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Last active July 3, 2017 14:22
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Save JonTheNiceGuy/270322a511122ab05525d37e22e3e562 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. combined into a single script, based on version 1.0.1 - PROPERTY OF CHECK POINT LTD AND IS PRESENTED HERE FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY

This is based on the code at with a couple of changes:

  • I have merged the three separate files into one single file. This means this file (plus an empty can be placed into your library path (e.g. /etc/ansible/library or /path/to/your/playbook/library) instead of needing to copy this into the core libraries of the machine.
  • I have made it so that you can use the |default('omit') filter in parameters (which is useful for creating rulebases)

You should be aware that this library is NOT IDEMPOTENT (which is a key attribute to Ansible). I have not worked out how to resolve this, so for now, you'll need to either use tags or comment out the bits you've already run.

from __future__ import print_function
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from httplib import HTTPResponse
import httplib
import hashlib
import ssl
import os.path
import time
import base64
import socket
import json
import subprocess
import ast
import sys
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
# arguments for the module:
fields = {
"command": {
"required": True,
"type": "str"
"parameters": {
"session-data": {
"type": "str"
"fingerprint": {
"type": "str"
module: check_point_mgmt
short_description: Control a management server via access to the web API.
Please read the readme.txt file for more detailed information.
- "2.7.9 <= python < 3.0"
- The command to run on the managment server.
required: true
- domain: Log in to this domain on the management server.
- management: IP address of the management server to control.
- port: Port to connect through to the management server.
Default: 443
- username: Username to log in to the management server with.
- password: Password to log in to the management server with.
required: false
- Fingerprint to verify the server's fingerprint with.
required: false
- hosts: "localhost" # Note #2 in the Description section
- name: "login" # You have to login to the management
# server before running any commands
command: login
username: "{{mgmt_user}}" # Variables set in /etc/ansible/hosts, to avoid needing
password: "{{mgmt_password}}" # to type your login details in every playbook.
management: "{{mgmt_server}}"
fingerprint: "7D:FE:DE:EE:C7:B9:D0:67:35:E4:C4:16:EC:7A:03:13:48:CD:CA:8D"
register: login_response # Register the output from the login
# command so we can use it later to run commands.
- name: "add host"
command: add-host # Name of the command
parameters: # The parameters for it, in dictionary form
name: "host_demo"
ip-address: ""
session-data: "{{ login_response }}" # The session data we received from
# the login command is used here to run 'add-host'
- name: "add group"
command: add-group
name: "group_demo"
- "host_demo"
session-data: "{{ login_response }}"
- name: "publish" # Publishing is important if you want
# your changes to be saved.
check_point_mgmt: # This will actually 'discard' when
# check mode is enabled (ansible-playbook -C)
# unless you add 'always_run: yes' to the task.
command: publish
session-data: "{{login_response}}"
module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields, supports_check_mode=True)
response = {}
can_publish = True
was_published = False
# Commands that are unable to be run in check mode.
# The module will stop and tell you to add an "always_run: yes" when running in check mode
unavailable_in_check_commands = ["publish", "run-script", "install-policy", "add-domain"]
# Validate the fingerprint of the server with a local one
# If it's validated, assign the API client's fingerprint accordingly
# If not, display an error and exit.
def validate_fingerprint(client, local_fingerprint):
# If given a fingerprint, save it so we don't have to give it next time
if local_fingerprint:
client.save_fingerprint_to_file(client.server, local_fingerprint)
# If not given a fingerprint, try to read one from a file previously written
local_fingerprint = client.read_fingerprint_from_file(client.server)
# Getting the server's fingerprint
server_fingerprint = client.get_server_fingerprint(client.server)
if local_fingerprint.replace(':', '').upper() == server_fingerprint.replace(':', '').upper():
client.fingerprint = local_fingerprint
error("Cannot operate on an unverified server. Please verify the server's fingerprint: '"
+ server_fingerprint + "' and add it via the 'fingerprint' option of this module.")
