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Last active April 9, 2020 12:21
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[PIL to scikit-image] #pil #scikit-image
__all__ = ['imread', 'imsave']
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import warnings
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, __version__ as pil_version
from ...util import img_as_ubyte, img_as_uint
def imread(fname, dtype=None, img_num=None, **kwargs):
"""Load an image from file.
fname : str or file
File name or file-like-object.
dtype : numpy dtype object or string specifier
Specifies data type of array elements.
img_num : int, optional
Specifies which image to read in a file with multiple images
kwargs : keyword pairs, optional
Addition keyword arguments to pass through.
Files are read using the Python Imaging Library.
See PIL docs [1]_ for a list of supported formats.
.. [1]
if isinstance(fname, str):
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
im =
return pil_to_ndarray(im, dtype=dtype, img_num=img_num)
im =
if im.format == 'MPO' and LooseVersion(pil_version) < '6.0.0':
warnings.warn("You are trying to read a MPO image. "
"To ensure a good support of this format, "
"please upgrade pillow to 6.0.0 version or later.",
return pil_to_ndarray(im, dtype=dtype, img_num=img_num)
def pil_to_ndarray(image, dtype=None, img_num=None):
"""Import a PIL Image object to an ndarray, in memory.
Refer to ``imread``.
# this will raise an IOError if the file is not readable
except IOError as e:
site = ""
pillow_error_message = str(e)
error_message = ('Could not load "%s" \n'
'Reason: "%s"\n'
'Please see documentation at: %s'
% (image.filename, pillow_error_message, site))
raise ValueError(error_message)
frames = []
grayscale = None
i = 0
while 1:
except EOFError:
frame = image
if img_num is not None and img_num != i:
i += 1
if image.format == 'PNG' and image.mode == 'I' and dtype is None:
dtype = 'uint16'
if image.mode == 'P':
if grayscale is None:
grayscale = _palette_is_grayscale(image)
if grayscale:
frame = image.convert('L')
if image.format == 'PNG' and 'transparency' in
frame = image.convert('RGBA')
frame = image.convert('RGB')
elif image.mode == '1':
frame = image.convert('L')
elif 'A' in image.mode:
frame = image.convert('RGBA')
elif image.mode == 'CMYK':
frame = image.convert('RGB')
if image.mode.startswith('I;16'):
shape = image.size
dtype = '>u2' if image.mode.endswith('B') else '<u2'
if 'S' in image.mode:
dtype = dtype.replace('u', 'i')
frame = np.fromstring(frame.tobytes(), dtype)
frame.shape = shape[::-1]
frame = np.array(frame, dtype=dtype)
i += 1
if img_num is not None:
if hasattr(image, 'fp') and image.fp:
if img_num is None and len(frames) > 1:
return np.array(frames)
elif frames:
return frames[0]
elif img_num:
raise IndexError('Could not find image #%s' % img_num)
def _palette_is_grayscale(pil_image):
"""Return True if PIL image in palette mode is grayscale.
pil_image : PIL image
PIL Image that is in Palette mode.
is_grayscale : bool
True if all colors in image palette are gray.
if pil_image.mode != 'P':
raise ValueError('pil_image.mode must be equal to "P".')
# get palette as an array with R, G, B columns
palette = np.asarray(pil_image.getpalette()).reshape((256, 3))
# Not all palette colors are used; unused colors have junk values.
start, stop = pil_image.getextrema()
valid_palette = palette[start:stop + 1]
# Image is grayscale if channel differences (R - G and G - B)
# are all zero.
return np.allclose(np.diff(valid_palette), 0)
def ndarray_to_pil(arr, format_str=None):
"""Export an ndarray to a PIL object.
Refer to ``imsave``.
if arr.ndim == 3:
arr = img_as_ubyte(arr)
mode = {3: 'RGB', 4: 'RGBA'}[arr.shape[2]]
elif format_str in ['png', 'PNG']:
mode = 'I;16'
mode_base = 'I'
if arr.dtype.kind == 'f':
arr = img_as_uint(arr)
elif arr.max() < 256 and arr.min() >= 0:
arr = arr.astype(np.uint8)
mode = mode_base = 'L'
arr = img_as_uint(arr)
arr = img_as_ubyte(arr)
mode = 'L'
mode_base = 'L'
array_buffer = arr.tobytes()
except AttributeError:
array_buffer = arr.tostring() # Numpy < 1.9
if arr.ndim == 2:
im =, arr.T.shape)
im.frombytes(array_buffer, 'raw', mode)
except AttributeError:
im.fromstring(array_buffer, 'raw', mode) # PIL 1.1.7
image_shape = (arr.shape[1], arr.shape[0])
im = Image.frombytes(mode, image_shape, array_buffer)
except AttributeError:
im = Image.fromstring(mode, image_shape, array_buffer) # PIL 1.1.7
return im
def imsave(fname, arr, format_str=None, **kwargs):
"""Save an image to disk.
fname : str or file-like object
Name of destination file.
arr : ndarray of uint8 or float
Array (image) to save. Arrays of data-type uint8 should have
values in [0, 255], whereas floating-point arrays must be
in [0, 1].
format_str: str
Format to save as, this is defaulted to PNG if using a file-like
object; this will be derived from the extension if fname is a string
kwargs: dict
Keyword arguments to the Pillow save function (or tifffile save
function, for Tiff files). These are format dependent. For example,
Pillow's JPEG save function supports an integer ``quality`` argument
with values in [1, 95], while TIFFFile supports a ``compress``
integer argument with values in [0, 9].
Use the Python Imaging Library.
See PIL docs [1]_ for a list of other supported formats.
All images besides single channel PNGs are converted using `img_as_uint8`.
Single Channel PNGs have the following behavior:
- Integer values in [0, 255] and Boolean types -> img_as_uint8
- Floating point and other integers -> img_as_uint16
.. [1]
# default to PNG if file-like object
if not isinstance(fname, str) and format_str is None:
format_str = "PNG"
# Check for png in filename
if (isinstance(fname, str)
and fname.lower().endswith(".png")):
format_str = "PNG"
arr = np.asanyarray(arr)
if arr.dtype.kind == 'b':
arr = arr.astype(np.uint8)
if arr.ndim not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError("Invalid shape for image array: %s" % (arr.shape, ))
if arr.ndim == 3:
if arr.shape[2] not in (3, 4):
raise ValueError("Invalid number of channels in image array.")
img = ndarray_to_pil(arr, format_str=format_str), format=format_str, **kwargs)
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