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Last active March 31, 2020 08:31
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[split run] #bash

Shell script

for i in $(seq -f "%04g" 0000 0249)
    echo "=========================================================================================================="
    echo $input_file
    /app/jdk/bin/java -Xmx2048m -jar -Dtarget=$input_file cleanscoring-batch-0.0.1.jar cleanScoringJob >> ./logs/clean_scoring_all_product.log 2>&1

split file

split -l 100000 -d -a 4  all_product.csv input

merge file

cat output* > result.csv

purify url

import csv
import gzip
import os

file_name = '01.csv'
out_file_name = 'all_product.csv'

if os.path.exists(out_file_name):

with open(file_name) as ifd, open(out_file_name, mode='a') as ofd:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(ifd, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
    csv_writer = csv.writer(ofd, delimiter=',')
        for row in csv_reader:
            url = row[2].split(',')[0].strip('"')
            out_row = [row[0], row[1], url]
            # print url
    except Exception as error:
        print error
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