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Last active December 21, 2020 14:15
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Quiz Time Hnnnhnhnnnnn

Film Company Intros

What is the name of the film studio or film agency for each corresponding theme? If you can produce a good drawing of the final frame of the logo then this will be accepted in lieu of a name.

  1. - 20th Century Fox
  2. - Columbia
  3. - DreamWorks
  4. - Grace Films
  5. - Marvel
  6. - MGM
  7. - New Line Cinema
  8. - Pixar
  9. - Universal (THE MOST EPIC VERSION)
  10. - Disney
  11. - Warner Bros (also the tinkle one)
  12. - THX (bonus)
  13. - Peal & Dean


This is a general knowledge round, but there is a common theme amongst all the answers except for one. If you can tell me the theme then you will get an additional five points.

Question: Which book that features a father and son trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world, was made into a film of the same name starring Vigo Mortisen?

Answer: The Road

(Song: The Long and Winding Road)

Question: From which nation were athletes forced to compete under a neutral flag in the 2018 Winter Olympics? Clue: it was for doping.

Answer: Russia

(Song: Back in the USSR)

Question: What is the type of Thunderbird that Gordon operates in Thunderbirds? Clue: It is Thunderbird 4.

Answer: Submarine

(Song: Yellow Submarine)

Question: What do the words "Shalom" (Hebrew), "Salaam" (Arabic), "Servus" (Bavarian) have in common? Clue: "Aloha" also fits this category.

Answer: They all mean hello / Goodbye

(Song: Hello Goodbye)

Question: Charles Dickens' second novel was originally going to be called "The Parish Boy's Progress". What was it in fact called?

Answer: Oliver Twist

(Song: Twist & Shout)

Question: Edward Thatch was an English sailor that worked on merchant vessels during the Atlantic Slave trade in the 18th Century, that is before he turned to a life of crime and became known under a new nickname that is much better known today. What was this new nickname?

Answer: Blackbeard

(Song: There is no song - this is is the red herring!)

Question: Playing cards are thought to have been invented in China in the 12th century. In the 15th century, the Swiss-Germans copied the idea but invented their own suits. Two of these suits were called Roses and Acorns - what do we know them as today?

Answer: Hearts and Clubs

(Song: Lonely Hearts Club)

Question: According to Shirley Bassey, what "wont' leave in the night, with no fear that they might, desert me"

Answer: Diamonds

(Song: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)

Question: What gives Superman his super-human strength on Earth?

Answer: The Sun

(Song: Here Comes The Sun)

Question: Who is often referred to as the "Queen of Reinvention"

Answer: Madonna

(Song: Lady Madonna)

Question: For an additional 5 points, what is the common theme between all but one of these answers Answer: They all relate to Beatles songs, apart from "Blackbeard", though this does SOUND like a Beatles song when said with a scouse accent.

2-4-1 Round

Each answer will appear twice at some point in this round, so we have twice as many questions as unique answers. For example, two questions might be: "What is the fourth planet from the Sun?" and a later question might ask "Which confectionary was started in 1911 and employes over 100k employees?". To both the answer is "Mars".

Question 1: What is the name of the Roman Goddess for Victory?

Answer: Nike.

Question 2: What is the cockney rhyming slang for £100?

Answer: A tonne.

Question 3: In the stock market, when prices are going down, it is referred to as a "Bear" market. Which animal is used to describe a market where prices are going up?

Answer: A bull.

Question 4: Which scientist, played by David Bowie in Chris Nolan's The Prestige, invented Alternating Current, wireless lighting, and remote control boats?

Answer: (Niokla) Tesla.

Question 5: What is the weight of 1m cubed of water?

Answer: A tonne.

Question 6: Elon Musk is the CEO of SpaceX, Open AI and The Boring Company. What is the name of the other company of which he is the CEO?

Answer: Tesla.

Question 7: A sportswear brand bought their logo for $5 and this logo is referred to as a "Swoosh". What is the name of this brand?

Answer: Nike.

Question 8: Michael Jordan made his name playing basketball for Chicago's basketball team: the Chicago ____s? What is the animal that features in their name and logo

Answer: A bull.


Everyone has to select two answers that match the criteria of the question. Once these have been chosen, a point will be awarded for each, as long as no other contestant has chosen the same answer. Any answer that appears twice will not score a point for any contestant that has selected it.

  1. Degrees / areas of study that an "E" in the name.
  2. Types of dance
  3. Phone apps that have an "A" in the name
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