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Last active September 30, 2021 05:00
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Personal idea of algorithm for a game that can be won by defeating the final level’s boss.

Defeat the Final Boss

Problem: Create an algorithm for a game that can be won by defeating the final level's boss.

Understanding and Questions in the Problem:

  • The given problem is too general. We don't know if our solution is right.
  • Are we going to assume a specific game to solve this or the algorithm that we generate can be applied to any game that has final boss?
  • Where is the starting point of the problem? Are we currently facing the final boss right now or we are going to dungeon to defeat the boss?
  • Since the term being used is "final boss", we assume that there are many boss out there that we need to face before finally facing the final boss. So, It is like a dungeon that contains many floors in which there are boss. Now, the problem is how many boss we need to face before finally face the final boss? We might need to generate a recursive way of solving the problem until we finally face the Final boss and defeat it.
  • There is no specification if how many try or lives we need as long as we defeat the boss.
  • There is also no specification that you should be the one who will defeat the boss to win the game.

Solution #1:

General Flowchart To Battle Against Final Boss

The given solution or algorithm that I think can be applied to any rpg games out there with final boss. The scenario is that we are going to kill the final boss. This algorithm is too general.


Gather Informations:

  • Talk to other people especially to those who encounter the boss.
  • Browse in the internet for any tips and tricks in defeating the final boss.
  • Read Documents given by the game wiki.
  • Chat in the community of gamers and developers.

Planning of Strategies:

  • Based on the gather information, you need to identify if defeating the boss requires a team or being solo is suffice. If you needed a team, find allies that balances the team fight (tanker, mage, healer, fighter).
  • Create strategies based on your skill or the party skill and the boss information, also take consideration of the terrain.
  • Compare and Contrast the equipment you are going to use when engaging the boss. Wear your best equipment or any equipment's that could contradict the skill of the boss.
  • Plan out for the potions or materials you are going to used that could help you or you're team in defeating the boss.
  • Always consider the worst possible case of when attacking the boss, plan another strategy if the previous one doesn't work.


  • Based on the strategy created, buy potion, additional weapon or any kind of materials you are going to used in the battle.
  • You can also make sure that you're equipment is in the best condition so you need to go to blacksmith for any kind maintenance.

Engaged to the Battle:

  • If everything is set, prepare to engage the battle. Follow every plan you had. If there are oponents aside from the boss, you might need to take them down first. If you notice that the boss is using skill, either dodge it or deflect with the skill. If you are in team then everyone must coordinate in every attack. Timing also affects the battle, so make sure the timing of attack is perfect if possible.
  • When engaging the boss, you always need to look out for any pattern of attacks to defend yourself or the team and must not need to exhaust all resources because there are instances that the information might got wrong or just newly discover characteristic of boss, either you are going to use the back up plan or come up with another plan during the battle in order to win.
  • Give everything you can if the boss HP is 5% lower but take note that you always need to wary of the surroundings and the boss behavior.

Tactical Retreat or Revive:

  • If we are defeated then we can just try it again since there is no specification if how many try or lives we need and we can used the previous experience we had to maximize the probability of wining the fight against the boss.

Specific Flowchart in Engaging the Boss

This flowchart is found in the general algorithm's engage to battle section. It asks if you're playing solo or with a team, then gives a gist of how to beat the monster with a repeated process of attacking, defending, and assisting the team. Because the question is too general, it does not provide detailed algorithm. I'm assuming that the team consists of a fighter, mage, healer, tank, and your class as a general. Congratulations if you win the fight, but if you are defeated, you must either perform a tactical retreat if you are still alive or resuscitate if you have died.


Overall Flowchart of Solution #1

This is the overall flowchart or the algorithm of the solution 1 (Combination of the general and specific). To summarize everything, this algorithm will recursively repeat itself until we defeated the boss of each floor (since we didnt know if how many boss out there) and then finally defeated the final boss.


Solution #2: Used Real Money

In Game Purchase

Can we just used our real money to buy in game purchase materials and win the final boss easily. ingame

Hire Top Players

Why do we need to defeat the boss with ourselves if you can let somebody handle the job. Since there is no specification that you should be the one who will defeat the boss to win the game. Just hire high level players and pay them real money to win the game as easy as a rich (spoiled) kid would do. hireplayers

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