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Last active January 23, 2024 03:22
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Automatically create an IMDB Top 250 library in Plex using an existing movie library
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex library script by /u/SwiftPanda16
# *** Use at your own risk! ***
# *** I am not responsible for damages to your Plex server or libraries. ***
import json
import os
import requests
import subprocess
import time
from lxml import html
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
### Plex server details ###
PLEX_URL = 'http://localhost:32400'
PLEX_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
### Existing movie library details ###
MOVIE_LIBRARIES = ['Movies', 'Kids Movies']
MOVIE_LIBRARY_FOLDERS = ['/media/Movies'] # List of movie folders in library
### New IMDB Top 250 library details ###
IMDB_FOLDER = '/media/IMDB Top 250' # New folder to symlink existing movies to
SORT_TITLE_FORMAT = "{number}. {title}"
### The Movie Database details ###
# Enter your TMDb API key if your movie library is using "The Movie Database" agent.
# This will be used to convert the TMDb IDs to IMDB IDs.
# You can leave this blank '' if your movie library is using the "Plex Movie" agent.
##### CODE BELOW #####
def create_imdb_library(library_language='en'):
headers = {"X-Plex-Token": PLEX_TOKEN}
params = {"name": IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME,
"type": 'movie',
"agent": '',
"scanner": 'Plex Movie Scanner',
"language": library_language,
"location": IMDB_FOLDER
url = "{base_url}/library/sections".format(base_url=PLEX_URL)
r =, headers=headers, params=params)
def add_sort_title(library_key, rating_key, number, title):
headers = {"X-Plex-Token": PLEX_TOKEN}
params = {"type": 1,
"id": rating_key,
"title.value": SORT_TITLE_FORMAT.format(number=number, title=title),
"title.locked": 1,
"titleSort.value": SORT_TITLE_FORMAT.format(number=str(number).zfill(3), title=title),
"titleSort.locked": 1
url = "{base_url}/library/sections/{library}/all".format(base_url=PLEX_URL, library=library_key)
r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, params=params)
def get_imdb_id_from_tmdb(tmdb_id):
if not TMDB_API_KEY:
return None
# Wait 10 seconds for the TMDb rate limit
params = {"api_key": TMDB_API_KEY}
url = "{tmdb_id}".format(tmdb_id=tmdb_id)
r = requests.get(url, params=params)
if r.status_code == 200:
movie = json.loads(r.text)
return movie['imdb_id']
return None
def run_imdb_top_250():
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN)
print("No Plex server found at: {base_url}".format(base_url=PLEX_URL))
print("Exiting script.")
return [], 0
# Get list of movies from the Plex server
all_movies = []
for movie_lib in MOVIE_LIBRARIES:
print("Retrieving a list of movies from the '{library}' library in Plex...".format(library=movie_lib))
movie_library = plex.library.section(movie_lib)
library_language = movie_library.language # IMDB will use language from last library in list
print("The '{library}' library does not exist in Plex.".format(library=movie_lib))
print("Exiting script.")
return [], 0
# Get the IMDB Top 250 list
print("Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...")
r = requests.get(IMDB_CHART_URL, headers={'Accept-Language': library_language})
tree = html.fromstring(r.content)
top_250_titles = tree.xpath("//table[contains(@class, 'chart')]//td[@class='titleColumn']/a/text()")
top_250_years = tree.xpath("//table[contains(@class, 'chart')]//td[@class='titleColumn']/span/text()")
top_250_ids = tree.xpath("//table[contains(@class, 'chart')]//td[@class='ratingColumn']/div//@data-titleid")
# Create a list of matching movies
matching_movies = []
for m in all_movies:
if 'imdb://' in m.guid:
imdb_id = m.guid.split('imdb://')[1].split('?')[0]
elif 'themoviedb://' in m.guid:
tmdb_id = m.guid.split('themoviedb://')[1].split('?')[0]
imdb_id = get_imdb_id_from_tmdb(tmdb_id)
imdb_id = None
if imdb_id and imdb_id in top_250_ids:
# Create symlinks for all movies in your library on the IMDB Top 250
print("Creating symlinks for matching movies in the library...")
if not os.path.exists(IMDB_FOLDER):
print("Unable to create the IMDB folder '{folder}'.".format(folder=IMDB_FOLDER))
print("Exiting script.")
return [], 0
count = 0
for movie in matching_movies:
for part in movie.iterParts():
old_path_file = part.file.encode('UTF-8')
