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Created July 27, 2015 22:45
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  • Save JoniWeiss/0f95b79f46557cca0328 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JoniWeiss/0f95b79f46557cca0328 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var areWeOpen = function() {
var bizHours = [
["0900", "1800"],
["0630", "2000"],
["0630", "2000"],
["0630", "2000"],
["0630", "2000"],
["0630", "2000"],
["0800", "2000"]
var today = moment().format("e");
var tomorrow = moment().add(1, 'days').format("e");
var open = moment(bizHours[today][0], "HHmm").format("HHmm");
var close = moment(bizHours[today][1], "HHmm").format("HHmm");
var now = moment(now).format("HHmm");
var openStatus = function () {
var status = "Closed";
if (open <= now && now < close) {
status = "We are Open now... Why aren't you here?";
} else {
status = "We are closed and will re-open tomorrow morning at " +
moment(bizHours[tomorrow][0], "HHmm").format("HH[:]mm a");
return status;
return openStatus();
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Requires the moment.js plugin. Use as you see fit.
Please let me know what changes you might make or suggest :)
I created this to be able to display the status of the business for the day on their website.

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