def main():
global can_publish
global was_published
client = APIClient(APIClientArgs())
# Initializing parameters to variables:
command = module.params["command"]
parameters = module.params["parameters"] if "parameters" in module.params else None
session_data = module.params["session-data"] if "session-data" in module.params else None
fingerprint = module.params["fingerprint"] if "fingerprint" in module.params else None
if parameters:
parameters = json.loads(parameters.replace("'", '"'))
if parameters is not None:
parameters_copy = parameters.copy()
for option, option_value in iteritems(parameters_copy):
if "__omit_place_holder__" in option_value:
del parameters[option]
if command == "login":
# Login parameters:
username = parameters["user"] if "user" in parameters else (
parameters["username"] if "username" in parameters else None)
password = parameters["pass"] if "pass" in parameters else (
parameters["password"] if "password" in parameters else None)
management = parameters["management"] if "management" in parameters else ""
port = parameters["port"] if "port" in parameters else 443
domain = parameters["domain"] if "domain" in parameters else None
# Validate fingerprint:
client.server = management
validate_fingerprint(client, fingerprint)
# Tries to login:
session_id = login(client, management=management, domain=domain,
username=username, password=password)
# Building a session data object
session_data = {
"url": management + ":" + str(port),
"domain": domain,
"sid": session_id,
"fingerprint": client.fingerprint
response = session_data
# Parsing the session-data argument:
session_data = ast.literal_eval(session_data)["response"]
except (ValueError, KeyError):
if not session_data:
error("You must specify session-data for commands that are not login (use the command \"login\" to obtain the session data).")
error("session-data variable is invalid.")
session_id = session_data["sid"]
domain = session_data["domain"]
management = session_data["url"].split('//')[1].split('/')[0].split(':')[0] if '//' in session_data["url"] else \
fingerprint = session_data["fingerprint"]
client.server = management
validate_fingerprint(client, fingerprint)
# Doesn't actually send a login request to the server, just gives the APIClient the details it needs
login(client, management=management, domain=domain, session_id=session_id)
# Doesn't run commands that act immediately (not waiting for 'publish'), like install-policy, publish, etc.
if module.check_mode and command in unavailable_in_check_commands:
error("Can't run the following commands in check mode: " + str(unavailable_in_check_commands) +
". Know that your script ran fine up to this point " +
(("and we've discarded the changes made, you can now run it without check mode.") if command == "publish" else "and we are skipping this command."),
client=client if command == "publish" else None, discard=True, logout=False, exit=False, fail=False)
# Run the command:
res = client.api_call(command=command, payload=parameters)
if not res.success:
error("Command '" + command + " " + str(
parameters) + "' failed: {}. All changes are discarded and the session is invalidated.".format(
res.error_message), client=client)
can_publish = False
response = res.res_obj["data"] if "data" in res.res_obj else res.res_obj
module.exit_json(response=response, changed=was_published)
def is_int(str):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
# Errors out nicely in ansible
def error(message, exit=True, fail=True, error_code=1, client=None, discard=True, logout=True):
if client:
if discard:
if logout:
if exit:
if fail:
module.fail_json(changed=was_published, failed=True, msg=message)
module.exit_json(response=message, changed=False)
# filling the APIClient with login credentials so it can perform actions that require authorization
def login(client, management, domain=None, username=None, password=None, session_id=None):
# will use the given session-id to perform actions
if session_id:
client.sid = session_id
client.server = management
client.domain = domain
return session_id
# will try to login using the given username and password
login_res = client.login(server=management, user=username, password=password, domain=domain)
if not login_res.success:
error("Login failed: {}".format(login_res.error_message))
return login_res.res_obj["data"]["sid"]
class APIClientArgs:
def __init__(self, port=443, fingerprint=None, sid=None, server=None, http_debug_level=0, api_calls=None, debug_file="", proxy_host=None, proxy_port=8080, proxy_protocol="http"):
self.port = port # port on management server
self.fingerprint = fingerprint # management server fingerprint
self.sid = sid # session-id.
self.server = server # management server name or IP-address
self.http_debug_level = http_debug_level # debug level
self.api_calls = api_calls if api_calls else [] # an array with all the api calls (for debug purposes)
self.debug_file = debug_file # name of debug file. If left empty, debug data will not be saved to disk.
