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Last active February 4, 2020 11:30
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import tensorflow as tf
def batch_gather_3d(values, indices):
return tf.gather(tf.reshape(values, [-1, tf.shape(values)[2]]),
tf.range(0, tf.shape(values)[0]) * tf.shape(values)[1] +
def batch_gather_2d(values, indices):
return tf.gather(tf.reshape(values, [-1]),
tf.range(0, tf.shape(values)[0]) * tf.shape(values)[1] +
def viterbi_decode(score, transition_params, sequence_lengths, back_prop=False,
"""Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags inside of TensorFlow!!!
This can be used anytime.
score: A [batch, seq_len, num_tags] matrix of unary potentials.
transition_params: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials.
sequence_lengths: A [batch] int32 vector of the length of each score
viterbi: A [batch, seq_len] list of integers containing the highest
scoring tag indices.
viterbi_score: A vector of float containing the score for the Viterbi
sequence_lengths = tf.convert_to_tensor(
sequence_lengths, name="sequence_lengths")
score = tf.convert_to_tensor(score, name="score")
transition_params = tf.convert_to_tensor(
transition_params, name="transition_params")
if sequence_lengths.dtype != tf.int32:
sequence_lengths = tf.cast(sequence_lengths, tf.int32)
def condition(t, *args):
"""Stop when full score sequence has been read in."""
return tf.less(t, tf.shape(score)[1])
def body(t, trellis, backpointers, trellis_val):
"""Perform forward viterbi pass."""
v = tf.expand_dims(trellis_val, 2) + tf.expand_dims(transition_params, 0)
new_trellis_val = score[:, t, :] + tf.reduce_max(v, axis=1)
new_trellis = trellis.write(t, new_trellis_val)
new_backpointers = backpointers.write(
t, tf.cast(tf.argmax(v, axis=1), tf.int32))
return t + 1, new_trellis, new_backpointers, new_trellis_val
trellis_arr = tf.TensorArray(score.dtype, size=0,
dynamic_size=True, clear_after_read=False, infer_shape=False)
first_trellis_val = score[:, 0, :]
trellis_arr = trellis_arr.write(0, first_trellis_val)
backpointers_arr = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=0,
dynamic_size=True, clear_after_read=False, infer_shape=False)
backpointers_arr = backpointers_arr.write(0,
tf.zeros_like(score[:, 0, :], dtype=tf.int32))
_, trellis_out, backpointers_out, _ = tf.while_loop(
condition, body,
(tf.constant(1, name="t", dtype=tf.int32), trellis_arr, backpointers_arr, first_trellis_val),
trellis_out = trellis_out.pack()
backpointers_out = backpointers_out.pack()
# make batch-major:
trellis_out = tf.transpose(trellis_out, [1, 0, 2])
backpointers_out = tf.transpose(backpointers_out, [1, 0, 2])
def condition(t, *args):
return tf.less(t, tf.shape(score)[1])
def body(t, viterbi, last_decision):
backpointers_timestep = batch_gather_3d(
backpointers_out, tf.maximum(sequence_lengths - t, 0))
new_last_decision = batch_gather_2d(
backpointers_timestep, last_decision)
new_viterbi = viterbi.write(t, new_last_decision)
return t + 1, new_viterbi, new_last_decision
last_timestep = batch_gather_3d(trellis_out, sequence_lengths - 1)
# get scores for last timestep of each batch element inside
# trellis:
scores = tf.reduce_max(last_timestep, axis=1)
# get choice index for last timestep:
last_decision = tf.cast(tf.argmax(last_timestep, axis=1), tf.int32)
# decode backwards using backpointers:
viterbi = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=0,
dynamic_size=True, clear_after_read=False, infer_shape=False)
viterbi = viterbi.write(0, last_decision)
_, viterbi_out, _ = tf.while_loop(
condition, body,
(tf.constant(1, name="t", dtype=tf.int32), viterbi, last_decision),
viterbi_out = viterbi_out.pack()
# make batch-major:
viterbi_out = tf.transpose(viterbi_out, [1, 0])
viterbi_out_fwd = tf.reverse_sequence(
viterbi_out, sequence_lengths, seq_dim=1)
return viterbi_out_fwd, scores
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