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Created August 12, 2020 20:09
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Pipecleaner is a tool for validating concourse pipelines
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Pipecleaner is a tool for validating concourse pipelines.
Someone rewrote this in go because "it's not python 3 compatible",
so now they have a version 5x longer and less comprehensible. This
is a "port" to python3, via the 2to3 tool. It took 600ms to do.
It can check for the following issues:
* Resources being used in a job that have not been defined in the
`resources:` block. (Fatal)
* Resources that have been defined in the `resources:` block and are not
used in the pipeline. (Warning)
* Resources being used in an `input:` block that have not been
`get:`-ted. (Fatal)
* Resources that have been `get:`-ted and are not used in the job.
* `output:`s that are not used later in the job. (Warning)
* Scriptlets that fail the tests implemented by `shellcheck` (Fatal)
import yaml
import re
import sys
import os
import getopt
import subprocess
class Pipecleaner(object):
def __init__(self):
def validate(self, filename):
data = self.load_pipeline(filename)
return self.check_pipeline(data)
def load_pipeline(self, filename):
raw = open(filename).read()
# Regexp taken from
# (Fly uses bosh-cli's template package to do the interpolation.
# Include $(date) in the replacement so that shellcheck doesn't assume these substitutions have safe contents
raw = re.sub('\(\((!?[-/\.\w\pL]+)\)\)', 'DUMMY-$(date)', raw)
return yaml.load(raw)
def call_shellcheck(self, shell, args, variables):
""""Returns the exitcode and any output from running shellcheck"""
script = ""
for switch in args[:-1]:
if switch != "-c":
script += "set " + switch + "\n"
for name, value in variables.items():
# Include $(date) so that shellcheck doesn't assume these variables have safe contents
script += name + "=\"DUMMY-$(date)\"\n"
script += "export " + name + "\n"
script += args[-1]
process = subprocess.Popen(["shellcheck", "-s", shell, "-"],
output = process.communicate(script)[0]
exitcode = process.returncode
return exitcode, output
def check_pipeline(self, data):
errors = {
'unknown_resource': [],
'unfetched_resource': [],
'unused_fetch': [],
'unused_resource': [],
'unused_output': [],
'shellcheck': [],
'secret-interpolation': [],
defined_resource_names = set([e['name'] for e in data['resources']])
overall_used_resources = set()
for job in data['jobs']:
plan = job['plan']
get_resources = set()
used_resources = set()
output_resources = set()
triggered_resources = set()
while plan:
item = plan.pop(0)
discovered_blocks = []
# Flatten array blocks as we don't care
for block_type in ('aggregate', 'in_parallel', 'do'):
if block_type in item:
del item[block_type]
# Flatten single blocks we don't care about
for block_type in ('on_success', 'on_failure', 'ensure', 'try'):
if block_type in item:
del item[block_type]
if discovered_blocks:
plan = [item] + discovered_blocks + plan
if 'get' in item:
if 'trigger' in item:
# `get:` referring to a resource that has not been defined
# in `resources:`
if item['get'] not in defined_resource_names:
'job': job['name'],
'resource': item['get'],
'fatal': True
# A 'put' also registers the resource as fetched
if 'put' in item:
# It is a common pattern to define an output that is then
# used in an ensure block that does not need explicit
# inputs
if 'params' in item and 'file' in item['params']:
directory = os.path.split(item['params']['file'])[0]
# `put:` referring to a resource that has not been defined
# in `resources:`
if item['put'] not in defined_resource_names:
'job': job['name'],
'resource': item['put'],
'fatal': True
if 'task' in item:
if 'file' in item:
item['config'] = self.load_pipeline(item['file'])
if 'inputs' in item['config']:
for i in item['config']['inputs']:
# Resources listed as an `input:` to a task that
# have not been `get:` or `put:` in this job
if i['name'] not in get_resources.union(output_resources):
'job': job['name'],
'resource': i['name'],
'task': item['task'],
'fatal': True
if 'outputs' in item['config']:
for i in item['config']['outputs']:
if 'run' in item['config']:
# This list of dialects may expand over time if/when
# shellcheck expands its set of dialects.
shellcheck_dialects = ['sh', 'bash', 'dash', 'ksh']
if item['config']['run']['path'] in shellcheck_dialects:
params = item['config'].get('params', {}) or {}
item_params = item.get('params', {}) or {}
combined_params = params.copy()
exitcode, output = self.call_shellcheck(item['config']['run']['path'],
if exitcode != 0:
'job': job['name'],
'task': item['task'],
'~': output,
'fatal': True,
if 'params' in item['config']:
config = item['config']
for key in config['params']:
if'SECRET|KEY(?!S)', key):
value = config['params'][key]
if not'DUMMY', value):
'job': job['name'],
'task': item['task'],
'~': 'Key "' + key + '" looks like a secret, but the value is not interpolated',
'fatal': False,
overall_used_resources = overall_used_resources.union(used_resources).union(get_resources)
# Resources that were fetched with a `get:` but never referred to
# We ignore triggered resources as they are often only used to
# trigger and not used in the tasks
get_remainder = get_resources - used_resources - triggered_resources
if get_remainder:
for resource in get_remainder:
'job': job['name'],
'resource': resource,
'fatal': False
# `output:` from tasks that were never referred to
out_remainder = output_resources - used_resources
if out_remainder:
for resource in out_remainder:
'job': job['name'],
'resource': resource,
'fatal': False
# Resources that were defined in the `resources:` block but never used
unused_resources = defined_resource_names - overall_used_resources
if unused_resources:
for resource in unused_resources:
'resource': resource,
'fatal': False
return errors
if __name__ == '__main__':
def usage():
print(""" pipeline1.yml [pipelineN.yml...]""")
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', [])
except getopt.GetoptError:
files = args
if not files:
BOLD = '\033[1m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
FMT = '%s' + BOLD + '* ' + ENDC + '%s' + ': %s'
fatal = None
p = Pipecleaner()
for filename in files:
errors = p.validate(filename)
if [j for i in list(errors.values()) for j in i]:
print("\n==", BOLD, filename, ENDC, "==")
for err_type, err_list in list(errors.items()):
for err in err_list:
if err['fatal']:
msg_prefix = '\033[91mERROR '
msg_prefix = '\033[93mWARNING '
if not fatal:
fatal = err['fatal']
del err['fatal']
error_strings = []
for k, v in sorted(err.items()):
error_strings.append("%s='%s'" % (k, v))
print(FMT % (msg_prefix, err_type.replace('_', ' ').title(), ', '.join(error_strings)))
if fatal is True:
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