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Created July 13, 2020 12:09
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  • Save JonathanPicques/59191e2e7df2ef77391f57843d42543c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const city = celestoryPoints.get('city', 'Paris');
const location = await fetch(`${city}`);
const locationData = await location.json();
if (locationData && locationData[0] && locationData[0].woeid) {
const woeid = locationData[0].woeid;
const weather = await fetch(`${woeid}`);
const weatherData = await weather.json();
if (weatherData && weatherData.consolidated_weather && weatherData.consolidated_weather.length > 0) {
celestoryPoints.set('city', city);
celestoryPoints.set('weather', weatherData.consolidated_weather[0].weather_state_name);
celestoryPoints.set('temperature', weatherData.consolidated_weather[0].the_temp);
celestoryPoints.set('city', city);
celestoryPoints.set('weather', 'NOT_FOUND');
celestoryPoints.set('temperature', 'NOT_FOUND');
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