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Created December 10, 2016 10:47
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const fs = require("fs");
const logStream = fs.createWriteStream('output.txt', {'flags': 'a'});
const tempBuffer = fs.createWriteStream('temp.txt', {'flags': 'a'});
const input = require("./input");
const regex = /\((\d+?)x(\d+?)\)/;
let restOfInput = input;
let output = "";
while (restOfInput.match(regex)) {
const [match, letters, times] = regex.exec(restOfInput);
const indexOfMatch = restOfInput.indexOf(match);
const before = restOfInput.substring(0, indexOfMatch);
const after = restOfInput.substring(indexOfMatch + match.length);
const expression = after.substring(0, parseInt(letters));
const expandedText = getExpressionText(expression, { letters, times});
restOfInput = after.substring(parseInt(letters));
console.log(countExpressions(output, 1, 0));
// console.log(output);
function countExpressions(expressions, multiplier, count) {
while(expressions.length > 0) {
const firstParen = expressions.indexOf("(");
if(firstParen < 0) {
return count + (multiplier * expressions.length);
if(firstParen > 0) {
const charsBeforeParens = expressions.substring(0, firstParen).length;
count += multiplier * charsBeforeParens;
const closingParen = findClosingParen(expressions, firstParen);
const expression = expressions.substring(firstParen + 1, closingParen);
const [match, subMultiplier] = /:(\d+?)$/.exec(expression);
const subExpression = expression.substring(0, expression.length - match.length);
count = countExpressions(subExpression, subMultiplier * multiplier, count);
expressions = expressions.substring(closingParen+1);
// const quantifier
return count;
function findClosingParen(expression, openPos) {
let closePos = openPos;
let counter = 1;
while (counter > 0) {
const c = expression[++closePos];
if (c == '(') {
else if (c == ')') {
return closePos;
function getExpressionText(expression, parentExpression) {
if(!expression.match(regex)) {
return quantify(expression, parseInt(parentExpression.times));
let expandedText = "";
while(expression.match(regex)) {
const [match, letters, times] = regex.exec(expression);
const indexOfMatch = expression.indexOf(match);
const before = expression.substring(0, indexOfMatch);
const after = expression.substring(indexOfMatch + match.length);
const subExpression = after.substring(0, parseInt(letters));
expandedText += before + getExpressionText(subExpression, { letters, times: parseInt(times)});
expression = after.substring(parseInt(letters));
return quantify(expandedText, parseInt(parentExpression.times));
function quantify(text, times) {
return `(${text}:${times})`;
function quantifyText(text, times) {
let returnedString = "";
for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) {
return returnedString;
function appendOutput(text) {
// logStream.write(text);
output += text;
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