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Created May 15, 2015 07:00
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jooho@jhouse bin]$ ./ /ext02/Git/examples/jboss-eap6/jms/1.1/jboss-as-jms-app-client/ear/target/jboss-as-jms-application-client.ear#simpleClient.jar Hello from command line
15:53:43,280 INFO [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.3.0.Final-redhat-2
15:53:43,402 INFO [org.jboss.msc] (main) JBoss MSC version 1.0.4.GA-redhat-1
15:53:43,519 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS015899: JBoss EAP 6.2.0.GA (AS 7.3.0.Final-redhat-14) starting
15:53:44,510 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 17) JBAS016300: Activating JacORB Subsystem
15:53:44,524 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 21) JBAS013171: Activating Security Subsystem
15:53:44,533 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS010408: Starting JCA Subsystem (IronJacamar 1.0.23.Final-redhat-1)
15:53:44,538 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-3) JBAS013170: Current PicketBox version=4.0.19.SP2-redhat-1
15:53:44,543 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 24) JBAS015537: Activating WebServices Extension
15:53:44,561 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 20) JBAS011800: Activating Naming Subsystem
15:53:44,593 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 14) JBAS010403: Deploying JDBC-compliant driver class org.h2.Driver (version 1.3)
15:53:44,605 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS011802: Starting Naming Service
15:53:44,634 INFO [org.jboss.jaxr] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS014000: Started JAXR subsystem, binding JAXR connection factory into JNDI as: java:jboss/jaxr/ConnectionFactory
15:53:44,754 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) JBAS016330: CORBA ORB Service started
15:53:45,088 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS016328: CORBA Naming Service started
15:53:45,157 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015874: JBoss EAP 6.2.0.GA (AS 7.3.0.Final-redhat-14) started in 2363ms - Started 93 of 103 services (9 services are passive or on-demand)
15:53:45,175 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "jboss-as-jms-application-client.ear" (runtime-name: "jboss-as-jms-application-client.ear")
15:53:45,229 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-5) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "null" (runtime-name: "ejb.jar")
15:53:45,229 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "null" (runtime-name: "simpleClient.jar")
15:53:45,354 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-7) JNDI bindings for session bean named StatelessSessionBean in deployment unit subdeployment "ejb.jar" of deployment "jboss-as-jms-application-client.ear" are as follows:
15:53:45,721 ERROR [] (Thread-35) JBAS015870: Deploy of deployment "jboss-as-jms-application-client.ear" was rolled back with the following failure message: {"JBAS014771: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["\"\".cf is missing []"]}
15:53:45,737 ERROR [] (Thread-43) JBAS013201: InterruptedException running app client main: java.lang.InterruptedException
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.doAcquireSharedInterruptibly( [rt.jar:1.7.0_75]
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquireSharedInterruptibly( [rt.jar:1.7.0_75]
at java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch.await( [rt.jar:1.7.0_75]
at [rt.jar:1.7.0_75]
15:53:45,761 INFO [org.jboss.jaxr] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS014002: UnBinding JAXR ConnectionFactory: java:jboss/jaxr/ConnectionFactory
15:53:45,773 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-8) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment null (runtime-name: simpleClient.jar) in 54ms
15:53:45,774 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment null (runtime-name: ejb.jar) in 54ms
15:53:45,776 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015877: Stopped deployment jboss-as-jms-application-client.ear (runtime-name: jboss-as-jms-application-client.ear) in 57ms
15:53:45,781 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBAS015950: JBoss EAP 6.2.0.GA (AS 7.3.0.Final-redhat-14) stopped in 27ms
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