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Created November 29, 2024 04:48
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Annual vs monthly cost calculator
def calc_rate_offset(monthly_cost, annual_cost, tolerance=1e-8):
Find the monthly interest rate needed to offset the cost difference
between monthly and annual plans.
total_monthly = 12 * monthly_cost
diff = total_monthly - annual_cost # Extra cost to offset
# If there's no meaningful difference, no interest rate is needed
if diff <= 0:
print("Monthly plan is cheaper or equal to the annual plan.")
return 0.0
# Binary search bounds
lower_rate = 0.0
upper_rate = 1.0
best_rate = None
min_diff = float("inf")
iteration = 0 # Track iterations for debugging
def debug_output(iteration, lower, upper, mid, balance, interest_earned):
"""Optional: Print debug information for each iteration."""
print(f"Iteration {iteration}:")
f" Lower Rate: {lower:.6f}, Upper Rate: {upper:.6f}, Mid Rate: {mid:.6f}"
f" Final Balance: {balance:.2f}, Total Interest Earned: {interest_earned:.2f}, Target: {diff:.2f}"
# Binary search loop
while upper_rate - lower_rate > tolerance:
mid_rate = (lower_rate + upper_rate) / 2
balance = total_monthly
total_interest = 0.0
# Simulate monthly accrual and deductions
for month in range(12):
interest = balance * mid_rate
total_interest += interest
balance += interest - monthly_cost
# Check if this rate is the closest to the target difference
current_diff = abs(total_interest - diff)
if current_diff < min_diff:
min_diff = current_diff
best_rate = mid_rate
# Debugging: Report balance and rate bounds
iteration, lower_rate, upper_rate, mid_rate, balance, total_interest
# Adjust rate bounds based on final balance
if total_interest > diff:
upper_rate = mid_rate
lower_rate = mid_rate
iteration += 1
monthly_after_interest = total_monthly - total_interest
# Summary
print(f" Total Interest Earned: {total_interest:.2f}")
print(f" Total Monthly Cost After Interest Offset: {monthly_after_interest:.2f}")
print(f" Cost Difference: {diff:.2f}")
print(f" Annual Cost: {annual_cost:.2f}")
print(f"\nSearch completed in {iteration} iterations.")
return best_rate
monthly_cost = float(input("Enter the monthly subscription cost: "))
annual_cost = float(input("Enter the annual subscription cost: "))
required_interest_rate = calc_rate_offset(monthly_cost, annual_cost)
if required_interest_rate is not None:
annual_interest_rate = (1 + required_interest_rate) ** 12 - 1
print(f"Annual Interest Rate: {annual_interest_rate * 100:.3f}%")
print(f"Monthly Interest Rate: {required_interest_rate * 100:.4f}%")
print("No valid interest rate found.")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter numeric values.")
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