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Created March 2, 2020 07:30
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[python api test] #python #api #test
import unittest
import os, sys, time
import json
from subprocess import call
import requests
import csv
parentPath = os.path.abspath("../..")
if parentPath not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(0, parentPath)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
marathon_url = ''
# True to omit Docker build and Mesos deploy
test_only = False
# Production 31~35
# application_url = ''
# Develop
# application_url = ''
# Docker for test
application_url = ''
# Seyeong PC
# application_url = ''
class ApplicationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
"""Define test variables and initialize app."""
# Define variable
if not test_only:
# make build and release daemon_11st at port 9081
current_working_dir = os.getcwd()
call(['make', 'release'])
# delete test-daemon-11st group if run
# wait for shutdown
while requests.get(application_url + '/static/healthcheck').status_code == 200:
requests.delete(marathon_url + '/v2/groups/test-daemon-11st?force=true')
print 'killing old test-daemon-11st'
print "old test-daemon-11st is down"
except Exception as err:
print "test-daemon-11st is not running!"
# run test-daemon-11st
try: + '/v2/apps', headers=headers, data=open('./marathon/test_daemon_11st.json', 'rb'))
except Exception as err:
print "marathon is not running!!!"
print "Start new test-daemon-11st"
# wait for test-daemon-11st is up
while True:
if requests.get(application_url + '/static/healthcheck').status_code == 200:
except Exception as err:
print 'waiting for test-daemon-11st up'
# print 'test-daemon-11st is up!!!'
#call(['curl', '-X', '"DELETE"', ''])
# call(['curl', '-X', 'POST', '-H', '"Content-Type: application/json"', ' -d @test_daemon_11st.json'])
# def tearDown(self):
def tearDownClass(cls):
# To shut down application, uncomment below line
# requests.delete(marathon_url + '/v2/groups/test-daemon-11st?force=true')
print "Test is done. Application remains up"
def test_v2_extract(self):
test_case = [
"test_name": "Shoes category test",
"json_request": {
"prod_no": "1029087474",
"image_url": "",
"lctgr_no": "1001315",
"mctgr_no": "1001882",
"sctgr_no": "1011572"
"message": "OK",
"status": "success"
"test_name": "Wrong category test",
"json_request": {
"prod_no": "1450178870",
"image_url": "",
"lctgr_no": "1001298",
"mctgr_no": "1001749",
"sctgr_no": "1010002"
"message": "categories are not matched",
"status": "fail"
"test_name": "Detection fail test",
"prod_no": "1994680603",
"image_url": "",
"lctgr_no": "1001311",
"mctgr_no": "1001819",
"sctgr_no": "1006657",
"message": "scores and boxes are all []",
"status": "fail"
"test_name": "Bad image URL test",
"json_request": {
"prod_no": "1994680603",
"image_url": "",
"lctgr_no": "1001311",
"mctgr_no": "1001819",
"sctgr_no": "1006657",
"message": "Url not found",
"status": "fail"
for tc in test_case:
json_request = tc["json_request"]
r = + '/v2/extract', headers=headers,
r_json = r.json()
# if success test case
if tc['status'] == 'success':
assert(r.status_code == 200)
assert(r_json['status'] == tc['status'])
assert(r_json['rois'][0]['total_dim'] == 2880)
assert(len(r_json['rois']) > 0)
assert (r_json['status'] == tc['status'])
assert(tc['message'] in r_json['message'])
def test_detect(self):
test_case = [
"test_name": "correct extract test",
"json_request": {
"img_path": ""
"message": "scores and boxes are all []",
"status": "success"
for tc in test_case:
json_request = tc["json_request"]
r = + '/detect', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(json_request))
r_json = r.json()
if tc['status'] == 'success':
assert(r_json['status'] == tc['status'])
assert(r_json['roi'][0]['category'] == 'shoes')
assert(len(r_json['roi']) > 0)
rect = r_json['roi'][0]['rect']
assert(len(rect) == 5)
# check xywh
assert(rect[0] + rect [2]) < r_json['image_size'][0]
assert(rect[1] + rect [3]) < r_json['image_size'][1]
test_case = [
"test_name": "correct extract test",