old_path, file_name = os.path.split(old_path_file)
folder_name = ''
if old_path.lower().startswith(f.lower()):
folder_name = os.path.relpath(old_path, f)
if folder_name == '.':
new_path = os.path.join(IMDB_FOLDER, file_name)
dir = False
new_path = os.path.join(IMDB_FOLDER, folder_name)
dir = True
if (dir and not os.path.exists(new_path)) or (not dir and not os.path.isfile(new_path)):
if == 'nt':
if dir:['mklink', '/D', new_path, old_path], shell=True)
else:['mklink', new_path, old_path_file], shell=True)
if dir:
os.symlink(old_path, new_path)
os.symlink(old_path_file, new_path)
count += 1
except Exception as e:
print("Symlink failed for {path}: {e}".format(path=new_path, e=e))
print("Created symlinks for {count} movies.".format(count=count))
# Check if the IMDB Top 250 library exists in Plex
print("Creating the '{}' library in Plex...".format(IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME))
imdb_library = plex.library.section(IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME)
imdb_library_key = imdb_library.key
print("Library already exists in Plex. Refreshing the library...")
imdb_library = plex.library.section(IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME)
imdb_library_key = imdb_library.key
# Wait for metadata to finish downloading before continuing
raw_input("\n**Please wait until all metadata has finished downloading "
"before continuing!**\nPress Enter to continue...\n")
# Retrieve a list of movies from the IMDB Top 250 library
print("Retrieving a list of movies from the '{library}' library in Plex...".format(library=IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME))
all_imdb_movies = imdb_library.all()
# Create a dictionary of {imdb_id: movie}
imdb_map = {}
for m in all_imdb_movies:
if 'imdb://' in m.guid:
imdb_id = m.guid.split('imdb://')[1].split('?')[0]
elif 'themoviedb://' in m.guid:
tmdb_id = m.guid.split('themoviedb://')[1].split('?')[0]
imdb_id = get_imdb_id_from_tmdb(tmdb_id)
imdb_id = None
if imdb_id and imdb_id in top_250_ids:
imdb_map[imdb_id] = m
imdb_map[m.ratingKey] = m
# Modify the sort title to match the IMDB Top 250 order
print("Setting the sort titles for the '{}' library...".format(IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME))
in_library_idx = []
for i, (imdb_id, imdb_title) in enumerate(zip(top_250_ids, top_250_titles)):
movie = imdb_map.pop(imdb_id, None)
if movie:
add_sort_title(imdb_library_key, movie.ratingKey, i+1, imdb_title.encode('UTF-8'))
# Remove movies from library with are no longer on the IMDB Top 250 list
print("Removing symlinks for movies which are not on the IMDB Top 250 list...".format(library=IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME))
count = 0
for movie in imdb_map.values():
for part in movie.iterParts():
old_path_file = part.file.encode('UTF-8')
old_path, file_name = os.path.split(old_path_file)
folder_name = os.path.relpath(old_path, IMDB_FOLDER)
if folder_name == '.':
new_path = os.path.join(IMDB_FOLDER, file_name)
dir = False
new_path = os.path.join(IMDB_FOLDER, folder_name)
dir = True
if (dir and os.path.exists(new_path)) or (not dir and os.path.isfile(new_path)):
if == 'nt':
if dir:
count += 1
except Exception as e:
print("Remove symlink failed for {path}: {e}".format(path=new_path, e=e))
print("Removed symlinks for {count} movies.".format(count=count))
# Refresh the library to remove the movies
print("Refreshing the '{library}' library...".format(library=IMDB_LIBRARY_NAME))
# Get list of missing IMDB Top 250 movies
missing_imdb_250 = [(idx, imdb) for idx, imdb in enumerate(zip(top_250_ids, top_250_titles, top_250_years))
if idx not in in_library_idx]
return missing_imdb_250, len(top_250_ids)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(" Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex library script by /u/SwiftPanda16 ")
missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
print("Number of IMDB Top 250 movies in the library: {count}".format(count=list_count-len(missing_imdb_250)))
print("Number of missing IMDB Top 250 movies: {count}".format(count=len(missing_imdb_250)))
print("\nList of missing IMDB Top 250 movies:\n")
for idx, (imdb_id, title, year) in missing_imdb_250:
print("{idx}\t{imdb_id}\t{title} {year}".format(idx=idx+1, imdb_id=imdb_id, title=title.encode('UTF-8'), year=year))
print(" Done! ")
raw_input("Press Enter to finish...")
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riemers commented Apr 21, 2017

