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Created June 4, 2021 20:16
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Building multiple record codecs with common fields among them
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Argonaut as Argonaut
import Data.Codec.Argonaut as CA
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import TryPureScript (render, withConsole)
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
type C = { c :: Boolean } -- suppose it may contain many props
type A = { a :: Int, c :: Boolean } -- contains all props from C and some additional
type B = { b :: Number, c :: Boolean } -- contains all props from C and some additional
-- specifies a single field
mkCodecC :: forall rest
. CA.JPropCodec (Record rest)
-> CA.JPropCodec (Record (c :: Boolean | rest))
mkCodecC nextCodec =
CA.recordProp (SProxy :: SProxy "c") CA.boolean nextCodec
-- take a common field and define a final codec
codecA :: CA.JsonCodec A
codecA = CA.object "A" $ CA.record
# mkCodecC
# {- field a -} CA.recordProp (Proxy :: Proxy "a")
The above code is the same as writing
CA.recordProp (Proxy :: Proxy "a")
$ mkCodecC
$ CA.record
-- specifies multiple fields at once
mkCodecA :: forall rest
. CA.JPropCodec (Record rest)
-> CA.JPropCodec (Record (c :: Boolean, a :: Int | rest))
mkCodecA =
CA.recordProp (SProxy :: SProxy "c") CA.boolean
<<< CA.recordProp (SProxy :: SProxy "a")
codecA2 :: CA.JsonCodec A
codecA2 = CA.object "A" $ mkCodecA CA.record
main :: Effect Unit
main =
render =<< withConsole do
log $ Argonaut.stringify $ CA.encode codecA {a: 4, c: true }
log ""
log "Uh oh... looks like the order matters!"
log $ Argonaut.stringify $ CA.encode codecA2 {a: 4, c: true }
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