self.proxy_host = proxy_host # HTTP proxy server address
self.proxy_port = proxy_port # HTTP proxy port
self.proxy_protocol = proxy_protocol # currently only http and https are supported
class APIClient:
# initialize class
'''def __init__(self):
self.port = APIClientArgs.port # port on management server
self.fingerprint = APIClientArgs.fingerprint # management server fingerprint
self.sid = APIClientArgs.sid # session-id.
self.server = APIClientArgs.server # management server name or IP-address
self.http_debug_level = APIClientArgs.http_debug_level # debug level
self.api_calls = APIClientArgs.api_calls # an array with all the api calls (for debug purposes)
self.debug_file = APIClientArgs.debug_file # name of debug file. If left empty, debug data will not be saved to disk.
self.proxy_host = APIClientArgs.proxy_host # HTTP proxy server address
self.proxy_port = APIClientArgs.proxy_port # HTTP proxy port
self.proxy_protocol = "http" # currently only http and https are supported
def __init__(self, api_client_args):
self.port = api_client_args.port # port on management server
self.fingerprint = api_client_args.fingerprint # management server fingerprint
self.sid = api_client_args.sid # session-id.
self.server = api_client_args.server # management server name or IP-address
self.http_debug_level = api_client_args.http_debug_level # debug level
self.api_calls = api_client_args.api_calls # an array with all the api calls (for debug purposes)
self.debug_file = api_client_args.debug_file # name of debug file. If left empty, debug data will not be saved to disk.
self.proxy_host = api_client_args.proxy_host # HTTP proxy server address
self.proxy_port = api_client_args.proxy_port # HTTP proxy port
self.proxy_protocol = api_client_args.proxy_protocol # currently only http and https are supported
def __enter__(self):
return self
# destructor
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
# if sid is not empty (the login api was called), then call logout
if self.sid:
# save debug data with api calls to disk
if self.debug_file!="":
print("\nSaving data to debug file {}\n".format(self.debug_file))
out_file = open(self.debug_file, 'w+')
out_file.write(json.dumps(self.api_calls, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# login
# ----------------------------------------------------
# performs a 'login' API call to the management server
# arguments:
# server - the IP address or name of the Check Point managemenet server
# user - Check Point admin name
# password - Check Point admin password
# continue-last-session - [optional] it is possible to conitue the last Check Point session or to create a new one
# return: apiresponse object
# side-effects: updates the class's uid and server variables
def login(self, server, user, password, domain=None, continue_last_session=False, proxy_host=None, proxy_port=None, proxy_protocol=None):
if proxy_host and proxy_port and (proxy_protocol == "http" or proxy_protocol == "https"):
self.proxy_host = proxy_host
self.proxy_port = proxy_port
self.proxy_protocol = proxy_protocol
credentials = {"user": user, "password": password, "continue-last-session": continue_last_session}
if domain:
credentials["domain"] = domain
login_res = self.api_call("login", credentials, server)
if login_res.success:
self.sid =["sid"]
self.server = server
return login_res
# gen_api_query
# ----------------------------------------------------
# The APIs that return a list of objects are limited by the number of objects that they return.
# To get the full list of objects, there's a need to make repeated API calls each time using a different offset
# until all the objects are returned.
# This API makes such repeated API calls and after each call, returns an APIResponse object.
# The APIResponse objects's .data member is a dict: { "objects": [...], "from": x, "to": y, "total": z }
# You can use this information to show progress (i.e. "Received y/z objects." messages) by iterating over the function.
# arguments:
# command - name of API command. This command should be an API that returns an array of objects (for example: show-hosts, show networks, ...)
