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Created December 17, 2022 16:57
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VBA Script to convert a coordinate to longitude and latitude in Excel (DMS to degrees)
'Parse a coordinate to an array of numbers containing hours, minutes, seconds (still represented as strings)
Private Function ParseCoOne(Co As String) As String()
Dim parsed(3) As String
Dim tmp() As String
tmp = Split(Co, "°")
parsed(0) = tmp(0)
tmp = Split(tmp(1), "'")
parsed(1) = tmp(0)
tmp = Split(tmp(1), """")
parsed(2) = tmp(0)
ParseCoOne = parsed
End Function
'convert DMS to degrees (CoTy = N or E)
Public Function DMSToDegree(Co As String, CoTy As String) As Double
'VBA gives wrong erros when using CDbl
On Error Resume Next
Dim coSplit() As String
Dim nor As String
Dim eas As String
coSplit = Split(Co, " ")
nor = coSplit(0)
eas = coSplit(1)
Dim parsedCo() As String
If CoTy = "N" Then
'Simple format check
If Not nor Like "*°*'*""N" Then
MsgBox "Error: Invalid latitude"
End If
parsedCo = ParseCoOne(nor)
ElseIf CoTy = "E" Then
If Not eas Like "*°*'*""E" Then
MsgBox "Error: Invalid longitude"
End If
parsedCo = ParseCoOne(eas)
MsgBox "Error: Invalid CoTy (possible values are ""N"", ""E"")"
End If
Dim total As Double
total = CDbl(parsedCo(0)) + CDbl(parsedCo(1)) / 60 + CDbl(parsedCo(2)) / 3600
DMSToDegree = total
End Function
'Will output longitude of 50,5058611
Sub test()
MsgBox DMSToDegree("50°30'21,1""N 5°35'39,6""E", "N")
End Sub
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