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Last active September 7, 2018 08:30
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  • Save JonnoFTW/e9ced26d2c523d1937927dc0e59d3f89 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Rows: 11, cols=1 44 Bytes
CL Took: 0:00:00.003606
NP Took: 0:00:00.000021
Rows: 10, cols=3 120 Bytes
CL Took: 0:00:00.000312
NP Took: 0:00:00.000012
Rows: 10000, cols=1000 40.0 MB
CL Took: 0:00:00.005533
NP Took: 0:00:00.017710
Rows: 50000, cols=1200 240.0 MB
CL Took: 0:00:00.028232
NP Took: 0:00:00.098110
Rows: 1200, cols=50000 240.0 MB
CL Took: 0:00:00.025554
NP Took: 0:00:00.064121
Rows: 784, cols=60000 188.2 MB
CL Took: 0:00:00.019778
NP Took: 0:00:00.048747
Rows: 60000, cols=784 188.2 MB
CL Took: 0:00:00.023760
NP Took: 0:00:00.097961
import humanize
import numpy as np
import pyopencl as cl
from pyopencl import cltypes
from pyopencl import array
from datetime import datetime
device = cl.get_platforms()[0].get_devices()[0]
ctx = cl.Context([device])
queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
src = """
__kernel void shuffle_data(
__global float* data, // array to be shuffled
__constant uint* swaps // array of swaps to perform
) {
const int row = get_global_id(1);
const int col = get_global_id(0);
const int num_cols = get_global_size(0);
const int idx1 = num_cols * swaps[2*row] + col;
const int idx2 = num_cols * swaps[2*row+1] + col;
// if(col==0) printf("Swapping %d with %d\\n", swaps[2*row], swaps[2*row+1]);
float tmp = data[idx2];
data[idx2] = data[idx1];
data[idx1] = tmp;
shuffle_prog = cl.Program(ctx, src).build()
shuffle_krnl = shuffle_prog.shuffle_data
def read_only_arr(numbytes):
return cl.Buffer(ctx, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY, numbytes)
def shuffle(x_data, rows, cols):
Odd sized row count will not have 1 row shuffled
:param x_data:
:param rows:
:param cols:
:param swaps_g:
swaps_np = np.arange(rows, dtype=cltypes.uint)
swaps_g = array.to_device(queue, swaps_np, allocator=read_only_arr)
e1 = shuffle_krnl(queue, (cols, len(swaps_np) // 2), None, x_data,
return swaps_g
def test_shuffle(rows, cols, verbose=False):
x_data_np = np.arange(rows * cols, dtype=cl.cltypes.float).reshape(rows, cols)
x_data = array.to_device(queue, x_data_np)
if verbose:
for idx, row in enumerate(x_data_np):
print(idx, row)
print(f"Rows: {rows}, cols={cols} {humanize.naturalsize(x_data_np.nbytes)}")
start =
swaps = shuffle(, rows, cols)
print("\tCL Took:", - start)
if verbose:
for idx, row in enumerate(x_data.get()):
print(idx, row)
start =
print("\tNP Took: ", - start)
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_shuffle(11, 1)
test_shuffle(10, 3)
test_shuffle(10000, 1000)
test_shuffle(50000, 1200)
test_shuffle(1200, 50000)
test_shuffle(784, 60000)
test_shuffle(60000, 784)
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