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Last active July 12, 2020 00:41
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HookRouter - Prevent Navigating Away from Component
/// Bindings for hookrouter.js
module HookRouter
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type InterceptedPath = string option
type ConfirmNavigation = unit -> unit
type ResetPath = unit -> unit
type StopInterception = unit -> unit
type PreviousPath = string
type NextPath = string
type InterceptorPath = string
type InterceptorFn = PreviousPath -> NextPath -> InterceptorPath
let inline A (props: IHTMLProp list) (elems: ReactElement seq) : ReactElement =
ofImport "A" "hookrouter" (keyValueList CaseRules.LowerFirst props) elems
let AType: ReactElementType = import "A" "hookrouter"
let setLinkProps: props: obj -> obj = import "setLinkProps" "hookrouter"
let confirmNavigation: unit -> unit = import "confirmNavigation" "hookrouter"
let resetPath: unit -> unit = import "resetPath" "hookrouter"
let stopInterception: unit -> unit = import "stopInterception" "hookrouter"
let useControlledInterceptor: unit -> InterceptedPath * ConfirmNavigation * ResetPath * StopInterception = import "useControlledInterceptor" "hookrouter"
let useInterceptor: InterceptorFn -> unit = import "useInterceptor" "hookrouter"
let interceptRoute: previousRoute: string * nextRoute: string -> ResizeArray<string> = import "interceptRoute" "hookrouter"
let get: componentId: float -> obj option = import "get" "hookrouter"
let remove: componentId: float -> unit = import "remove" "hookrouter"
let setobj: inObj: obj * ?replace: bool -> unit = import "setobj" "hookrouter"
let getobj: unit -> obj = import "getobj" "hookrouter"
let queryStringToObject: inStr: string -> obj = import "queryStringToObject" "hookrouter"
let objectToQueryString: inObj: obj -> string = import "objectToQueryString" "hookrouter"
let useobj: unit -> obj * obj = import "useobj" "hookrouter"
let useRedirect (fromURL: string) (toURL: string) (queryParams: obj option) (replace: bool option) : unit = import "useRedirect" "hookrouter"
let setBasepath: inBasepath: string -> unit = import "setBasepath" "hookrouter"
let getBasepath: unit -> string = import "getBasepath" "hookrouter"
let resolvePath: inPath: string -> string = import "resolvePath" "hookrouter"
let prepareRoute: inRoute: string -> Regex * ResizeArray<string> = import "prepareRoute" "hookrouter"
let navigate: url: string -> unit = import "navigate" "hookrouter"
let setPath: inPath: string -> unit = import "setPath" "hookrouter"
let getPath: unit -> string = import "getPath" "hookrouter"
let usePath: unit -> string = import "usePath" "hookrouter"
let updatePathHooks: unit -> unit = import "updatePathHooks" "hookrouter"
let getWorkingPath: parentRouterId: string -> string = import "getWorkingPath" "hookrouter"
let useRoutes: routeObj: obj -> ReactElement option = import "useRoutes" "hookrouter"
let useTitle: inString: string -> unit = import "useTitle" "hookrouter"
let getTitle: unit -> string = import "getTitle" "hookrouter"
let page = React.functionComponent(fun props ->
let isChanged, setIsChanged = React.useState(false)
// Notify of unsaved changes when navigating to other page
HookRouter.useInterceptor(fun previousPath nextPath ->
let unsavedChangesDetectedMsg = Browser.Dom.window.document.querySelector("#UnsavedChanges")
if unsavedChangesDetectedMsg <> null && not (Browser.Dom.window.confirm("Leave Page? Changes you made may not be saved."))
then null // Do not leave page
else nextPath
h1 [] [str "Test Page"]
if isChanged then
div [Id "UnsavedChanges"] [str "Changes detected!"]
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