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Forked from ocharles/Modern FP with mtl.hs
Last active March 19, 2021 06:55
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Purescript port of the original Haskell "Modern FP with MTL"
module Modern_FP_With_MTL where
import Effect.Console as Console
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (class MonadTrans, lift)
import Prelude
Since Purescript does not have Haskell's "GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving" language
extension, we have to write a lot of boilerplate to show that
the `NewtypeForCapabilityT` newtype is at least a Monad plus other capabilities.
Thus, the boilerplate type class instances for Monad are at bottom of file
as well as their `runCapabilityT` functions
Also, `Array Path` was used instead of Haskell's `List Path`/`[Path]`
to reduce the number of required imports
type Path = String
type Bytes = String
-- The API for cloud files.
class Monad m <= MonadCloud m where
saveFile :: Path -> Bytes -> m Unit
listFiles :: Path -> m (Array Path)
-- The API for logging.
class Monad m <= MonadLog m where
log :: Level -> String -> m Unit
data Level
= Debug
| Info
-- The API for REST clients.
class Monad m <= MonadRest m where
get :: Path -> m Bytes
put :: Path -> Bytes -> m Bytes
-- An instrumenting implementation that adds logging to every call.
newtype CloudFilesLogT m a = CloudFilesLogT (m a)
derive newtype instance cfl6 :: (MonadLog m) => MonadLog (CloudFilesLogT m)
instance cfl7 :: (MonadLog m,MonadCloud m) => MonadCloud (CloudFilesLogT m) where
saveFile p bytes = do
log Debug ("Saving file: " <> p)
lift (saveFile p bytes)
listFiles path = do
log Debug ("Listing " <> path)
lift (listFiles path)
instance cfl8 :: MonadTrans CloudFilesLogT where
lift = CloudFilesLogT
-- An implementation of logging to standard out.
newtype StdoutLoggingT m a = StdoutLoggingT (m a)
derive newtype instance slt6 :: (MonadEffect m) => MonadEffect (StdoutLoggingT m)
instance slt7 :: MonadEffect m => MonadLog (StdoutLoggingT m) where
log Info msg = liftEffect (Console.log ("[Info] " <> msg))
log Debug msg = liftEffect (Console.log ("[Debug] " <> msg))
-- An implementation of MonadCloud that uses a REST client.
newtype CloudFilesRestT m a = CloudFilesRestT (m a)
derive newtype instance cfrt6 :: (MonadRest m) => MonadRest (CloudFilesRestT m)
derive newtype instance cfrt7 :: (MonadLog m) => MonadLog (CloudFilesRestT m)
instance cfrt8 :: MonadRest m => MonadCloud (CloudFilesRestT m) where
saveFile path bytes = do
void $ put ("/file/" <> path) bytes
pure unit
listFiles path = do
void $ get ("/files/" <> path)
pure ["MockFile"]
-- A (non-functional) REST client.
newtype RestClientT m a = RestClientT (m a)
derive newtype instance rct6 :: (MonadEffect m) => MonadEffect (RestClientT m)
derive newtype instance rct7 :: (MonadLog m) => MonadLog (RestClientT m)
instance rct8 :: MonadEffect m => MonadRest (RestClientT m) where
get path = do
liftEffect (Console.log $ "I should GET " <> path)
pure ""
put path bytes = do
liftEffect (Console.log $ "I should PUT " <> path <> " " <> bytes)
pure ""
-- Our application only talks about MonadCloud and MonadLog.
app :: forall m. MonadCloud m => MonadLog m => m Unit
app = do
fileArray <- listFiles "/home/ollie"
case fileArray of
[f] -> do
log Info ("Found " <> f)
saveFile f "Ollie"
_ -> pure unit
pure unit
-- Running the application chooses to instrument with extra logging, use the
-- REST client and to send all logs to stdout.
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
Console.log "\nDo the same thing as the original example\n"
runStdoutLoggingT (runRestClient (runCloudFilesRestT (runCloudFilesLogging app)))
Console.log "\nDo the same thing but remove the intermediate logging\n"
runStdoutLoggingT (runRestClient (runCloudFilesRestT app))
-- Boilerplate run computation by unwrapping its newtype wrapper
runCloudFilesLogging :: forall m a. CloudFilesLogT m a -> m a
runCloudFilesLogging (CloudFilesLogT comp) = comp
runCloudFilesRestT :: forall m a. CloudFilesRestT m a -> m a
runCloudFilesRestT (CloudFilesRestT comp) = comp
runRestClient :: forall m a. RestClientT m a -> m a
runRestClient (RestClientT comp) = comp
runStdoutLoggingT :: forall m a. StdoutLoggingT m a -> m a
runStdoutLoggingT (StdoutLoggingT comp) = comp
-- Boilerplate type class derivations:
derive newtype instance cfl1 :: (Functor m) => Functor (CloudFilesLogT m)
derive newtype instance cfl2 :: (Applicative m) => Applicative (CloudFilesLogT m)
derive newtype instance cfl3 :: (Apply m) => Apply (CloudFilesLogT m)
derive newtype instance cfl4 :: (Bind m) => Bind (CloudFilesLogT m)
derive newtype instance cfl5 :: (Monad m) => Monad (CloudFilesLogT m)
derive newtype instance slt1 :: (Functor m) => Functor (StdoutLoggingT m)
derive newtype instance slt2 :: (Applicative m) => Applicative (StdoutLoggingT m)
derive newtype instance slt3 :: (Apply m) => Apply (StdoutLoggingT m)
derive newtype instance slt4 :: (Bind m) => Bind (StdoutLoggingT m)
derive newtype instance slt5 :: (Monad m) => Monad (StdoutLoggingT m)
derive newtype instance cfrt1 :: (Functor m) => Functor (CloudFilesRestT m)
derive newtype instance cfrt2 :: (Applicative m) => Applicative (CloudFilesRestT m)
derive newtype instance cfrt3 :: (Apply m) => Apply (CloudFilesRestT m)
derive newtype instance cfrt4 :: (Bind m) => Bind (CloudFilesRestT m)
derive newtype instance cfrt5 :: (Monad m) => Monad (CloudFilesRestT m)
derive newtype instance rct1 :: (Functor m) => Functor (RestClientT m)
derive newtype instance rct2 :: (Applicative m) => Applicative (RestClientT m)
derive newtype instance rct3 :: (Apply m) => Apply (RestClientT m)
derive newtype instance rct4 :: (Bind m) => Bind (RestClientT m)
derive newtype instance rct5 :: (Monad m) => Monad (RestClientT m)
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