"json_request": {
"img_path": ""
"message": "scores and boxes are all []",
"status": "success"
for tc in test_case:
json_request = tc["json_request"]
r = + '/detect', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(json_request))
r_json = r.json()
if tc['status'] == 'success':
assert(r_json['status'] == tc['status'])
assert(r_json['roi'][0]['category'] == 'shoes')
assert(len(r_json['roi']) > 0)
rect = r_json['roi'][0]['rect']
assert(len(rect) == 5)
# check xywh
assert(rect[0] + rect [2]) < r_json['image_size'][0]
assert(rect[1] + rect [3]) < r_json['image_size'][1]
def test_featExt(self):
test_case = [
"test_name": "correct featExt test",
"json_request": {
"img_path": "",
"prod_no" : "1365651116", "lctgr_no": "1001311", "mctgr_no": "1001820", "sctgr_no": "1006579"
"message": "OK",
"status": "success"
for tc in test_case:
json_request = tc["json_request"]
r = + '/featExt', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(json_request))
r_json = r.json()
if tc['status'] == 'success':
assert(r_json['status'] == tc['status'])
assert(r_json['total_dim'] == 2880)
def test_detectObject(self):
test_case = [
"test_name": "correct detectObject test",
"json_request": { "img_path": "" },
"message": "OK",
"status": "success"
for tc in test_case:
json_request = tc["json_request"]
r = + '/detectObject', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(json_request))
r_json = r.json()
if tc['status'] == 'success':
assert(r_json['status'] == tc['status'])
assert(r_json['roi'][0]['category'] == 'jacket_coat')
assert(len(r_json['roi'][0]['rect']) == 4)
assert(r_json['category_list'] == 'jacket_coat')
def test_detectSearch(self):
test_case = [
# {
# "test_name": "correct detectSearch test 1",
# "json_request": {
# "img_url": "",
# "category": "tshirts_shirts_blouse_hoody",
# "rect": [
# 245.34951782226562,
# 187.08090209960938,
# 412.8267517089844,
# 552.0321044921875,
# 0.9519845247268677
# ]
# },
# "message": "OK",
# "status": "success"
# },
# {
# "test_name": "correct detectSearch test 2",
# "json_request": {
# "image_url": "",
# "category": "pants",
# "rect": [
# 163.72055053710938,
# 8.404693603515625,
# 176.02236938476562,
# 443.8953857421875,
# 0.9995929598808289
# ]
# },
# "message": "OK",
# "status": "success"
# },
# {
# "test_name": "correct detectSearch test 2",
# "json_request": {
# "local_url": "/data1/upload/milab/rtimages/LMWK0DPP4O0NVPPTi20180718.jpg",
# "category": "knit_cardigan",
# "rect": [
# 285.8273010253906,
# 168.8643798828125,
# 109.56976318359375,
# 222.42608642578125,
# 0.9559428691864014
# ]
# },
# "message": "OK",
# "status": "success"
# },
# {
# "test_name": "correct detectSearch test 2",
# "json_request": {
# "local_url": "/data1/upload/milab/rtimages/LMWK0DPP4O0NVPPTi20180718.jpg",
# "category": "knit_cardigan",
# "rect": [
# 285.8273010253906,
# 168.8643798828125,
# 109.56976318359375,
# 222.42608642578125,
# 0.9559428691864014
# ]
# },
# "message": "OK",
# "status": "success"
# }
for i in range(10):
for tc in test_case:
json_request = tc["json_request"]
r = + '/detectSearch', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(json_request))
r_json = r.json()
if tc['status'] == 'success':
assert (r_json['status'] == tc['status'])
assert (r_json['message'] == tc['message'])
import time
# time.sleep(0.1)
def test_memory(self):
# v2_extract_data = self.prepare_v2_extract_data()
# self.run_v2_extract(v2_extract_data)
def prepare_v2_extract_data(self):
csv_path = "src/test/v2_extract.csv"
with open(csv_path) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
v2_extract_data = []
for row in reader:
data = {}
data['prod_no'] = row[0]
data['image_url'] = row[1]
data['lctgr_no'] = row[2]
data['mctgr_no'] = row[3]
data['sctgr_no'] = row[4]
print data
return v2_extract_data
def run_v2_extract(self, v2_extract_data):
while True:
for json_request in v2_extract_data:
r = + '/v2/extract', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(json_request))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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