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JonasCir/ Secret

Created December 31, 2024 12:17
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react! macro demo: modified version of
use leptos::prelude::*;
macro_rules! react {
($($tt:tt)*) => {
move || {$($tt)*}
fn App() -> impl IntoView {
let (value, set_value) = signal(0);
let is_odd = react! {value.get() & 1 == 1};
let odd_text = react! { if is_odd() {
Some("How odd!")
} else {
view! {
<h1>"Control Flow"</h1>
// Simple UI to update and show a value
<button on:click=move |_| *set_value.write() += 1>"+1"</button>
<p>"Value is: " {value}</p>
<hr />
// For any `T` that implements `IntoView`,
// so does `Option<T>`
// This means you can use `Option` methods on it
react! {
odd_text().map(|text| text.len())
<h2>"Conditional Logic"</h2>
// You can do dynamic conditional if-then-else
// logic in several ways
// a. An "if" expression in a function
// This will simply re-render every time the value
// changes, which makes it good for lightweight UI
react! {
if is_odd() {"Odd"} else {"Even" }
// b. Toggling some kind of class
// This is smart for an element that's going to
// toggled often, because it doesn't destroy
// it in between states
// (you can find the `hidden` class in `index.html`)
<p class:hidden=is_odd>"Appears if even."</p>
// c. The <Show/> component
// This only renders the fallback and the child
// once, lazily, and toggles between them when
// needed. This makes it more efficient in many cases
// than a {move || if ...} block
<Show when=is_odd fallback=|| view! { <p>"Even steven"</p> }>
// d. Because `bool::then()` converts a `bool` to
// `Option`, you can use it to create a show/hide toggled
react! {
is_odd().then(|| view! { <p>"Oddity!"</p> })
<h2>"Converting between Types"</h2>
// e. Note: if branches return different types,
// you can convert between them with
// `.into_any()` (for different HTML element types)
// or `.into_view()` (for all view types)
react! {
match is_odd() {
true if value.get() == 1 => {
// <pre> returns HtmlElement<Pre>
view! { <pre>"One"</pre> }.into_any()
false if value.get() == 2 => {
// <p> returns HtmlElement<P>
// so we convert into a more generic type
view! { <p>"Two"</p> }.into_any()
_ => view! { <textarea>{value.get()}</textarea> }.into_any()
fn main() {
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