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Last active July 18, 2016 02:51
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import numpy as np
results = set()
base_dmg = 117
rapier_dmg = 320
bfs_dmg = 55
dae_dmg = 81
bf_cleave = 0.35
dae_chance = 1 - 0.3
dae_multiplier = 2.2
dae_cost = 5520
bf_cost = 4500
rap_cost = 6200
slots = 6
enemy_dmg_reduction = 0.526 # assuming they have 15 armour
def cleave_dmg(bfs, dae, rap):
return (base_dmg + 120 + bfs_dmg*bfs + dae_dmg*dae + rapier_dmg*rap) * (bf_cleave*bfs)*(dae_chance**dae+(1-dae_chance**dae)*dae_multiplier)
def attack_dmg(bfs, dae, rap):
total_dmg = (base_dmg + bfs_dmg*bfs + dae_dmg*dae + rapier_dmg*rap)
return (total_dmg*enemy_dmg_reduction + total_dmg*(bf_cleave*bfs))*(dae_chance**dae+(1-dae_chance**dae)*dae_multiplier)
for b in range(0,slots):
for d in range(0, slots):
for r in range(0, slots):
if sum([b,d,r]) <= slots:
cost = b*bf_cost+d*dae_cost+r*rap_cost
c_dmg = cleave_dmg(b,d,r)
a_dmg = attack_dmg(b,d,r)
print "Battlefuries | Daedeloi | Rapiers | Cleave Dmg | Attack Dmg | Cost | Cost/Cleave Dmg | Cost/Attack Dmg| Items"
print ":------------|:---------|:--------|:-----------|:-----------|:-----|:----------------|:---------------|:-----"
for i in sorted(results, key=lambda x:x[3], reverse=True):
print "|".join(map(lambda x:"{0:.0f}".format(x),i))
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