It takes the library language, in my case "nl" which doesn't work with imdb. I've set the language to "en" to make sure it always works. My library might be 'nl' but that is because i have dutch subs or dutch language of plex. Is there anybody out there that wants non english titles anyways? Anyways, it does work after that like a champ so 👍

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riemers commented Aug 16, 2017

Language works fine these days ;) thanks. Trying to get it to run in a docker container (since i have plex in docker too) but whatever i do, it ends up with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/", line 19, in <module>
    from plexapi.utils import NA
ImportError: cannot import name 'NA'

If i remove that import, it does do more.. but on my normal host (without docker) it runs just fine, perhaps new version of python or libs that are generating it? tried on python 2 and 3, same issue.

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This script is based om a old version of plexapi. We have had some breaking changes.

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riemers commented Aug 20, 2017

Ah, and since i installed it fresh it downloaded the new plexapi lib.. reason why it still works on my old box.

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riemers commented Aug 20, 2017

Dirty workaround for now pip install plexapi==2.0.2

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memnos commented Aug 24, 2017

If i use plexapi==2.0.2 instead plexapi==3.0.3 do you think i can have problems with other app or plex itself?

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memnos commented Aug 24, 2017

There is something strange.
After this:

Creating the 'IMDB Top 250' library in Plex...

**Please wait until all metadata has finished downloading before continuing!**
Press Enter to continue...

Retrieving a list of movies from the 'IMDB Top 250' library in Plex...
Setting the sort titles for the 'IMDB Top 250' library...
Removing symlinks for movies which are not on the IMDB Top 250 list...
Removed symlinks for 0 movies.
Refreshing the 'IMDB Top 250' library...

all my movies got Deutsch title.
What am i doing wrong?

And also the list of missing is in Deutsch, my library is in English:

List of missing IMDB Top 250 movies:

5       tt0050083 Die zwölf Geschworenen (1957)
16      tt0073486 Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest (1975)
19      tt0047478 Die sieben Samurai (1954)
24      tt0038650 Ist das Leben nicht schön? (1946)
25      tt0118799 Das Leben ist schön (1997)
28      tt0120815 Der Soldat James Ryan (1998)
29      tt0245429 Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland (2001)
33      tt0054215 Psycho (1960)
34      tt0021749 Lichter der GroÃstadt (1931)

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memnos commented Aug 24, 2017

I think i understand which is the problem.
Maybe it is beacause my vps is located in Germany?

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memnos commented Aug 26, 2017

Any idea on how to force Italian Titles?

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riemers commented Aug 29, 2017

Under "retrieving the imdbtop250 list" i added
library_language = "en"

Which forces it, regardless what my settings are to english.

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memnos commented Aug 29, 2017

Tnx, solved.
I put 'it' where you put 'en'
But i also made another change.
r = requests.get(IMDB_CHART_URL, headers={'Accept-Language': 'it-IT'})

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riemers commented Aug 30, 2017

If you want to use the new api, hellowlol made a small script for making a collection. Doesn't have as much options as this one, but gets the job done. Would be nice if this could get an update eventually since creating a library is easier to maintain/see imho. (this one also added what rank per movie too)

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riemers commented Sep 5, 2017

Replace line (19) with NA=""

And this script should just work with the new api too.

