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Created November 6, 2015 19:36
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  • Save JordanDelcros/30b4421e47b1eb18ad13 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JordanDelcros/30b4421e47b1eb18ad13 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Parse HTML file and highlight it
var parser = function( html ){
html = html
.replace(/&(lt|nbsp|amp)/gim, "&$1")
.replace(/•/gi, "·")
.replace(/#/gi, "&#35")
.replace(/</gim, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/gim, "&gt;")
.replace(/(&lt;(?!\!)\/?(?:\w+)((?:\s*?[\w-]+(?:\s*=\s*)?(?:\"[^\"]*(?:\")?|\'[^\']*(?:\')?)?)*)?(?:\s*\/?\s*&gt;|[\s\S]*$)?)/gi, function( matchTag ){
var tag = matchTag.replace(/(?:&lt;\/?\w+)?(\s*[\w-]+(?:=?\"[^\"]*(?:\")?|=\'[^\']*(?:\')?)?)?(?:\/?&gt;|&lt;)?/gi, function( global, matchAttribute ){
var returned = global;
if( matchAttribute ){
if( /^\s*[\w-]+\s*$/.test(matchAttribute) ){
returned = global.replace(matchAttribute, "##/attribute/####/name/##" + matchAttribute + "##\\name\\####\\attribute\\##");
else if( /^\s*[\w-]+=/.test(matchAttribute) ){
var attribute = matchAttribute.split(/(=)([\s\S]*)/);
attribute[0] = "##/name/##" + attribute[0] + "##\\name\\##";
attribute[2] = "##/value/##" + attribute[2] + "##\\value\\##";
returned = global.replace(matchAttribute, "##/attribute/##" + attribute.join("") + "##\\attribute\\##");
else if( /^\s*[\w-]+[\"\']/.test(matchAttribute) ){
var attribute = matchAttribute.split(/([\"\'][\s\S]+)/);
attribute[0] = "##/name/##" + attribute[0] + "##\\name\\##";
attribute[1] = "##/value/##" + (attribute[1] || "") + "##\\value\\##";
returned = global.replace(matchAttribute, "##/attribute/##" + attribute.join("") + "##\\attribute\\##");
return returned;
return '##/tag/##' + tag.replace(/(^&lt;\/?|\/?&gt;$)/gi, '##/bracket/##$1##\\bracket\\##') + '##\\tag\\##';
.replace(/(&lt;\s|&lt;$)/g, '##/error/##$1##\\error\\##')
.replace(/(&lt;)(?=[\s\n]+)/g, '##/error/##$1##\\error\\##')
.replace(/(&lt;\!--[\s\S]*?(?:--&gt;|$))/gi, function( global ){
return global.replace(/(&lt;\!--)/g, "##/comment/##$1");
.replace(/(&lt;\!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?(?:\]\]&gt;|$))/gi, function( global ){
return "##/cdata/##" + global.replace(/##(\/|\\)\w+\1##/g, "") + "##\\cdata\\##";
.replace(/(##\/comment\/##[\s\S]*?(?:--&gt;|$))/g, function( global ){
return "##/comment/##" + global.replace(/##(\/|\\)\w+\1##/g, "") + "##\\comment\\##";
.replace(/(##\/value\/##[\s\S]*?(?:##\\value\\##|$))/gi, function( global ){
return "##/value/##" + global.replace(/##(\/|\\)\w+\1##/g, "") + "##\\value\\##";
.replace(/(\t)/gim, '##/tabulation/##$1##\\tabulation\\##')
var unopened;
var unclosed;
for( var line = 0; line < html.length; line++ ){
var opened = (html[line].match(/##\/\w+\/##/g) || []);
var closed = (html[line].match(/##\\\w+\\##/g) || []);
if( unclosed && unclosed.length > 0 ){
var tempUnclosed = unclosed.slice(0);
for( var toOpened = 0; toOpened < tempUnclosed.length; toOpened++ ){
var inverted = tempUnclosed[toOpened].replace(/\\/g, "/");
html[line] = inverted + html[line];
if( new RegExp(tempUnclosed[toOpened].replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")).test(html[line]) /*&& open.length === close.length*/ ){
else {
html[line] += tempUnclosed[toOpened];
var openedBuffer = opened.slice(0);
var closedBuffer = closed.slice(0);
for( var type = 0; type < opened.length; type++ ){
var inverted = opened[type].replace(/\//g, "\\");
var index = closedBuffer.indexOf(inverted);
if( index === -1 ){
else {
closedBuffer.splice(index, 1);
else {
unopened = new Array();
unclosed = new Array();
var openedBuffer = opened.slice(0);
var closedBuffer = closed.slice(0);
if( opened.length > closed.length ){
for( var type = 0; type < opened.length; type++ ){
var inverted = opened[type].replace(/\//g, "\\");
var index = closedBuffer.indexOf(inverted);
if( index === -1 ){
else {
closedBuffer.splice(index, 1);
else if( closed.length > opened.length ){
for( var type = 0; type < closed.length; type++ ){
var inverted = closed[type].replace(/\\/g, "/");
var index = openedBuffer.indexOf(inverted);
if( index === -1 ){
else {
openedBuffer.splice(index, 1);
html[line] = unopened.join("") + html[line] + unclosed.reverse().join("");
html[line] = "<pre>" + html[line] + "</pre>";
return html
.replace(/##\/(\w+)\/##/g, '<span class="$1">')
.replace(/##\\\w+\\##/g, '</span>')
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