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Corona Dashboard for European Countries in a Shiny App based on data from Johns Hopkins
# Corona / COVID-19 Shiny App Dashboard for European Countries based on Data from Johns Hopkins
# Author: Jonas Schröder
# Medium:
# Github:
# Twitter:
# LinkedIn:öder-914a338a/
# Happy to connect! :)
# DL time series data from GitHub
yesterday <- as.character(Sys.Date()-1)
date_list <- seq(as.Date("2020-02-13"), as.Date(yesterday), by="days") %>% format("%m-%d-%Y")
# Data frame where data tables per day are rbind to a big table
data <- data.frame()
# Collection of daily data tables (untransformed)
day_data <- list()
# Data Grabber Loop
for(i in 1:length(date_list)){
# load data for certain day
current_date <- date_list[i]
data_temp <- read.csv(text=as.character(GET(str_glue("{current_date}.csv"))))
# unify column names (as the structure and naming of Johns Hopkins' exports change over time)
colnames_temp <- colnames(data_temp) %>% str_replace_all( "_", ".")
colnames(data_temp) <- colnames_temp
day_data[[i]] <- data_temp
data_temp_transformed <- tribble(~Country, ~Date, ~Confirmed, ~Deaths,
"Germany", current_date, filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Germany")$Confirmed, filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Germany")$Deaths,
"Italy", current_date, filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Italy")$Confirmed, filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Italy")$Deaths,
"Spain", current_date, filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Spain")$Confirmed, filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Spain")$Deaths,
"United Kingdom", current_date, sum(filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="United Kingdom")$Confirmed), sum(filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="United Kingdom")$Deaths),
"Netherlands", current_date, sum(filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Netherlands")$Confirmed), sum(filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="Netherlands")$Deaths),
"France", current_date, sum(filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="France")$Confirmed), sum(filter(data_temp, data_temp$Country.Region=="France")$Deaths))
# combine day data with existing data
data <- rbind(data, data_temp_transformed)
# Transform column types
data$Date <- lubridate::mdy(data$Date)
data$Confirmed <- as.numeric(data$Confirmed)
# Group data by country and order by date
data <- data[order(data$Country, data$Date),]
# Calculate difference between days to estimate new cases per day
data$diff <- c(0, diff(data$Confirmed))
# List of countries to look at (if you want to see different countries, be sure to change the Data Grabber Loop loop above)
country_list <- list(
"Italy" = "Italy",
"Germany" = "Germany",
"Spain" = "Spain",
"France" = "France",
"Netherlands" = "Netherlands",
"United Kingdom" = "United Kingdom"
# Define the UI for the Corona Dashboard---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage(
# Shiny App Title
titlePanel("Corona / COVID-19 Dashboard for European Countries"),
# Rows
# Row 1
helpText("Select countries and date range using the options below this text box.",
str_glue("The dynamic graph regenerates based on your input. Data source: Johns Hopkins until {yesterday}."),
# Row 2
# select dstart date
dateInput(inputId = "startDate",
label = "Select a Start Date",
value = as.character(Sys.Date()-14)
# select countries to show data fro
selectInput(inputId = "countries",
label = "Select Countries to plot",
selected = "Germany",
multiple = TRUE)
#Row 3
column(6, verbatimTextOutput("startDate")),
# Main panel for graph output / plot
# Output: Plot curve for selected countries (daily difference and total)
plotOutput(outputId = "plot1"),
plotOutput(outputId = "plot2"),
width = 12
# Define Server Logic for the Dashboard---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
# Each time the user changes the settings, data_temp is updated based on these settings (filtered etc.)
data_temp <- reactive({
filter(data, data$Country %in% input$countries) %>% filter(Date >= input$startDate)
# Re-render plot based on user settings
# Plot 1: Cases per Day
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data_temp(), aes(x=Date, y=diff, color=Country)) +
geom_line() +
xlab("Date") +
ylab("Cases per Day") +
ggtitle("Confirmed Cases per Day") +
axis.title = element_text(size=16),
axis.text = element_text(size=16),
plot.title = element_text(size=20),
legend.title = element_text(size=16),
legend.text = element_text(size=18)
# Plot 2: Total Confirmed Cases
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data_temp(), aes(x=Date, y=Confirmed, color=Country)) +
geom_line() +
xlab("Date") +
ylab("Total Cases") +
ggtitle("Total Confirmed Cases") +
axis.title = element_text(size=16),
axis.text = element_text(size=16),
plot.title = element_text(size=20),
legend.title = element_text(size=16),
legend.text = element_text(size=18)
# Combine UI and Server settings to create and start the Shiny Ap p------------------------------------------------------------------------
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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