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jalarab commented May 31, 2018

still working? I am asking because I adapted to import every IMDB list to a Plex Collection and my script stop working, I don't know why, It seems to be some change on IMDB site.

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I am getting the following error when trying to run this script

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 281, in
missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
File "", line 159, in run_imdb_top_250
if old_path.lower().startswith(f.lower()):
TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str

Any suggestions?

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I am getting this error, what am I doing wrong?


Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex library script by /u/SwiftPanda16

Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Kids Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...
Creating symlinks for matching movies in the library...
Created symlinks for 0 movies.
Creating the 'IMDB Top 250' library in Plex...
Library already exists in Plex. Refreshing the library...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\", line 283, in
missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\", line 203, in run_imdb_top_250
raw_input("\n**Please wait until all metadata has finished downloading "
NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined`

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mganadi commented Nov 23, 2020

I ran the script and have this error :

Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...
Creating symlinks for matching movies in the library...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 283, in
missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
File "", line 161, in run_imdb_top_250
if old_path.lower().startswith(f.lower()):
TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str

Can someone tell me how to solve it?

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I ran the script and have this error :

Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...
Creating symlinks for matching movies in the library...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 283, in
missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
File "", line 161, in run_imdb_top_250
if old_path.lower().startswith(f.lower()):
TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str

Can someone tell me how to solve it?

getting the same, did you manage to resolve this?

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I am getting this error, what am I doing wrong?


Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex library script by /u/SwiftPanda16

Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Kids Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...
Creating symlinks for matching movies in the library...
Created symlinks for 0 movies.
Creating the 'IMDB Top 250' library in Plex...
Library already exists in Plex. Refreshing the library...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\", line 283, in
missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\", line 203, in run_imdb_top_250
raw_input("\n**Please wait until all metadata has finished downloading "
NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined`

a little late but better late than never :D

this is most probably because you are using python3 for which raw_input was renamed to just "input"

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Is this working with the latest Plex Movie Scanner / Agent. When I run the script I don't get any movies added to the new library.
Thanks for any support offered.

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ghost commented Feb 11, 2021

Is this working with the latest Plex Movie Scanner / Agent. When I run the script I don't get any movies added to the new library.
Thanks for any support offered.

User "josh-gaby" has a working version for the new plex agent here:

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Is this working with the latest Plex Movie Scanner / Agent. When I run the script I don't get any movies added to the new library.
Thanks for any support offered.

User "josh-gaby" has a working version for the new plex agent here:

Many thanks for taking the time to provide that information. I'll look in to that link further. Cheers.

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johnhudock commented Feb 21, 2021

I adapted the code above to allow you to create Plex collections from any IMDB list (actually you can provide with a list of lists, which is more efficient so it only has to go through the Plex films once.

`# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Feb 20 14:03:07 2021

@author: john
#		Script to create Plex Collections from IMDB lists.
#		Adapted from:
#       Automated IMDB Top 250 Plex collection script by /u/SwiftPanda16
#                         *** Use at your own risk! ***
#   *** I am not responsible for damages to your Plex server or libraries. ***
#    I have used it to create many collections without issue. But it might depend 
#    on your version of Plex and plexapi
#    If you don't have plexapi: pip install plexapi
#    after doing this I started getting warnings about ipykernal. pip install --upgrade ipykernel  fixed it.
#	 developed under python 3.7, Plex server version 4.47.3

import json
import requests
import time
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
import pandas as pd

### Plex server details ###
PLEX_URL = 'http://localhost:32400'
PLEX_TOKEN = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'

### The Movie Database details ###
# Enter your TMDb API key if your movie library is using "The Movie Database" agent.
# This will be used to convert the TMDb IDs to IMDB IDs.
# You can leave this blank '' if your movie library is using the "Plex Movie" agent.