# details-level - query APIs always take a details-level argument. possible values are "standard", "full", "uid"
# container_key - the field in the .data dict that contains the objects
# return: an APIResponse object as detailed above
def gen_api_query(self, command, details_level="standard", container_keys=["objects"], payload={}):
limit = 50 # each time get no more than 50 objects
finished = False # will become true after getting all the data
errors_found = False # will become true in case we get an error
all_objects = {} # accumulate all the objects from all the API calls
for key in container_keys:
all_objects[key] = []
iterations = 0 # number of times we've made an API call
api_res = {} # API call response object
# are we done?
while not finished:
# make the API call, offset should be increased by 'limit' with each iteration
payload.update({"limit": limit, "offset": iterations * limit, "details-level": details_level})
api_res = self.api_call(command, payload)
iterations += 1
if api_res.success is True:
total_objects =["total"] # total number of objects
received_objects =["to"] # number of objects we got so far
for key in container_keys:
all_objects[key] +=[key][key] = all_objects[key]
# did we get all the objects that we're supposed to get
if received_objects == total_objects:
finished = True
yield api_res
# api_call
# ----------------------------------------------------
# performs a web-service API request to the management server
# arguments:
# command - the command is placed in the URL field
# payload - a JSON object (or a string representing a JSON object) with the command arguments
# server - [optional]. The Check Point management server. when omitted use self.server.
# sid - [optional]. The Check Point session-id. when omitted use self.sid.
# wait_for_task - dertermines the behavior when the API server responds with a "task-id".
# by default, the function will periodically check the status of the task
# and will not return until the task is completed.
# when wait_for_task=False, it is up to the user to call the "show-task" API and check
# the status of the command.
# return: APIResponse object
# side-effects: updates the class's uid and server variables
def api_call(self, command, payload=None, server=None, sid=None, wait_for_task=True):
if payload is None:
payload = {}
# convert the json payload to a string if needed
if isinstance(payload, str):
_data = payload
_data = json.dumps(payload, sort_keys=False)
# update class members if needed.
if server is None:
server = self.server
if sid is None:
sid = self.sid
# set headers
_headers = {"User-Agent": "python-api-wrapper", "Accept": "*/*",
"Content-Type": "application/json", "Content-Length": len(_data)}
# in all API calls (except for 'login') a header containing the Check Point session-id is required.
if sid is not None:
_headers["X-chkp-sid"] = sid
# create ssl context with no ssl verification, we do it by ourselves
context = ssl.create_default_context()
context.check_hostname = False
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
# create https connection
conn = HTTPSConnection(server, self.port, context=context)
# proxy socket
user = 'proxy_login'
passwd = 'proxy_pass'
host = ''
port = 443
phost = ''
pport = 8080
# setup basic authentication
user_pass = base64.encodestring(user + ':' + passwd)
proxy_authorization = 'Proxy-authorization: Basic ' + user_pass + '\r\n'
proxy_connect = 'CONNECT %s:%s HTTP/1.0\r\n' % (host, port)
user_agent = 'User-Agent: python\r\n'
proxy_pieces = proxy_connect + user_agent + '\r\n'
# now connect, very simple recv and error checking
proxy = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
proxy.connect((phost, pport))
response = proxy.recv(8192)
status = response.split()[1]
if status == str(200):
conn.sock = proxy
# set fingerprint
conn.fingerprint = self.fingerprint
# set debug level
url = "/web_api/" + command
# send the data to the Check Point server
conn.request("POST", url, _data, _headers)
# get the response from the Check Point server
response = conn.getresponse()
res = APIResponse(response)
except ValueError as err:
if (err.args[0]=="fingerprint value mismatch"):
err_message = "Error: Fingerprint value mismatch:\n" + " Expecting : {}\n".format(err.args[1]) + " Got : {}\n".format(err.args[2]) + "if you trust the new fingerprint, edit the 'fingerprints.txt' file."
