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Created December 4, 2013 21:46
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from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import time
import cv2
# Upper limit
_Servo1UL = 250
_Servo0UL = 230
# Lower Limit
_Servo1LL = 75
_Servo0LL = 70
ServoBlaster = open('/dev/servoblaster', 'w') # ServoBlaster is what we use to control the servo motors
webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Get ready to start getting images from the webcam
webcam.set(, 320) # I have found this to be about the highest-
webcam.set(, 240) # resolution you'll want to attempt on the pi
frontalface = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml") # frontal face pattern detection
profileface = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_profileface.xml") # side face pattern detection
face = [0,0,0,0] # This will hold the array that OpenCV returns when it finds a face: (makes a rectangle)
Cface = [0,0] # Center of the face: a point calculated from the above variable
lastface = 0 # int 1-3 used to speed up detection. The script is looking for a right profile face,-
# a left profile face, or a frontal face; rather than searching for all three every time,-
# it uses this variable to remember which is last saw: and looks for that again. If it-
# doesn't find it, it's set back to zero and on the next loop it will search for all three.-
# This basically tripples the detect time so long as the face hasn't moved much.
Servo0CP = Queue() # Servo zero current position, sent by subprocess and read by main process
Servo1CP = Queue() # Servo one current position, sent by subprocess and read by main process
Servo0DP = Queue() # Servo zero desired position, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo1DP = Queue() # Servo one desired position, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo0S = Queue() # Servo zero speed, sent by main and read by subprocess
Servo1S = Queue() # Servo one speed, sent by main and read by subprocess
def P0(): # Process 0 controlles servo0
speed = .1 # Here we set some defaults:
_Servo0CP = 99 # by making the current position and desired position unequal,-
_Servo0DP = 100 # we can be sure we know where the servo really is. (or will be soon)
while True:
if Servo0CP.empty(): # Constantly update Servo0CP in case the main process needs-
Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP) # to read it
if not Servo0DP.empty(): # Constantly read read Servo0DP in case the main process-
_Servo0DP = Servo0DP.get() # has updated it
if not Servo0S.empty(): # Constantly read read Servo0S in case the main process-
_Servo0S = Servo0S.get() # has updated it, the higher the speed value, the shorter-
speed = .1 / _Servo0S # the wait between loops will be, so the servo moves faster
if _Servo0CP < _Servo0DP: # if Servo0CP less than Servo0DP
_Servo0CP += 1 # incriment Servo0CP up by one
Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP) # move the servo that little bit
ServoBlaster.write('2=' + str(_Servo0CP) + '\n') #
ServoBlaster.flush() #
if not Servo0CP.empty(): # throw away the old Servo0CP value,-
trash = Servo0CP.get() # it's no longer relevent
if _Servo0CP > _Servo0DP: # if Servo0CP greater than Servo0DP
_Servo0CP -= 1 # incriment Servo0CP down by one
Servo0CP.put(_Servo0CP) # move the servo that little bit
ServoBlaster.write('2=' + str(_Servo0CP) + '\n') #
ServoBlaster.flush() #
if not Servo0CP.empty(): # throw away the old Servo0CP value,-
trash = Servo0CP.get() # it's no longer relevent
if _Servo0CP == _Servo0DP: # if all is good,-
_Servo0S = 1 # slow the speed; no need to eat CPU just waiting
def P1(): # Process 1 controlles servo 1 using same logic as above
speed = .1
_Servo1CP = 99
_Servo1DP = 100
while True:
if Servo1CP.empty():
if not Servo1DP.empty():
_Servo1DP = Servo1DP.get()
if not Servo1S.empty():
_Servo1S = Servo1S.get()
speed = .1 / _Servo1S
if _Servo1CP < _Servo1DP:
_Servo1CP += 1
ServoBlaster.write('5=' + str(_Servo1CP) + '\n')
if not Servo1CP.empty():
trash = Servo1CP.get()
if _Servo1CP > _Servo1DP:
_Servo1CP -= 1
ServoBlaster.write('5=' + str(_Servo1CP) + '\n')
if not Servo1CP.empty():
trash = Servo1CP.get()
if _Servo1CP == _Servo1DP:
_Servo1S = 1
Process(target=P0, args=()).start() # Start the subprocesses
Process(target=P1, args=()).start() #
time.sleep(1) # Wait for them to start
def CamRight( distance, speed ): # To move right, we are provided a distance to move and a speed to move.
global _Servo0CP # We Global it so everyone is on the same page about where the servo is...
if not Servo0CP.empty(): # Read it's current position given by the subprocess(if it's avalible)-
_Servo0CP = Servo0CP.get() # and set the main process global variable.
