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Created February 11, 2021 08:59
Node.js code for inserting & retrieving a date with oracledb
// ------------------------------- NODE MODULES -------------------------------
import { BIND_OUT } from "oracledb";
// ------------------------------ CUSTOM MODULES ------------------------------
import oracledb, { Connection } from "oracledb";
// -------------------------------- VARIABLES ---------------------------------
const ora_sdtz = "Europe/London";
// const ora_sdtz = "UTC";
// ----------------------------- FILE DEFINITION ------------------------------
interface MyDateOut {
DATE_ID: number;
MY_DATE: Date;
const main = async (): Promise<void> => {
try {
await oracledb.createPool({
connectionString: "",
password: "orabup0",
user: "ORABUP0",
poolAlias: "ORADB-TEST",
poolIncrement: 1,
queueTimeout: 60000,
stmtCacheSize: 0,
_enableStats: true,
const connection = (await oracledb.getConnection(
)) as Connection;
await connection.execute(`alter session set time_zone='${ora_sdtz}'`);
await insertDateProcedure(connection);
await connection.close();
} catch (err) {
const insertDateProcedure = async (connection: Connection) => {
const myDateIn = new Date("2021-07-10T12:00:00.000Z");
console.log(`MyDateIn Javascript Object: ${myDateIn.toISOString()}`);
const sql = `BEGIN
pr_date_test(p_in_date => :myDateIn, p_out_date => :myDateOut);
const bindParams = {
myDateOut: { dir: BIND_OUT, type: "O_DATE_TEST" },
interface OutBinds {
myDateOut: MyDateOut;
const outBinds = (await connection.execute<OutBinds>(sql, bindParams))
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