##### CODE BELOW #####


def add_collection(library_key, rating_key, collection_name):
    headers = {"X-Plex-Token": PLEX_TOKEN}
    params = {"type": 1,
              "id": rating_key,
              "collection[0].tag.tag": collection_name,
              "collection.locked": 1

    url = "{base_url}/library/sections/{library}/all".format(base_url=PLEX_URL, library=library_key)
    r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, params=params)

def remove_from_collection(library_key, rating_key, collection_name):
    headers = {"X-Plex-Token": PLEX_TOKEN}
    params = {"type": 1,
              "id": rating_key,
              "collection[].tag.tag-": collection_name

    url = "{base_url}/library/sections/{library}/all".format(base_url=PLEX_URL, library=library_key)
    r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, params=params)

def delete_collection(collection_name,server):
    print(f'deleteing collection {collection_name}')
    try:, libtype='collection')[0].delete()
        print('Couldnt delete')

def get_imdb_id_from_tmdb(tmdb_id):
    if not TMDB_API_KEY:
        return None
    # Wait 10 seconds for the TMDb rate limit
    if TMDB_REQUEST_COUNT >= 40:
    params = {"api_key": TMDB_API_KEY}
    url = "{tmdb_id}".format(tmdb_id=tmdb_id)
    r = requests.get(url, params=params)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        movie = json.loads(r.text)
        return movie['imdb_id']
        return None
def getIMDBList(listid,listname):
    url = f'{listid}/export?ref_=ttls_otexp'
    l=pd.read_csv(url,encoding = 'latin1')
    list = l[['IMDB','Title', 'Year', 'IMDb Rating', 'Directors', 'Genres']].copy()
    list['ListName'] = listname
    list['ListLinks'] = f'{listid}/'
    return list
def getPLEXMovies(movielib):
        plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN)
        print("No Plex server found at: {base_url}".format(base_url=PLEX_URL))
        print("Exiting script.")
        return [], 0

    # Get list of movies from the Plex server
    all_movies = []
        print("Retrieving a list of movies from the '{library}' library in Plex...".format(library=movie_lib))
        movie_library = plex.library.section(movie_lib)
        library_language = movie_library.language  # IMDB will use language from last library in list
        print("The '{library}' library does not exist in Plex.".format(library=movie_lib))
        print("Exiting script.")
        return []
    return plex, all_movies

def createListCollections(server, movies, movielists):
    for li in movielists:
            list = getIMDBList(li[0],li[1])
            print('Couldnt get list ',li[0],':',li[1])
    for m in movies:
        if 'imdb://' in m.guid:
            imdb_id = m.guid.split('imdb://')[1].split('?')[0]
        elif 'themoviedb://' in m.guid:
            tmdb_id = m.guid.split('themoviedb://')[1].split('?')[0]
            imdb_id = get_imdb_id_from_tmdb(tmdb_id)
            imdb_id = None
        if imdb_id:
            lno = 0
            for list in imlists:
                listname = movielists[lno][1]
                if (list.IMDB==imdb_id).any():
                    add_collection(m.librarySectionID, m.ratingKey, listname)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    plexserver,movies = plex.getPLEXMovies('Movies')
    # Add or remove additional IMDB lists below [istid, listname],
    lists=[['ls069008658','AFI Greatest Movie Nominees'],
           ['ls058705802','NY Times Top 1000 '],
           ['ls021251975','AFI Greatest Musicals']]

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Retrieving a list of movies from the 'Movies' library in Plex...
Retrieving the IMDB Top 250 list...
Creating symlinks for matching movies in the library...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\Downloads\pleximdb250\b1aa2c0f604ed92b9b3afaa6db18e5fd-3a8e5649b2b526227472a112ff53429027a9e66a\", line 283, in <module>
    missing_imdb_250, list_count = run_imdb_top_250()
  File "\Downloads\pleximdb250\b1aa2c0f604ed92b9b3afaa6db18e5fd-3a8e5649b2b526227472a112ff53429027a9e66a\", line 161, in run_imdb_top_250
    if old_path.lower().startswith(f.lower()):
TypeError: startswith first arg must be bytes or a tuple of bytes, not str

Any way to fix this Jonny? Using Python 3.

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