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Created October 22, 2023 03:18
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Creates a console command that logs the UnrealEngine net mode for the given game instance
#include "GameInstanceCommands.h"
void UGameInstanceCommands::Initialize(FSubsystemCollectionBase& Collection)
TestCmd = IConsoleManager::Get().RegisterConsoleCommand( TEXT("LogNetMode"),
TEXT("Outputs the net mode to the console."),
FConsoleCommandDelegate::CreateUObject( this, &UGameInstanceCommands::LogNetMode ),
ECVF_Default );
void UGameInstanceCommands::Deinitialize()
IConsoleManager::Get().UnregisterConsoleObject( TestCmd );
void UGameInstanceCommands::LogNetMode()
UWorld* world = GetGameInstance()->GetWorldContext()->World();
ENetMode mode = world->GetNetMode();
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("NetMode %s"), *GetNetName(mode));
FString UGameInstanceCommands::GetNetName(ENetMode Mode)
switch (Mode)
/** Standalone: a game without networking, with one or more local players. Still considered a server because it has all server functionality. */
case NM_Standalone: return "Standalone";
/** Dedicated server: server with no local players. */
case NM_DedicatedServer: return "DedicatedServer";
/** Listen server: a server that also has a local player who is hosting the game, available to other players on the network. */
case NM_ListenServer: return "ListenServer";
* Network client: client connected to a remote server.
* Note that every mode less than this value is a kind of server, so checking NetMode < NM_Client is always some variety of server.
case NM_Client: return "Client";
case NM_MAX: return "MAX";
return "Unknown";
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Engine/GameInstance.h"
#include "GameInstanceCommands.generated.h"
class LEARNINGUNREAL_API UGameInstanceCommands : public UGameInstanceSubsystem
virtual void Initialize(FSubsystemCollectionBase& Collection) override;
virtual void Deinitialize() override;
IConsoleCommand* TestCmd;
void LogNetMode();
FString GetNetName(ENetMode Mode);
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