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Created January 13, 2018 14:35
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Find local Git branches that haven't got remotes
import os
import subprocess
# only look in home and subdirectories
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
git_repos = [root for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(home_dir) if '.git' in dirs ]
row_format = '{:30s} {:40s} ({})'
print(row_format.format('Repository', 'Branch', 'Path'))
def cd_run_report(directory, commands):
process = subprocess.Popen(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return (process.communicate())
for repo in git_repos:
# list all the local branches in the repository
commands = ['git', 'branch']
out, err = cd_run_report(repo, commands)
if err:
print('Error: {}'.format(err))
# ignore first 2 chars (either whitespace or *) and ignore final empty string
branches = [ branch[2:].strip() for branch in out.split('\n') ][:-1]
# check each branch for its remote
for branch in branches:
commands = ['git', 'rev-parse', '--symbolic-full-name', branch + '@{u}']
out, err = cd_run_report(repo, commands)
remote_branch = out.strip()
if not remote_branch:
print(row_format.format(repo.split(os.sep)[-1], branch, repo))
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