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Last active January 18, 2017 22:44
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  • Save JonCubed/fbf0ed6a134be9bdbd35f1152c081877 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JonCubed/fbf0ed6a134be9bdbd35f1152c081877 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sample BoxStarter Script
Disable-BingSearch #Disables the Bing Internet Search when searching from the search field in the Taskbar or Start Menu.
Enable-RemoteDesktop #Allows Remote Desktop access to machine and enables Remote Desktop firewall rule.
Move-LibraryDirectory "Personal" "$env:UserProfile\dropbox\documents" #Moves a library to a new directory, if files exist will move them too
Set-WindowsExplorerOptions -EnableShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -EnableShowFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar -DisableShowRecentFilesInQuickAccess -DisableShowFrequentFoldersInQuickAccess -EnableExpandToOpenFolder
Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Large -UnLock -Dock Left -Combine Never
choco feature enable --name=allowGlobalConfirmation
choco install git
choco install slack
choco install nodejs
# pin slack to taskbar...does not currrently work in Win10
Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\slack\slack.exe"
# Enable Internet Information Services Feature - will enable a bunch of things by default
choco install IIS-WebServerRole --source windowsfeatures --limitoutput
# Change regional and date settings
&"$env:windir\system32\tzutil.exe" /s "AUS Eastern Standard Time"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International" -Name sShortDate -Value 'dd MMM yy'
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International" -Name sCountry -Value Australia
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International" -Name sShortTime -Value 'hh:mm tt'
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International" -Name sTimeFormat -Value 'hh:mm:ss tt'
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International" -Name sLanguage -Value ENA
# refresh environment variables
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
# install node libraries
npm install -g jspm
npm install -g generator-aspnet
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