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Last active May 22, 2017 13:15
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  • Save JonCubed/9dd488c3073a244b78befe45ccca991b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JonCubed/9dd488c3073a244b78befe45ccca991b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$InstallDev = $false,
$InstallHome = $false,
function Set-EnvironmentVariable
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($Key, $Value, "Machine") # for reboots
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($Key, $Value, "Process") # for right now
if ($InstallDev)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Key "BoxStarter:InstallDev" -Value "1"
if ($InstallHome)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Key "BoxStarter:InstallHome" -Value "1"
if ($DataDrive)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Key "BoxStarter:DataDrive" -Value $DataDrive
if ($SourceCodeFolder)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Key "BoxStarter:SourceCodeFolder" -Value $SourceCodeFolder
if ($SkipWindowsUpdate)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Key "BoxStarter:SkipWindowsUpdate" -Value "1"
if ($EnableWindowsAuthFeature)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Key "BoxStarter:EnableWindowsAuthFeature" -Value "1"
if ($SqlServer2016IsoImage)
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Key "choco:sqlserver2016:isoImage" -Value $SqlServer2016IsoImage
if ($SqlServer2016SaPassword) {
# enable mixed mode auth
$installScript = ''
$webLauncherUrl = "$installScript"
$edgeVersion = Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
if ($edgeVersion)
start microsoft-edge:$webLauncherUrl
$IE=new-object -com internetexplorer.application
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