res = APIResponse("",err_message)
res = APIResponse("",err)
except Exception as inst:
res = APIResponse("",inst)
# when the command is 'login' we'd like to convert the password to "****" so that it would not appear in the debug file.
if command == "login":
json_data = json.loads(_data)
json_data["password"] = "****"
_data = json.dumps(json_data)
# store the request and the response (for debug purpose).
_api_log = {}
_api_log["request"] = {"url": url, "payload": json.loads(_data), "headers": _headers}
_api_log["response"] = res.res_obj
# If we want to wait for the task to end, wait for it
if wait_for_task is True and res.success and "task-id" in
res = self.__wait_for_task(["task-id"])
elif wait_for_task is True and res.success and "tasks" in
res = self.__wait_for_tasks(["tasks"])
return res
# get_server_fingerprint
# ----------------------------------------------------
# initiates an HTTPS connection to the server and extracts the SHA1 fingerprint from the server's certificate.
# arguments:
# server - the IP address or name of the Check Point managemenet server
# return: string with SHA1 fingerprint (all uppercase letters)
def get_server_fingerprint(self, server):
context = ssl.create_default_context()
context.check_hostname = False
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
conn = HTTPSConnection(server, self.port, context=context)
return conn.get_fingerprint_hash()
# __wait_for_task
# ----------------------------------------------------
# When the server needs to perfom an API call that may take a long time (e.g. run-script, install-policy, publish),
# the server responds with a 'task-id'.
# Using the show-task API it is possible to check on the status of this task until its completion.
# Every two seconds, this function will check for the status of the task.
# The function will return when the task (and its subtasks) are no longer in-progress.
# arguments:
# task-id - the task identifier
def __wait_for_task(self, task_id):
task_complete = False
task_result = None
in_progress = "in progress"
# as long as there is a task in progress
while not task_complete:
# check the status of the task
task_result = self.api_call("show-task", {"task-id": task_id, "details-level" : "full"}, self.server,
self.sid, False)
# count the number of tasks that are not in-progress
completed_tasks = sum(1 for task in["tasks"] if task["status"] != in_progress)
# get the total number of tasks
total_tasks = len(["tasks"])
# are we done?
if completed_tasks == total_tasks:
task_complete = True
time.sleep(2) # wait 2 sec
return task_result
# __wait_for_tasks
# ----------------------------------------------------
# The version of __wait_for_task function for the collection of tasks
# arguments:
# tasks - A list of tasks identifiers
def __wait_for_tasks(self, taskObjects):
# A list of task ids to be retrieved
tasks = []
for taskObject in taskObjects :
# Retrieve the taskId and wait for the task to be completed
taskId = taskObject["task-id"]
task_result = self.api_call("show-task", {"task-id": tasks, "details-level" : "full"}, self.server,
self.sid, False)
return task_result
# api_query
# ----------------------------------------------------
# The APIs that return a list of objects are limited by the number of objects that they return.
# To get the full list of objects, there's a need to make repeated API calls each time using a different offset
# until all the objects are returned.
# This API makes such repeated API calls and return the full list objects.
# note: this function calls gen_api_query and iterates over the generator until it gets all the objects, then returns.
# arguments:
# command - name of API command. This command should be an API that returns an array of objects (for example: show-hosts, show networks, ...)
# details-level - query APIs always take a details-level argument. possible values are "standard", "full", "uid"
# return: an APIResponse object whose .data member contains a dict: { "objects": [...], "total": z }
def api_query(self, command, details_level="standard", container_key="objects"):
for api_res in self.gen_api_query(command, details_level, [container_key]):
if["total"] == len([container_key]):
return api_res
# check_fingerprint
# ----------------------------------------------------
# This function checks if the server's certificate is stored in the local fingerprints file.
# If the server fingerprint is not found, it makes an https connection to the server and asks the user if he accepts the server fingerprint.
# If the fingerprint is trusted, then it is stored in the fingerprint file.
# arguments:
# server - IP address / name of the Check Point management server
# return: false if the user does not accept the server certificate, 'true' in all other cases.
def check_fingerprint(self,server):
# read the fingerprint from the local file
local_fingerprint = self.read_fingerprint_from_file(server)
server_fingerprint = self.get_server_fingerprint(server)
# if the fingerprint is not stored on the local file
if local_fingerprint == "" or local_fingerprint != server_fingerprint:
# Get the server's fingerprint with a socket.
if server_fingerprint == "":
return False
if local_fingerprint == "":
print("You currently do not have a record of this server's fingerprint.")
