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Last active March 27, 2024 07:00
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Testing sylius resources with behat - Example Context and Pages
namespace App\Behat\Context\Admin;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
class BrandContext implements Context
public function __construct(
private readonly CreatePage $createPage,
private readonly IndexPage $indexPage,
#[Autowire(service: 'sylius.behat.notification_checker')]
private readonly NotificationCheckerInterface $notificationChecker
) {
* @When I want to create a new brand
public function iWantToCreateANewBrand()
* @When I specify its name as :name
public function iSpecifyItsNameAs(string $name)
* @When I add it
public function iAddIt()
* @Then I should be notified that it has been successfully created
public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItHasBeenSuccessfullyCreated()
$this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Brand has been successfully created.', NotificationType::success());
* @Then the brand :brand should appear in the registry
public function theBrandShouldAppearInTheRegistry(string $brand)
Assert::true($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['name' => $brand]));
Feature: Managing brands
In order to configure my store
As a store owner
I want to be able to manage brands
Given the store is available in "English (United States)"
And I am logged in as an administrator
Scenario: Adding a new brand
When I want to create a new brand
And I specify its name as "Nike"
And I add it
Then I should be notified that it has been successfully created
And the brand "nike" should appear in the registry
namespace App\Behat\Page\Admin\Brand;
use Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\CreatePage as BaseCreatePage;
final class CreatePage extends BaseCreatePage
public function nameIt(string $name): void
$this->getDocument()->fillField('app_brand_name', $name);
public function add()
namespace App\Behat\Page\Admin\Brand;
use Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\IndexPage as BaseIndexPage;
class IndexPage extends BaseIndexPage {}
public: false
- "app_admin_brand.brand_create" # This is the route of the page
public: false
- "app_admin_brand.brand_index"
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