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Created December 17, 2022 14:04
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My Default Prettier Config
// All properties are in alphabetical order so they're easy to find and insertions are consistent.
// This file uses the .js version so that code can be commented inline.
module.exports = {
// Always is the default.
// This wouldn't be strong enough argument to override the default if it was different, but there are
// languages (*cough* perl *cough*) where fat arrows '=>' are the same as commas at varying levels of
// consistency, so always using parens can help readability for people with experience in those languages.
// It also keeps diffs smaller and more localized when inserting additional parameters. If you add a second
// parameter, it needs to do two insertions: the parens before the first parameter and the second parameter
// and closing paren. This isn't much of a concern, but it's nice to have if all other things are equal.
arrowParens: "always",
// Without this, the attributes in JSX flow into the content, and it can be hard to see the difference.
// Granted, syntax colors make this less of a concern, but not all code viewers have syntax highlighting
// (Bitbucket and Github kind of do, but they're pretty buggy) and not all developers have perfect color
// vision.
bracketSameLine: false,
// Give it some breathing room... No practical justifications for this. I think it's easier to
// read and it happens to the be the default, so great.
bracketSpacing: true,
// VSCode and modern editors all support LF, and that's what we need for Linux/OSX compatability. The
// files should be stored as LF in Git and should be checked out as LF, and git should not be configured
// to auto convert the files when opening. BASH and similar scripting languages will fail to execute
// with file not found errors beacuse they can't find `/bin/bash\r`, but that '\r' won't be in the error
// message. This is nearly impossible to figure out if you haven't run into it before and has cost many
// developers hundreds of hours, at the very minimum.
// If you change this, you should change .editorconfig as well.
endOfLine: "lf",
// CSS can override the behavior of <div> and <span>s so the CSS inference won't be as consistent as
// you'd think. Since we send all this code through Typescript compilation anyway, the meaning of
// whitespace around tags has very little meaning, and developers should find more explicit ways of
// ensuring that kind of whitespace is there.
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "ignore",
// Double quotes are more common and consistent with HTML attributes, allowing closer copy/pasting.
jsxSingleQuote: false,
// This isn't a hard value (see the prettier docs for more info). 100 is the default width of
// VSCode on a 1080p monitor with the nav panel open and two vertical panes.
printWidth: 130,
// This is primarily done for markdown diffs in source control. VSCode should be set to wrap
// the prose. If you break into multiple lines, it ends up meaning inserting a word or sentence
// at the beginning of a line can cause the whole diff to break because every line changes in
// a way differs aren't prepared for.
// For example:
// This is really
// complex and needs
// specific attention
// ...
// You need to add "section" to the first line:
// This section is
// really complex
// and needs specific
// attention...
// Differs won't realize that only one word got inserted. They'll show all the rows as changed.
// If there's something specific for a given markdown file that the line break is important for,
// [override it on a per file basis ](
proseWrap: "never",
// There is no justification to stray from the default here.
quoteProps: "as-needed",
// There is a practical reason for this. There are some really subtle "bugs" that can be caused
// by not using semicolons where the developer doesn't realize the statement is joined with future
// lines by the compiler. Prettier (and Typescript) is smart(er) about that these days, but those
// analyzers occasionally have bugs. Better to completely avoid that issue. For more information,
// [prettier has examples]( of these edge
// cases. You'll thank me when you don't spend hours trying to figure out why the code looks right
// but doesn't run right.
semi: true,
// Using spaces with a tab width of 4 makes things consistent between Github, BitBucket,
// and other source viewers. 2 is just too small, and is only really justified when there
// are many levels, which doesn't happen in React/TSX with async/await instead of callbacks.
// Quotation marks, bullets, and the start of tags (<>) is too close to reasonably see
// indentation at a glance.
// If you change this, you should change .editorconfig as well.
tabWidth: 4,
// Always using trailing commas. This allows for better source control, where an addition of a new
// parameter on a new line at the end of a list doesn't require a change to the previous line.
trailingComma: "all",
// Although tabs allow individual users to configure their preferred indent level, at the time
// of this writing, Bitbucket and other code review platforms have really poor support for that
// and choose really weird default tab sizes that don't agree with each other. Using spaces over
// tabs means you get cross platform consistency. And honestly, the choice is pretty arbitrary
// given the capabilities of modern machines.
// If you change this, you should change .editorconfig as well.
useTabs: false,
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