:ErrorOnce(String, Int32, Boolean)
JomerDev / main.lua (on mobile)
Last active July 7, 2016 15:45
File downloader
-- most of this is not needed fo the download, but this code keeps the app running even when there is an error
-- when an error happens, this code offers the option to update the files through the server
-- start at line 200 if you only want the file download service
function run()
if love.math then
JomerDev / packer.lua
Last active May 14, 2016 13:31
A packer for the bin packing problem
local packer = {}
function packer:new(w,h)
local new = setmetatable({},{__index = self})
new.x = 0
new.y = 0
new.w = w
new.h = h
return new
JomerDev / question.txt
Created April 14, 2016 14:53
A large question
I'm working on an isometric game wich will have multiple images as texture atlas.
My problem: Since I have 'buildings' on more than one spritebatch which could overlap, I get the problem that I have to draw SpriteBatch A
then Spritebatch B because the builduing is on image 2 and then SpriteBatchC and so on. I would have to switch the SpriteBatch for only one
Quad sometimes.
My question: would it be more efficient to have one imageData where I always just paste the different tiles I need into (every few ticks)
and use this imageData as Image for a SpriteBatch? This would reduce the draw calls to one most of the time and I would not have to switch
SpriteBatches for one Quad
JomerDev / .gitignore
Created October 20, 2015 17:41 — forked from josefnpat/.gitignore
MLGUI - Minimal Love Graphical User Interface