print("The server's fingerprint is different from your local record of this server's fingerprint.\nYou maybe a victim to a Man-in-the-middle attack, please beware.")
print("Server's fingerprint: {}".format(server_fingerprint))
if self.ask_yes_no_question("Do you accept this fingerprint?"):
if self.save_fingerprint_to_file(server, server_fingerprint): # Save it.
print("Fingerprint saved.")
print("Could not save fingerprint to file. Continuing anyway.")
return False
self.fingerprint = local_fingerprint # set the actual fingerprint in the class instance
return True
# ask_yes_no_question
# ----------------------------------------------------
# helper function. Present a question to the user with Y/N options.
# arguments:
# question - the question to display to the user
# return: 'True' if the user typed 'Y'. 'False' is the user typed 'N'
def ask_yes_no_question(question):
answer = raw_input(question + " [y/n] ")
if answer.lower() == "y":
return True
return False
# save_fingerprint_to_file
# ----------------------------------------------------
# store a server's fingerprint into a local file.
# arguments:
# server - the IP address/name of the Check Point management server.
# fingerprint - A SHA1 fingerprint of the server's certificate.
# filename - The file in which to store the certificates. The file will hold a JSON structure in which the key is the server and the value is its fingerprint.
# return: 'True' if everything went well. 'False' if there was some kind of error storing the fingerprint.
def save_fingerprint_to_file(server, fingerprint, filename="fingerprints.txt"):
if not fingerprint:
return False
if os.path.isfile(filename):
file = open(filename)
buf =
json_dict = json.loads(buf)
except ValueError as e:
if e.message == "No JSON object could be decoded":
print("Corrupt JSON file: " + filename)
return False
except Exception as e:
return False
if server in json_dict and json_dict[server] == fingerprint:
return True
json_dict[server] = fingerprint
json_dict = {server: fingerprint}
with open(filename, 'w') as filedump:
json.dump(json_dict, filedump)
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
# read_fingerprint_from_file
# ----------------------------------------------------
# reads a server's fingerprint from a local file.
# arguments:
# server - the IP address/name of the Check Point management server.
# filename - The file in which to store the certificates. The file will hold a JSON structure in which the key is the server and the value is its fingerprint.
# return: A SHA1 fingerprint of the server's certificate.
def read_fingerprint_from_file(server, filename="fingerprints.txt"):
assert isinstance(server, basestring)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
file = open(filename)
json_dict = json.load(file)
except ValueError as e:
if e.message == "No JSON object could be decoded":
print("Corrupt JSON file: " + filename, file=sys.stderr)
print(e.message, file=sys.stderr)
except Exception as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
# file is ok and readable.
if server in json_dict:
return json_dict[server]
return ""
# HTTPSConnection
# ----------------------------------------------------
# A class for making HTTPS connections that overrides the default HTTPS checks (e.g. not accepting self-signed-certificates) and replaces them with a server fingerprint check
class HTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
def connect(self):
self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
self.sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file,
if getattr(self, 'fingerprint') is not None:
digest = self.fingerprint
alg = "SHA1"
fingerprint =
alg, self.sock.getpeercert(True)).hexdigest().upper()
if fingerprint != digest.replace(':', '').upper():
raise ValueError('fingerprint value mismatch', fingerprint, digest.replace(':', '').upper())
def get_fingerprint_hash(self):
self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(
self.sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file,
except Exception as err:
return ""
fingerprint =
"SHA1", self.sock.getpeercert(True)).hexdigest()
return fingerprint.upper()
class APIResponse:
def __repr__(self):
return "cp_mgmt_api::Response"
def __init__(self, response_object, err_message=""):
if err_message=="":
assert isinstance(response_object, HTTPResponse)
self.status_code = response_object.status
response_body =
self.res_obj = {"status_code": response_object.status, "data": json.loads(response_body)}
if self.status_code == 200: # success = json.loads(response_body)
self.success = True
self.success = False
try: = json.loads(response_body)
self.error_message =["message"]
except: = response_body
self.success = False
self.error_message = err_message
self.res_obj = {}
if __name__ == "__main__":
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