_Servo0DP = _Servo0CP + distance # The desired position is the current position + the distance to move.
if _Servo0DP > _Servo0UL: # But if you are told to move further than the servo is built go...
_Servo0DP = _Servo0UL # Only move AS far as the servo is built to go.
Servo0DP.put(_Servo0DP) # Send the new desired position to the subprocess
Servo0S.put(speed) # Send the new speed to the subprocess
def CamLeft(distance, speed): # Same logic as above
global _Servo0CP
if not Servo0CP.empty():
_Servo0CP = Servo0CP.get()
_Servo0DP = _Servo0CP - distance
if _Servo0DP < _Servo0LL:
_Servo0DP = _Servo0LL
def CamDown(distance, speed): # Same logic as above
global _Servo1CP
if not Servo1CP.empty():
_Servo1CP = Servo1CP.get()
_Servo1DP = _Servo1CP + distance
if _Servo1DP > _Servo1UL:
_Servo1DP = _Servo1UL
def CamUp(distance, speed): # Same logic as above
global _Servo1CP
if not Servo1CP.empty():
_Servo1CP = Servo1CP.get()
_Servo1DP = _Servo1CP - distance
if _Servo1DP < _Servo1LL:
_Servo1DP = _Servo1LL
while True:
faceFound = False # This variable is set to true if, on THIS loop a face has already been found
# We search for a face three diffrent ways, and if we have found one already-
# there is no reason to keep looking.
if not faceFound:
if lastface == 0 or lastface == 1:
aframe =[1] # there seems to be an issue in OpenCV or V4L or my webcam-
aframe =[1] # driver, I'm not sure which, but if you wait too long,
aframe =[1] # the webcam consistantly gets exactly five frames behind-
aframe =[1] # realtime. So we just grab a frame five times to ensure-
aframe =[1] # we have the most up-to-date image.
fface = frontalface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(60,60))
if fface != (): # if we found a frontal face...
lastface = 1 # set lastface 1 (so next loop we will only look for a frontface)
for f in fface: # f in fface is an array with a rectangle representing a face
faceFound = True
face = f
if not faceFound: # if we didnt find a face yet...
if lastface == 0 or lastface == 2: # only attempt it if we didn't find a face last loop or if-
aframe =[1] # THIS method was the one who found it last loop
aframe =[1]
aframe =[1] # again we grab some frames, things may have gotten stale-
aframe =[1] # since the frontalface search above
aframe =[1]
pfacer = profileface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(80,80))
if pfacer != (): # if we found a profile face...
lastface = 2
for f in pfacer:
faceFound = True
face = f
if not faceFound: # a final attempt
if lastface == 0 or lastface == 3: # this is another profile face search, because OpenCV can only-
aframe =[1] # detect right profile faces, if the cam is looking at-
aframe =[1] # someone from the left, it won't see them. So we just...
aframe =[1]
aframe =[1]
aframe =[1]
cv2.flip(aframe,1,aframe) # flip the image
pfacel = profileface.detectMultiScale(aframe,1.3,4,( + +,(80,80))
if pfacel != ():
lastface = 3
for f in pfacel:
faceFound = True
face = f
if not faceFound: # if no face was found...-
lastface = 0 # the next loop needs to know
face = [0,0,0,0] # so that it doesn't think the face is still where it was last loop
x,y,w,h = face
Cface = [(w/2+x),(h/2+y)] # we are given an x,y corner point and a width and height, we need the center
print str(Cface[0]) + "," + str(Cface[1])
if Cface[0] != 0: # if the Center of the face is not zero (meaning no face was found)
if Cface[0] > 180: # The camera is moved diffrent distances and speeds depending on how far away-
CamLeft(5,1) # from the center of that axis it detects a face
if Cface[0] > 190: #
CamLeft(7,2) #
if Cface[0] > 200: #
CamLeft(9,3) #
if Cface[0] < 140: # and diffrent dirrections depending on what side of center if finds a face.
if Cface[0] < 130:
if Cface[0] < 120:
if Cface[1] > 140: # and moves diffrent servos depending on what axis we are talking about.
if Cface[1] > 150:
if Cface[1] > 160:
if Cface[1] < 100:
if Cface[1] < 90:
if Cface[1] < 80:
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